Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 186: Life hanging by a thread

Qi Anran hid in the closet and quickly sent a text message to Huo Yizhen, telling him that someone wanted to break into her room in the middle of the night, and asked him to find someone to rescue someone as soon as possible. He might not see her when it was too late.

As soon as the message was sent, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Qi Anran pricked up his ears and listened to the movement outside with bated breath. He was roughly certain that there were three people who had entered the room. As for whether there were anyone outside, I didn't know.

After the three people entered the room, they walked towards her step by step, the sound of footsteps getting closer and Qi Anran also getting more and more nervous.

The closet she was hiding now was facing the bed in the room. Just in the gap of the closet, Qi Anran could see a figure walking to the side of the bed with his back facing her. He stretched out his hand and suddenly opened the bed sheet.

It's now! Qi Anran's eyes lit up, and he pressed down on a small remote control.

With a hum, the metal button-like thing Qi Anran had thrown on the bed before suddenly decomposed into eight thin steel feet and spun quickly.

After that, the black shadow who lifted the quilt was stunned and bounced up, and it slammed into his face with precision.

"Ah..." A scream followed, and the eight steel feet on the metal buttons were clamped on the man's face like eight claws.

The edges of the steel feet were as sharp as the blades, and the man's face was quickly scratched and screamed again and again.

The other two saw an accident with their companions, and when they saw that there was no one on the bed, their first reaction was: No, there is an ambush!

The man next to the bed did not pull any gadgets off his face for a long time, and he almost wanted to roll around in pain.

His two partners saw the blood on his face in the moonlight, and felt their hair horrified, and immediately gave birth to a retreat.

As a result, they had just stepped back two steps before stepping on the other two gadgets that Qi Anran had left behind.

If Qi Anran felt it, he pressed the button again and manipulated the two gadgets to stick to the legs of the two.

"What? Hiss~~~ It hurts! There is an ambush, fast retreat, fast retreat!" The sharp steel feet are like the spiders that hit their prey, and they are firmly clamped on their thighs, cutting them bloody. .

Qi Anran heard the voices of the few people shouting to retreat, and her tense nerves didn't relax at all. She wasn't sure if this was a trap that they wanted to lead out.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and Qi Anran was shocked along with the few people inside the room who had not had time to evacuate.

The originally gloomy bedroom suddenly became open and bright, reflecting the people at the door of the bedroom and the strange men in tights in the house.

Huo Yizhen's kick scared a few people, and the snow group in the closet gave a startled cry.

The sudden meow quickly attracted the attention of the man in black standing by the bed.

The man's eyes flickered, as if he had understood something, regardless of the fact that the matter had been exposed, or the octopus weapon on his face, he turned around and quickly opened the door to take Qi Anran as a hostage.

Huo Yizhen saw through his purpose at a glance, his face changed slightly, and he rushed toward the two of them quickly.

However, he was too far away, and the two men with hidden weapons on their legs had already reacted and stepped forward to stop him.

Su Haochen's face became dark when he saw it, and he hurriedly shot each of the two.

Although they could not be avoided, Huo Yizhen also got the time, avoiding the two and rushing behind the man.

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