Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 273: I'll let them cover their sack when I look back

The face of the person who had just mocked Qi Anran as coming out of the "chicken coop" suddenly changed, and then he remembered that S City is also the hometown of Old Man Huo. Didn't he also ridicule Old Man Huo when he said just now?

The man dared to mock Qi Anran, but he didn't dare to touch the "high-voltage line" of Mr. Huo. He immediately smiled awkwardly: "You are right, you are right, it is because I have little knowledge. Today is a great day. Your lord has a lot, don't worry about me in general."

Elder Huo snorted coldly: "So you all know that today is my grandson's great day. I don't want anyone to deliberately look for our family's bad luck on such a good day. I am the grandson of A Zhen, who wants his great day? If you dare to move, I will dare to fight him hard. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try."

As soon as Mr. Huo said this, all those who had just spoken and didn't speak shut up, and didn't dare to say more than half a word.

Qi Anran stood by and listened to a few people's conversations between you and me. Originally, she had heard these people ridicule her about her background. She had thought about fighting back a few words, but she didn't expect the old man to take the lead.

Huo's maintenance caused Qi Anran's heart to pass a little warmth, looking at the men who were completely silent because of Huo's words.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he sighed at Huo Yizhen with a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Sure enough, Jiang is still hot, so Grandpa said only a few words and he dared not say anything to this group of people."

When Huo Yizhen heard Qi Anran's words, he was a little bit savory. Grandpa is very good, but he is not bad!

Huo Yizhen glanced at the men who had just made idiots at his daughter-in-law, and secretly began to plan.

Needless to say, several military officials, since they dare to covet his wife, they must be prepared to bear his anger.

As for those who were not from the military department, Gan Minger asked Su Haochen to take a few people and beat them in a sack!

Elder Huo's identity and status are all placed there, and he likes to be positive. Although he is a little more roundabout, he can make those people call the sky unwilling and the earth not working!

"Uh..." At that time, Su Haochen, who was nesting on the other side of the banquet, suddenly felt a cold behind him, and shivered.

"I think someone might be calculating me behind my back."

Ji Shengnan turned his head and glanced at him, as if saying, do you still need others to calculate? It's already pretty good if you don't fall into the pit.

Su Haochen was frustrated by his self-esteem. He decisively threw this question behind his head, and mysteriously approached Ji Shengnan, curiously said: "I heard that you went to pick up your sister-in-law and her friend today? But, I didn't expect it. My sister-in-law is so beautiful. No wonder the boss has seen her a few times. How does the friend of the sister-in-law you picked up look like? Isn’t it as good-looking as my sister-in-law?"

Ji Shengnan glanced at him obliquely: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course I am looking for a girlfriend! You also know that there are many boys and girls in the military department. Most people still have a crush on our boss. I think I don’t look bad, why not? Does anyone have a crush on me?"

Ji Shengnan couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words: "A secret love, a secret love, is it still a secret love that can make you aware of it?"

"That’s right, but it’s true that I’m still playing bachelor. I can’t think of the girls in the military department. I can only start with my sister-in-law. As the saying goes, fertility doesn’t flow into outsiders’ fields. Tell me soon, does sister-in-law's friend look good?"

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