Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 224: Really underage!

Su Haochen was shocked by the roll call. After reacting, he quickly took out the three mechanical spiders and handed them back to Qi Anran respectfully.

One of them had blood stains on his head because he accidentally injured Sang Lao before.

Qi Anran frowned when he saw this. "You didn't clean them well yesterday?"

Su Haochen was taken aback for a moment, and said aggrieved: "I washed it clean."

"Then why is there still blood on this?"

"That's..." Su Haochen lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

Old Sang snorted coldly, took the conversation and said, "That's my blood."

"Your blood?" Qi Anran only noticed the large circle of bandages on Old Sang's head, and glanced at Su Haochen with a faint glance, directly scaring people out of their heads.

Seeing him like this, Qi Anran didn't worry about this problem anymore, sighed, and took the two metal buttons and the remote control that were not stained with blood.

With a hum, one of the metal buttons suddenly activated, but did not turn into an aggressive mechanical spider like before. Instead, the metal shape flipped outward, and then flipped inward, turning it into a square metal box.

Old Sang's eyes lit up instantly, and the eyes staring at the box almost burned; "This..."

"This is the second form, and you must have seen it. This thing was originally just a simple terrain detector. I modified it. The first form is the mechanical spider form you saw before. It has the ability to attack. This second form is a defensive form. The square box outside is a special metal material, which is invulnerable to fire and water, and is hard to be destroyed under normal circumstances. This square box can effectively protect the storage chips inside. Even if it is discovered, it can guarantee that the information will not be leaked."

Qi Anran briefly explained the function of the second form, looking at Sang Lao's brighter and brighter eyes, smiling slightly: "But this is not the point, the point is the English abbreviation on the box."

When Qi Anran said this, several people noticed that two inconspicuous English letters were engraved in the middle of the box: AR!

Original copyright has always been an important issue that plagues all walks of life, especially Qianqi Anran, who pays special attention to patent protection.

No one hopes that the fruits of labor that he has spent years or even decades on research will become someone else's overnight!

Qi Anran once saw with his own eyes a colleague who finally worked out a new energy source, but was stolen by his best friend. He was even bitten back and left the scientific research circle full of resentment and regret.

After hitting that, Qi Anran always tried to design something in some inconspicuous corners or parts, leaving traces that could prove himself.

This "AR" is the trace she left on purpose.

"These two letters are the abbreviations of my name. Does Mr. Sang still doubt my identity?"

Old Sang hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, not at all."

However, Sang Lao still had some doubts in his heart, not because she didn't believe Qi Anran, but because she looked a little too young.

Is it possible that this girl just looks tender, but is actually not so young?

"How old are you this year?"

Qi Anran knew why Mr. Sang suddenly asked about this, his eyes raised slightly, and said truthfully: "I will be eighteen in a few months."

Old Sang: "..." Minor! It turned out to be really tender!

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