Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 270: Huo Yizhen's fiancee

The girl walking downstairs has beautiful long brown hair. The black-rimmed glasses that blocked most of her face are gone. The thick bangs have also been thinned into air bangs, revealing the white and outstanding little face underneath. .

Qi Anran doesn't like going out very much, and with the cover of glasses and bangs, his face is already very white.

It’s just that the nutrition couldn’t keep up with the Qi’s family. The paleness was unhealthy. After arriving at the Huo’s family, the old man Huo knew the cold reception she had received at the Qi’s family and worked hard to replenish her body, at least not in terms of food. Pass her.

Therefore, the paleness on Qi Anran's face has turned into a healthy pink, and it only takes a little bit of powder to highlight the outstanding facial features.

Her long hair was elegantly draped over her shoulders. Qi Anran wore a fairly conservative evening gown today. At least the front cover is quite tight, only a large area of ​​snowy white back is exposed, but the bottom is not very good. Controlled tutu skirt.

But compared to the average tutu skirt, her body is obviously much more high-end, at least the irregular ruffle design is not something anyone can control.

Qi Anran appeared in front of everyone without any warning, facing everyone's gazes that were either amazing or inquiring or surprised or jealous, and slowly walked downstairs, his narrow eyes raised slightly, revealing something faintly. She hadn't noticed the flattery herself.

Qi Anran's gaze swept over everyone present, and finally fixed on Huo Yizhen's body.

Huo Yizhen never thought that Qi Anran would become what he is now, how familiar and unfamiliar that face was, so that he didn't dare to recognize it for a few seconds.

Huo Yizhen had to admit that he was happy when he saw Qi Anran appear in front of him in such an image, but at the same time he was a little annoyed.

This kind of feeling is like having finally obtained a rare treasure, carefully concealing it, but in the end it can't conceal its innate light, so that so many people have discovered its existence.

Huo Yizhen was amazed by Qi Anran's changes, and was even more annoyed by Qi Anran's stunning, greedy and even wicked eyes from those around him.

But these emotions all vanished when he saw Qi Anran look towards him.

What if those people are envious and greedy? This person belongs to himself, and only belongs to himself.

Now that she has bloomed with her own light, what he has to do now is to protect her, so that she can enjoy everything that belongs to her unscrupulously.

Huo Yizhen's gaze swept over the men who dared to covet his daughter-in-law, and after stabbing these people to divert their gazes or lower their heads to avoid looking at them, he walked forward.

Catching Qi Anran's stretched hand, he led her to Elder Huo.

"That's... Huo Yizhen's fiancé? How could this be possible, she clearly..." Princess Keya was full of disbelief, and subconsciously asked Bai Ruqing next to her for confirmation, only to find that Bai Ruqing's attention had long been caught by the person in her mouth. Go hooked away.

Even when she was talking to him now, Bai Ruqing didn't react at all, ignoring her completely.

Princess Keya glanced at the woman walking side by side with Huo Yizhen, then glanced at the man beside her who seemed to have lost her soul, she almost shattered a bit of silver teeth, and twisted madness was brewing in her eyes.

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