Everything happened for a moment. Just when Huo Yizhen got rid of the entanglement between the two, another man in black had successfully opened the closet door and reached out to Qi Anran.

Qi Anran was also decisive enough when he saw this, and twisted the psp remote control in his hand, causing the King Kong Octopus on the man's face to tighten the eight feet quickly.

The blade penetrated deeper into the skin and flesh, and the person shivered with pain, but still persisted in reaching out his hand towards Qi Anran.

Qi Anran looked at the hand that was getting closer, her eyes drenched slightly, and he was about to adjust the button on the remote control to the maximum, the snow ball in her arms suddenly struggled.

I saw it kicked **** its hind legs, stepped on Qi Anran's arm, and rushed toward the hand that the man had reached.

"Xue Tuan!" Qi Anran's face changed slightly, and a heart almost didn't jump out of his throat.

Fortunately, the person was already in a cold sweat from the pain on his face, and his hands were already weakened, and he couldn't grasp the fast-moving snowball at all.

Xue Tuan waved his claws forcefully at the back of his hand, and successfully dropped a few scratches on it. The small body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and lightly landed on the floor outside the closet.

The man's attention was successfully attracted by the snow group, his complexion was distorted for a moment, he was actually planning to kick the kitten to death as soon as he lifted his foot!

"Xue Tuan!" When Qi Anran saw the person raising his foot, his eyes tightened suddenly, and there was a momentary blank in his mind.

Before he had time to think about it, the person had already jumped over, and put the snow group in his arms.

The expected pain did not strike, Qi Anran turned his head in a dazed look, seeing that Huo Yizhen had rushed over at some point, and a sharp shoulder fell smashed the man to the ground.

After smashing the man so hard he could not move, he seemed to feel uncomfortable, and he stomped on two feet fiercely according to his limbs.

Because he was so close, Qi Anran clearly heard a burst of bone protests, and couldn't help hissing, making him feel pain.

But after another thought, if it hadn't been for Huo Yizhen in time, I'm afraid that the kick had hit his back just now, and the person who would roll on the ground in pain would have become her.

Qi Anran decisively put away the uncomfortable sympathy, picked up the able little guy, and patted his **** punitively, causing the little guy to scream aggrievedly.

Huo Yizhen rushed back to Qi Anran as soon as he turned the person upside down, looked at her up and down, and still worried: "Are you all right. Are you injured?"

"It's okay, you came fast, they haven't had time to do anything yet." Qi Anran said, looking at Huo Yizhen with some doubts, "Why are you back so soon?"

Huo Yizhen said with a cold face: "When you texted me, I was already at the door of my house."

It was late at night after Huo Yizhen had processed the backlog of documents from the military department. At this time, he would simply stay at the military department overnight instead of going home.

But this time, he suddenly had an urge to go home and take a look at Qi Anran, even if he just looked at her and went back.

In fact, he was quite fortunate that he had complied with this impulse. God knows how nervous he was when he received Qi Anran's text message.

He was as scared as Qi Anran said, once he came back late for even a second, he would never see this person again.

At that moment, Huo Yizhen fully realized that whether Qi Anran fell in love with him or not, it was impossible to fall in love with him, and when he could fall in love with him, he could no longer afford the possibility of losing her.

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