Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 253: Who is better than who?

Qi Anran heard that a face almost didn't burn, and looked down at his feet with a guilty conscience.

The expression on Huo Yizhen's face was also a little stiff: "We... are uncomfortable, so we want to go back first."

"Oh, it's uncomfortable." Bai Xuanyu's tone became more intriguing, and his gaze at the two of them also became ambiguous at first, "Young man, be more restrained. Especially, An Ran is still a minor. , You pay attention."

How Bai Xuanyu's words sounded like they were persuading Huo Yizhen, Qi Anran is still a minor, and he can't be too beast!

The two became more ashamed of themselves, Huo Yizhen pulled up Qi Anran's hand and said: "Then we will go back first."

After speaking, no matter how Bai Xuanyu reacted, he pulled Qi Anran and walked out, how the embarrassed figure seemed to run away.

Bai Xuanyu shook his head and burst into laughter. As soon as he turned his head, he met the inquiring eyes of the imperial envoy: "President Bai, Major General Huo has a good relationship with his fiancée."

How could Bai Xuanyu fail to hear the temptation in his words, squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Isn't it? A Zhen, but I grew up when I was a child, and I saw him for the first time in so many years. A person is so attentive. I believe that if Azhen’s parents are alive in the sky, they should be comforted when they see him now."

The envoy's face turned white for a moment. The matter of Huo Yizhen's parents was not a secret. At the time, it was said that a small country's design had cheated the two of them.

But everyone is clear in their hearts that it is impossible for a small country to have this ability to kill the two former empires.

There is no way to find out how many forces are hidden behind this small country, so this matter has to be left alone in the end.

Bai Xuanyu suddenly mentioned this incident at this time, what did he want to imply? Cold sweat broke out on the envoy's forehead.

I thought that when she came with Princess Keya, the princess once told him clearly that she was here for Huo Yizhen this time.

Huo Yizhen already has a fiancee, and both he and President Bai are very concerned about this fiancee. If the princess' temperament fails, they will be the one who is unlucky!

The envoy laughed perfunctorily, and didn't dare to ask any more.

At the same time, Princess Keya, who was standing not far from the stairs, watched from a distance the back of Huo Yizhen and Qi Anran holding hands and leaving the venue.

The hand holding the wine glass tightened unconsciously, and his eyes were even more poisoned, and he couldn't wait to poke the two men out with their eyes.

"What? Feeling dizzy? How does it feel to find that the person you like doesn't even give you a straight eye?"

The familiar laughter suddenly came from behind, making Princess Keya's face inevitably distorted.

"Heh, I'll give you back what I said. I'm also curious about how it feels like Mr. Bai just invited people to dance in front of so many people but was refused."

Bai Ruqing's eyes were slightly drunk, and a trace of disgust and irritability crossed the bottom of her eyes: "Don't forget our previous agreement, you are also a princess of a country, in front of so many people, you can't be forced by other people's fiancées. Hey. This is going to be spread out. If I will be with you in the future, wouldn't it be said that I picked up personally and I could post the goods back?"

Princess Keya blackened her face when she heard this, and sneered: "Where are you better than me? You all walked up to someone to invite you, but what happened? People would ignore you. If this spreads out, I will be with you in the future. One piece, if it is decided, it will be said to be a general."

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