Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 221: Tearing up the "Sura Field"?

In fact, it's no wonder Huo Yizhen is so nervous, he has been entangled by Sang Lao in the infirmary for a long time.

In the end, I was really annoyed, too lazy to talk with him anymore, so he turned and left the infirmary to go to the office to find Qi Anran.

Unexpectedly, this old guy was quite persevering, and as soon as he bandaged the wound, he chased him up again. Huo Yizhen had a headache because he looked like he would not give him a promise today.

What made him even more troublesome was that not long after he walked out of the infirmary, Huo Yizhen encountered a guard who probed his head.

The soldier saw Huo Yizhen's eyes brightened from a distance, and hurriedly ran over and said: "General, it's okay, my sister-in-law went to your office with that... Staff Ann. They both went in for a long time and haven't come out yet. Can……"

An Yao likes Huo Yizhen. No one knows about the entire military. Many people even secretly bet on how long An Yao would take their generals.

It's a pity that after betting for more than half a year, their generals did not say anything to the General Staff An, but the generals brought them back a general's wife just one month away!

Knowing this, many people have secretly imagined in their hearts what kind of Shura field this original match will be when they meet the suitor.

And now this Shura Field, it is very likely that it has already been staged!

Huo Yizhen's expression also changed when he heard the little soldier's "information", thinking of the possible consequences of the two being alone, aside from speaking, he hurried to the second floor.

With a bang, the door of the office was hit by Huo Yizhen's continuous opening.

The two people sitting in the room were also exposed in front of everyone. Qi Anran was the first to react and greeted many uninvited guests: "Oh, do you want tea?"

Everyone at the door: "..." The Shura field is good, but the good ones are torn up? What kind of trouble is the two rivals sitting together drinking tea and chatting in harmony?

Huo Yizhen was also taken aback when he saw it, and it took a long time before he realized: "You are..."

"I ran into Miss An on the road. When I saw that she had nothing to do, I asked her to come over and have a cup of tea. But you..." Qi Anran gave a meaningful glance at the group of people behind Huo Yizhen, and said with a smile, "Such a big deal." Are people coming here intending to continue watching me?"

Most of the people following Huo Yizhen are his cronies, and most of them have participated in the previous gathering onlookers. This will hear Qi Anran say so, and many people can't help but touch them. The nose smirked embarrassedly.

An Yao took a deep look at Huo Yizhen, and then thought about the words he shouted when he rushed into the door, and realized in a daze what he was nervous about. His face paled for a moment, but he quickly returned to its original shape.

He stood up and said, "If there is nothing wrong with me, I still have some official duties to deal with, so I will leave first."

"Well, drink tea together next time." Qi Anran said as if thinking of something, suddenly got up and walked in front of An Yao.

"Something else?"

Qi Anran stared at An Yao's eyes for a few seconds, and said in a voice that only two of them could hear: "You just said that you think your family background is worthy of him, but have you ever thought about it? In the conspiracy and treacherous place of the imperial capital, it is also the key point that can be used by people. Huo family now has two people, the old man and A Zhen. Compared with marrying you, who is right and wrong with him, there is nothing like marrying me. People from family background are more advantageous to him."

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