Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 220: What do you like him?

"There is no one in this world who can't live without anyone, unless you treat yourself as an accessory to others. The most taboo thing as a woman is to be an accessory to others with peace of mind. You can clearly support a world on your own, but not Put all your hopes on others, why bother?"

When Qi Anran said this, he paused deliberately, and his gaze at An Yao was a little more meaningful: "Knowing why I can face you so calmly, I can still deal with the threat of your teeth and claws calmly and calmly. Move?"


"Because I have enough confidence, not to Huo Yizhen, but to myself. I am confident that I can still live without him, and I am more confident that once the two of us are separated, missing me will be his biggest failure in his life. You just Saying that you want to take him, take him as your own, leave me with nothing. As everyone knows, in my opinion, something that can be easily taken away is not worth my effort on it. This kind of thing, give me away Do not want any."

An Yao shook all over, and suddenly remembered that the words she said when her father asked if he wanted to take Huo Yizhen back, how similar to what Qi Anran said at this moment.

An Yao took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "Before this, I always thought that only I could be worthy of him. Now it seems that I am indeed too arrogant."

Qi Anran raised his eyebrows: "I thought you were the only one worthy of him? How to say? It's because of your close family background?"

"This is one of them, but it's not entirely the reason. Take you as an example. Before you met him, you were just an ordinary high school student, and you will most likely be unknown in the future. You can't enter the military department, no Maybe fight alongside him, but I can."

Qi Anran frowned slightly: "Do you think this is your advantage over me? But you forgot, maybe all he wants is a wife. There are many people who can fight with him on the battlefield, but they can wait at home. He makes him worry about it even on the battlefield, but there is only one person thinking about going home."

An Yao lowered her head slightly, and her straight waist collapsed overwhelmed. At this moment, she knew that she had lost thoroughly this time.

Seeing her like this, Qi Anran was suddenly curious: "What do you like him?"

An Yao was taken aback, and asked, "Then what do you like him?"

"I have no idea."

Qi Anran really didn't know, because she was still not sure if she already liked Huo Yizhen.

An Yao misunderstood her words and pursed her lips. "I don't know. Feelings are just like feelings. It's very mysterious. If you can give a reason, I'm afraid you won't really like it. "

If you can tell the reason, isn't it true that you like it? Qi Anran lowered his head and chewed on these words, if he realized something.

Before she wanted to understand how she felt about Huo Yizhen, she heard a rush of footsteps outside.

Not long after, the door of the office slammed open from the outside, and Huo Yizhen's worried face appeared in front of the two without any struggle: "An An, are you okay?"

The two people in the house were taken aback when they heard what he said.

It was the first time An Yao saw this look on Huo Yizhen's face, thinking: The general really loves this woman, and he was so nervous after being separated for a while!

What Qi Anran thought was: What the **** is An An? Huo Yizhen, you guy gave me the nickname casually again, let's see how I go back to clean up you!

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