Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 214: Love rivals on a narrow road

When Qi Anran followed Huo Yizhen to the military headquarters, Su Haochen and others were busy sending the seniors to the medical room for first aid, naturally no one came out to greet them.

Qi Anran got out of the car and looked at the empty gate. For some reason, it suddenly appeared in his mind that when he went to the military base in S City for the first time, the two rows of soldiers who ran in front of him and called his sister-in-law couldn’t help laughing. Voice.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yizhen heard her laughter and turned to look at her.

"Nothing." Qi Anran walked to Huo Yizhen's side and jokingly said, "Why didn't you see your soldiers coming out this time? Could it be that they were just a little bit curious about my sister-in-law, and didn't want to look at it again after one glance. NS?"

Huo Yizhen opened a smile in his eyes, and suddenly approached Qi Anran's ear with a low smile and said, "If you want to see them, I will let Hao Chen bring them over now and recognize you as your future sister-in-law."

Qi Anran trembled all over, not knowing whether he was teased by Huo Yizhen or frightened by Huo Yizhen's words. He smiled and took two steps back and waved his hand: "No, I don't want to be seen as a monkey."

Huo Yizhen squinted his eyes, and before he had time to say more, he saw a soldier hurriedly running from a distance.

Huo Yizhen saw his face sober and coldly shouted: "Which team you are, your clothes on duty are messy and you are in a hurry. What do you want to do?"

The soldier was startled, and then noticed the two people standing next to the pillar. They hurriedly saluted Huo Yizhen and said loudly: "Report to the general. I was just in a hurry to find a doctor and accidentally fell down. Clean up, not on purpose."

"Doctor?" Huo Yizhen's face changed slightly, "Who was injured? Was the injury serious?"

"Report to the general, it is Sang Lao, who accidentally smashed the cactus that fell on the second floor, and made a cut in his head. He is now waiting for stitches in the infirmary!"

"Puff..." Qi Anran didn't squeeze out a laugh for a while, realizing that he was really not so good, and quickly turned around to serve as a background board silently.

Although Huo Yizhen didn't smile, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, and said helplessly, "How come the good ones get hit by the flowerpot? Isn't it serious?"

"I heard that the flowerpots upstairs were placed too far aside. The wind was strong these past two days. The flowerpot just fell off when Mr. Sang passed by, just... I just took a look. It's a long hole."

Huo Yizhen was a little worried when he heard what he said. No matter how old Sang said, he is in his 50s or 60s, and he really wants to hit him...

Qi Anran seemed to see what Huo Yizhen was thinking, and took the initiative to pass him a step: "Since you are worried, let's go and take a look. Although it is only the second floor, there is still some momentum. How can the elderly stand the toss?"

"Are you going with me?"

"Forget it, I don't like seeing blood very much, just go."

Huo Yizhen pondered for a moment, and felt that Qi Anran's past was not good, so he nodded, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Qi Anran: "This is the key to my office. It's in the innermost room on the second floor. You Go ahead, I'll go to you when I'm done."

Qi Anran took the key and nodded: "Yeah."

As soon as Huo Yizhen took the soldier with his front foot, Qi Anran turned upstairs.

As a result, he had just climbed to the second floor and saw An Yao who was standing not far away.

An Yao seemed to be aware of her gaze and turned to look over to her.

The eyes were facing each other, and the atmosphere was really not ordinary embarrassment.

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