Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 212: Will your conscience hurt?

Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard this sound, and turned their heads, as expected, they saw Xi Jinheng standing at the gate looking at them with a smile.

Su Haochen showed embarrassment: "Jinheng, didn't you go to the old man Shengnan to repair the power grid?"

This feeling of talking ill of someone behind their backs but being pierced in person is really...too embarrassing!

"How long does it take to repair just such a small power grid?" Xi Jinheng let the road open and let Ji Shengnan enter the door, and then closed the door again. "I knew it was so simple, I won't go there."

Su Haochen couldn't help but whispered when he heard the words: "Then you also took the initiative to invite you before, rushing to go there?"

"I didn't want to go over and see Miss Qi. Who knew she was not at home at all, so she ran for nothing."

When Su Haochen heard Xi Jinheng’s words, the dull hair on her head stood up and asked sharply, "Jinheng, what are you doing with your sister-in-law? I don’t know whether men and women are allowed to be married or not? Friends and wives should not be deceived. If you are the boss like this I know, he will definitely break your third leg!"

"Fuck your sister's third leg!" Xi Jinheng is usually gentle and calm to people, but every time he encounters Su Haochen, the second person, he blows up just like a firecracker.

"I have a few technical issues that I don't really understand. I just want to ask Miss Qi. Where do you want to go? Do you think everyone is as unreliable as you?"

Su Haochen was scolded by Xi Jinheng with a guilty conscience and aggrieved: "Aren't I kidding me?"

"Can this kind of thing be casually used as a joke? You are not afraid of the general interrupting your third leg?"

Su Haochen: "..."

"Okay, what were you talking about? So many people gathered together to discuss what?" Ji Shengnan saw that the two people had almost quarreled, coughed lightly, and changed the subject as a peacemaker.

"We are discussing with Hao Chen about the gadgets he brought back."

"Yes, yes, I heard it was brought back from the general's fiancee."

"Brought it back from Miss Qi?" Xi Jinheng immediately became interested when he heard this, and then leaned forward to watch the excitement, but was surprised when he saw the mechanical spider, "This is..."

"Oh, this, my sister-in-law said this is called a mechanical spider, which is used to detect terrain and collect data. But she made a little modification to make it aggressive." Su Haochen said eagerly, "Look. I will show you something."

As soon as the voice fell, he manipulated the mechanical spider to carry an apple over, and then a few pointed knives swept across the apple.

In just a few moments, a whole big red apple becomes a pile of neat apple pieces.

Surrounding audience: "..."

The corners of Xi Jinheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he almost lost his breath: "Su Haochen, using such a high-tech thing to peel an apple, wouldn't your conscience hurt?"

Su Haochen took a bite of a good slice of apple and said confidently: "No, my sister-in-law said that I can lend me to play for a few days. I just use it to peel apples, and I don’t use it to do anything bad. I have a conscience. What hurts?"

After that, he handed a piece to Ji Shengnan: "Can you eat it?"

Ji Shengnan hurriedly shook his head: "No, you can eat it yourself." Those knives were still stained with the flesh and blood of those people last night, and they were brought in apples today.

Even if he knew that Su Haochen had washed them very cleanly, Ji Shengnan thought he would still be unable to pass this hurdle.

From this point of view, his brother is quite serious!

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