Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 225: I have a condition

But at this time, Mr. Sang didn’t dare to judge people by their appearances. When they were young, they doubted whether they were capable. He just pretended to express emotion: “It’s really a hero who was born a boy.”

After the emotion was over, he immediately piled up a smile that he thought was kind, and approached Qi Anran enthusiastically: "Xiao An, it was indeed Grandpa Sang that was wrong just now. I suspected you when I looked at you when you were young. Grandpa Sang apologized for you. When I get older and more confused, don’t be familiar with me, will it work?"

Everyone in the room, especially Huo Yizhen, heard Mr. Sang's words twitching his mouth, silently spurned him in his heart.

Just now I didn't know that his daughter-in-law was the modifier of those rare things, and he just called Miss Qi perfunctorily. This will know that he immediately screamed and screamed affectionately, and also Grandpa Sang, this old man is not ashamed!

"You are polite, since you have already determined that I am the maker of those gadgets, do you have any thoughts on the ones I just said?"

"Thinking? Xiao'an, are you really willing to give that thing to us for other purposes? You are not afraid that we will use it for evil ways?"

Before seeing the second form of the thing, Old Sang thought that the little thing was nothing more than a piece of gadget.

The creativity is good, but if they really want to make the same thing, it is not impossible. The main reason why he came with him was his love.

But when he saw that the inconspicuous gadget had a second purpose, Sang didn't think so much anymore, especially when the producer was so young and so tender!

If such a person can be given more guidance, there will be no limit in the future!

Elder Sang would look at Qi Anran's eyes as if he was looking at a treasure house of unknown depth. Although he is not sure how valuable this treasure house is, he never wants to give her to others easily.

"You laughed, you were brought by A Zhen, and I believe in A Zhen, so naturally I also believe in you. And I think you are a decent person, shouldn't you be a person who can do such wicked things?"

"Of course, I just asked casually. My character is still very good. If you don't believe me, ask Huo Xiaozi."

Elder Sang glanced at Huo Yizhen with incomparably complicated words. He never thought that one day he would have to rub his face on Huo Xiaozi.

However, I heard that Huo Yizhen had found a poor daughter-in-law who had no money and no background. Many people around Sang Lao were still gloating and felt that Huo Yizhen had married a cumbersome.

Looking at it now, what kind of burden is this? Obviously it is a golden pastry, this Huo boy's luck is too good! Why doesn't that stinky boy in his family have such good luck?

Thinking about this, Sang Lao looked at Huo Yizhen's eyes more and more lamented.

Huo Yizhen squinted his eyes, and quickly understood the envy, jealousy and hatred in Sang Lao's eyes, with slightly raised eyebrows, revealing a bit of pride invisibly, making Sang Lao his teeth itchy.

"Well, Sang Lao's character is still acceptable."

Qi Anran didn’t say much about it either. He smiled and greeted Mr. Sang to sit down, and then said his real plan: “I heard from A Zhen that you are a foreign aid professor at the Academy. Then Mr. Sang, you should have your own independent The laboratory."

Old Sang was somewhat confused about Qi Anran's question, but he answered truthfully: "Well, I do have my own independent laboratory."

Qi Anran's eyes flickered: "I can give you this thing, and I can even give you more and better things in the future. But in exchange, I have a condition."

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