Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 213: Got into trouble

Seeing Ji Shengnan not eating apples, Su Haochen glanced at him regretfully: "If you have something to eat, you still have to pick and choose. This apple is sweet. Jinheng, can't you eat it?"

Xi Jinheng didn't answer, only glared at him with a pair of eyes, apparently still resenting him for peeling apples with that little thing.

Su Haochen was stared with guilty conscience by him, and silently retracted the outstretched hand, while stuffing the apple into his mouth, he muttered in a low voice: "If you don't eat it, don't you eat it. What do you stare at me for? You people just don't know how to enjoy it. All of them were broken by the boss."

Xi Jinheng's eyes raised slightly: "Huh?"

Su Haochen trembled with fright, and swallowed the apple without chewing twice, and said solemnly: "Ah, don't peel the apple, I'll show you something awesome. Don't look at this little thing and look at the little one. , The strength is so great, I let the two over there bring something, just... the pot of cactus by the window."

As Su Haochen spoke, he twisted the remote control in his hand and summoned the other two mechanical spiders to move the pot of cactus on the windowsill.

The cactus was packed in a plastic basin. Two small spiders crawled over and were not a quarter high of the basin. One raised the basin first, and the other lifted the whole basin together.

After that, the one with the pot in front ran to the other side and carried the pot as carefully as the other one.

This difficult scene successfully attracted the attention of everyone present. Seeing that another little spider was about to lift the pot of cactus, everyone's hearts were also lifted.

At this moment, I don't know if the load-bearing capacity of the two little things is not enough, or the remote control on Su Haochen's side is not in place.

After successfully lifting the cactus pot, the two small things began to sway, dangling on the edge of the window sill, making everyone's heart touch their throats.

Finally, two small things swayed together with the cactus pot for a long time, one tilted, and fell downstairs.

"Ah..." everyone in the room couldn't help but exclaimed.

Su Haochen and the others were even more shocked. They were about to rush to take a look at where the two little things had fallen, and heard a scream from below: "Oh, what wicked ghost throws something from upstairs? Smashed people to death!"

It's over, there are people downstairs, maybe the pot of cactus just hit someone!

Su Haochen glanced at each other and said in unison: "Go, go down and take a look."

A group of people rushed down in a hurry, but within a moment, they rushed downstairs.

Facing the place where their room was down, an old man with half-white hair clutched his head and screamed.

Just as soon as Su Haochen saw the person's appearance, they were stunned, and hurriedly ran over to help him up: "Old Sang, why are you here? What's wrong with this? It's all bleeding!"

Su Haochen looked at the red blood stains on the old man's head, and his face was pale.

Wasn't the cactus in a plastic pot just now? How could it hurt people and leave so much blood!

If this is known by their boss, they must have a layer of skin!

In the end, Ji Shengnan reacted first and greeted the others to rush the elderly to first aid: "What are you guys stupidly doing? Don't you hurry to send Elder Sang to the medical room!"

The others just woke up like a dream, and rushed forward one by one, carrying the old Sang who was still screaming and rushing to the medical room.

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