Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 189: Good opportunity to share a room

Every time Qi Anran said something, Su Haochen's eyes brightened, and he finally started to want to hold that thing and run away.

"Hehehe..." Su Haochen's face was a smile that couldn't be flattering, and she leaned in front of Qi Anran and pleaded, "Sister-in-law, can this thing lend me to play for a few days? A few days later, I promise to return to Zhao, the boss. I testify."

Qi Anran glanced at him, did not refuse, and simply threw the remote control into his hand: "Remember to wash it and return it to me."

The sharp knives of those mechanical spiders are full of flesh and blood. Even if Qi Anran's cleanliness is not particularly serious, he still feels nauseous when he sees such **** eyes.

Throwing it to Su Haochen can also save some trouble. These mechanical spiders around are not too special. Even if Su Haochen takes it out, it shouldn't cause any trouble.

Su Haochen was ecstatic when he took the remote control, and couldn't wait to manipulate the mechanical spiders around him several times.

It took a long time to think of business, and pointed to the three people on the ground and asked: "Boss, what do these people do?"

"Knock the halo, take it back to the military department and close it first. Also, don't take out the few things in your hand to show it off, be careful of getting into trouble."

Huo Yizhen would not admit that he was actually very interested in the gadgets in Su Haochen's hand, but he had a good face, and I was embarrassed to open a mouth with Qi Anran, but let Su Haochen let Su Haochen get on the ground first.

But that’s okay. When he arrives at the military headquarters tomorrow, he thinks about bringing things over to study and research, and it’s the same.

Su Haochen didn’t know the sinister thoughts of his boss. He only thought that his boss was worried that his plaything was going wrong. He nodded hurriedly and said, “I know. Then I’ll let someone take them away first. The security device outside this house seems to have been damaged. Now, boss, look..."

"Let Sheng Nan mobilize a team to protect the house, and the others will wait until tomorrow."

Su Haochen was stunned, glanced at the sky outside, and patted his forehead: "Okay, okay, I will contact him immediately and ask him to send someone over."

Su Haochen quickly retreated with the uninvited guests, and suddenly there were only two cats left in the house.

Huo Yizhen glanced at the mess everywhere in the house, his eyes flickered, and he said solemnly: "This room is too messy to sleep. You can go to the next room to sleep for one night. Tomorrow, let Uncle Li and the others clean up and move back."

Qi Anran was stunned for a moment, looked at what was missing, and then at the time on the clock. It was more than two o'clock in the middle of the night, I'm afraid it was dawn.

He nodded, accepted Huo Yizhen's proposal, and went to the next room with his cat.

Compared to my own pink room full of girlish hearts, the layout of the next room is much more normal.

The interior design with black and white background colors is solemn and atmospheric, but also a bit too cold and penetrating.

Qi Anran glanced briefly at the room and heard the clicking sound of the door being closed behind him.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Huo Yizhen standing behind her, looking at herself inexplicably.

Qi Anran's heart jumped, holding the Xue Tuan back and moving away from Huo Yizhen: "Why did you follow up?"

Huo Yizhen looked at the obvious defense in her eyes, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and said lightly: "This is my room, where can I go if it's not here?"

Qi Anran: "..." Why do you suddenly feel like being pitted?

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