Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 222: Foreign Aid Professor of the Academy

No one had ever said this to her. An Yao's face was blue and white, and white and blue, and there was a trace of tremor and panic in the depths of his eyes.

Qi Anran didn't force her either. She knew that the person in front of her had just accidentally walked into a misunderstanding. Once someone wakes her up, she will quickly come out of this misunderstanding.

Of course, the most important thing is that if she wakes her up, if she is not too stupid, she should no longer focus on Huo Yizhen in the future.

Her man, even if he knew that he would not be easily hooked away, would not like someone to covet too much.

Qi Anran didn't realize that she had gradually developed possessiveness towards Huo Yizhen, and as Huo Yizhen said before, feelings all started with possessiveness.

The possessiveness is gone, and it's only a matter of time to like it.

Suddenly he was awakened by a sap on his head, An Yao still needs some time to slow down.

As a result, everyone just watched Qi Anran leaning over to say something to their staff An, then staff An, as if they had received a huge blow, staggered away with a pale face.

The people who saw everything suddenly widened their eyes and looked at each other.

Look at the wife who scared Staff Ann, she must have said something particularly cruel just now, Staff Ann is so pitiful, they are so curious!

Compared to General Huo's feelings, Sang Lao was obviously more concerned about the mechanical spider that was taken back by Su Haochen and would no longer vomit it out.

"Huo Xiaozi, is this your fiancee?"

Huo Xiaozi? Qi Anran squinted his eyes, what is the origin of this old man, dare to call Huo Yizhen Huo boy so casually?

"Hello, I am A Zhen's fiancee, Qi Anran, you can call me An Ran."

"Good, good, Miss Qi." Sang Lao asked perfunctorily with Qi Anran, and immediately turned his attention to Huo Yizhen and Su Haochen again, "Huo Xiaozi, don't think about changing the subject, if you don't let it today Su Xiaozi handed over the thing or told me the origin of the thing, I will follow you 24 hours a day to see which of us can consume the other!"

Huo Yizhen and Su Haochen: "..." With such a large bandage on your head and following us 24 hours a day, you are all very old, do you want to fight like this?

Forget it, the two who were named were embarrassed for a moment, and they all turned their eyes to Qi Anran.

Elder Sang, I will tell you, is the person you are thinking of is actually the person you just skipped after you greeted me in a perfunctory manner?

As soon as Qi Anran saw the two of them looking towards him, he immediately noticed something was wrong, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"

Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows, walked to Qi Anran, and whispered to Qi Anran what had happened before in the infirmary.

Knowing that this person was here for his little things, Qi Anran's face instantly became serious, and he looked up and down Sang Lao: "What did you say about this old man?"

"Sang Lao is a named professor of University A and one of the foreign aid professors of the Academy."

"The foreign-aided professors of the research institute?" The foreign-aided professors of the research institute are not actually the people of the research institute. They have their own independent research room, but they bear the name of the research institute. It is really going to happen that some research institutes cannot solve it. They will only be asked to come forward.

Qi Anran squinted his eyes, no wonder he had no impression of this person at all.

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