Seeing that the atmosphere is just right, a rich kid next to Princess Keya leaned over to Princess Keya with a smile, flattering: "The princess came from afar, I must not have a partner yet? I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to the princess. Come down with me for a dance?"

This person's actions instantly attracted the attention of many people around him, waiting to see how Princess Keya responded.

It's a pity that Princess Keya would stare at the two people in the middle of the dance floor, her eyes almost bursting into flames.

However, this person was not afraid of death and leaned in front of her, and of course he became the target of her anger.

With a slap, Princess Keya slapped the hand of the rich kid away, and sneered: "What are you worthy of dancing with me." After that, she turned around and walked away violently.

The rich boy was left with the baptism of eyes from all directions, and his face was instantly terrifying.

"What do you look at? I haven't seen anyone before, and look at it and dig out your eyeballs!" After the demoralized crowd roared away from sight, he muttered angrily at Princess Keya's departure. The sentence, "What is it, it's just a pair of torn shoes sent to the marriage, I really think how noble I am! Huh..."

The off-site vignettes did not affect the two people on the dance floor. When the song ended, Huo Yizhen took Qi Anran's hand and walked out of the dance floor.

Qi Anran thought of his "feat" on the dance floor just now, and couldn't help but glanced at Huo Yizhen's feet with concern: "Are you okay, I said I can't dance anymore."

The pain is certain, but Huo Yizhen feels that everything is worth it with Qi Anran's eyes that imply worry and guilt.

"It's okay, you look down on me too much. I can stand this strength."

Qi Anran glanced suspiciously at him: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?"

"Have you lied to me for less?"

Huo Yizhen: "..." Heartbroken!

The choked Major General Huo decisively changed the subject: "Are you still planning to stay here?"

Qi Anran shook her head. She didn't like this kind of banquet with strong social colors.

Especially some people at this banquet also like to get close to themselves to look for abuse. It really annoys her. If she can leave early, she naturally hopes to leave early.

"Then let's go back first."

Qi Anran was a little surprised: "Can you?"

"Of course, we are here to make up the numbers, and we are not the protagonists. It shouldn't be a problem to leave early. However, it is better to talk to Uncle Bai before this."


The two of them held the gazes of everyone around them and walked to Bai Xuanyu's face.

Bai Xuanyu also watched the horrible duet dance between the two of them just now. When they see the two coming over, they can't help but show teasing: "You two finished dancing? Why don't you dance a few more songs?"

How could Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen fail to see Bai Xuanyu's schadenfreude, and they murmured silently in their hearts, one song is enough to kill them, can they leave here alive if they dance a few more songs?

Huo Yizhen cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "An Ran is not feeling well, we will go back first."

"Oh." Bai Xuanyu looked at the two people back and forth meaningfully, and finally fixed his gaze on Huo Yizhen's feet, "Are you sure that she is not feeling well, not yourself?"

Huo Yizhen: "..."

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