Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 190: I care about you more than I thought

Qi Anran tightened the little Xue Tuan in his arms and looked at Huo Yizhen more defensively. It took a long time before he said: "If such a big thing has happened, won't you go back with them?"

How could Huo Yizhen fail to hear that she was giving a eviction order, sighed and said truthfully: "I don't worry about you."

Qi Anran's heart trembled, but she was a little afraid to meet Huo Yizhen's eyes directly: "Did you let Hao Chen transfer someone over? I'm fine, you..."

Before Qi Anran finished speaking, Huo Yizhen had already stepped forward and took her into his arms.

"You..." Qi Anran's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the person in front of him in astonishment. For a while, he didn't know how to react.

"Don't move, let me hold it for a while." Huo Yizhen lowered his head and smelled the fragrance of the shower gel that had not disappeared from the person in his arms, and his heart beating violently after receiving the text message finally calmed down.

"When I received your text message, I was about to get out of the car, and when I saw your text message, I suddenly had a hint of impulse."

"What impulse?"

"Tether you by my side, so that you will always be in my line of sight and can't go anywhere."

"You!" Qi Anran wanted to break free from Huo Yizhen's arms when he heard the words, but gave up the struggle when he heard his next sentence.

"Qi Anran, I might... care about you more than I thought."

Qi Anran was shocked. Thinking of the content of the text message she had sent him, she told him to get someone to rescue herself, otherwise she might never see herself again when it was too late.

So, he was afraid that he would never see himself again? This... is it a confession to her?

Before and after, Miss Qi, who hadn't been in a relationship for two lifetimes, blushed inevitably, and her heart beat violently because of Huo Yizhen's words.

This is the first time someone has told her that he cares about her and wants to tie her to his side. He can see it all the time, preventing her from having any chance to escape.

He... was afraid of losing her!

"I..." It is undeniable that Qi Anran's heart was shaken as never before by Huo Yizhen's words.

Huo Yizhen also noticed this, his eyes lightened slightly, and he lowered his head to look at her intently, his eyebrows full of expectation.

Qi Anran met Huo Yizhen's gaze, and almost blurted out what he said.

A meow of protest successfully interrupted the two people's stare at each other. It turned out that Huo Yizhen was too nervous, and the hand that was holding Qi Anran tightened subconsciously, and one of them accidentally crushed the snow group in Qi Anran's arms.

Huo Yizhen: "..."

Qi Anran: "..." Ah, ah, forgot that her son is still there! He obviously didn't do anything, but what is the shame of parents doing bad things and being caught by children? What a shame!

Obviously, he was only a little short of being able to force this person to think about him, but he was interrupted by such a kitty!

Huo Yizhen's eyes darkened slightly, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to pick up the nape of Xue Tuan, carried the little guy and walked out.

Qi Anran was still immersed in the awkwardness of the talent. One didn't pay attention. The little guy had been taken away by Huo Yizhen, so he still carried it away in such a rough way!

Qi Anran's face suddenly darkened, and he raised his hand to grab the cat, but Huo Yizhen was a head taller than her, and his physical fitness was hundreds of times stronger than her. She couldn't reach her as long as she moved the snow ball up.

"Give it to me, give it to me!" Qi Anran almost couldn't help but want to hit someone in a hurry.

At this moment, Su Haochen's shout suddenly came from outside the door: "Boss, Sheng Nan said that he will bring..."

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