Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 269: Finally downstairs

Hearing Ran Jiani’s feelings, the person in the room who was supposed to change clothes in the bathroom couldn’t help but laughed: “Would you like to be so exaggerated? It’s really nothing to let him see. Will see."

"You don't understand this, right?" Ran Jiani rushed behind Qi Anran, gently supporting her shoulder, and said seriously, "Let him see it now. What surprises will you have when you go down? Surprise? Surprise, it takes some unexpected things to come out to surprise people! This not only requires our hard work, but also requires the right time and place. The lack of one thing is impossible."

Qi Anran looked at the serious and serious look on Ran Jiani's face, and couldn't help laughing: "You, just pay attention to more. But I said, let you toss it today."

Ran Jiani smiled embarrassedly, looking at the face reflected in the mirror, slowly reducing the smile on her face, sighing with envy: "An Ran, you are so beautiful today."

Qi Anran smiled and said nothing.

Ran Jiani took a deep breath and said seriously: "An Ran, you must be happy."

Qi Anran was startled, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ran Jiani's hand on his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Yeah."

"Okay, I'll go down first, and you should also hurry down. Otherwise, Major General Huo and the others may be waiting in a hurry."


Ran Jiani left the bedroom first. Qi Anran listened to the sound of the door closing behind him, and closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw myself in the mirror that was completely different from usual.

Qi Anran looked at the self in the mirror that was at least seven to eight points similar to the mother in the impression, frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, rummaged in the cabinet on the side, and found a somewhat outdated small box.

With a click, the box opened, and inside was a necklace that hadn't seen the sun in a long time.

Qi Anran stroked the lines on the necklace, with unspeakable nostalgia and gentleness in his eyes.

After hesitating for a long time, Qi Anran finally made up his mind and took the necklace out of the box and put it on his neck.

After that, he got up and left the bedroom and walked downstairs.

Elder Huo originally thought that Huo Yizhen would come down with Qi Anran, but he didn't want Huo Yizhen to go up there. When he came down, he was the only one, his face changed slightly: "Why did you come down, An Ran?"

"She is changing clothes and will be down soon."

Old man Huo's expression improved a little now, "I'm already changing clothes, so I should be off soon."

As soon as Mr. Huo finished speaking, everyone saw a girl hurrying downstairs.

The eyes of the few people standing next to Old Man Huo shone slightly: "Could this be..."

Elder Huo glanced at Huo Yizhen. After seeing him nodding, he smiled slightly and said: "No, this is my grandson-in-law’s classmate, who came here to attend the engagement ceremony of a good friend today."

"That's it." The few people were disappointed and changed the subject awkwardly, and talked about other things with Old Man Huo.

At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps, which was much calmer than the rush when Ran Jiani went downstairs before.

The sound of high heels tapping the ground successfully attracted the attention of Old Man Huo and the few people around him.

The people who were paying attention to the movement on their side turned their gazes to the stairs.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, a figure finally walked out from the corner of the stairs and appeared in front of everyone without any cover.

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