Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 274: You guys are hillbillies

Ji Shengnan met Su Haochen's expectant gaze, frowned slightly, thinking of the person he had met in the barber shop today, and could not help passing a trace of gentleness in his eyes.

"Is she? Very cute."

"Cute? Are my sister-in-law’s friends cute? How cute? By the way, she should have come to my sister-in-law’s engagement banquet today, right? Where are you? Show me, if it is really cute, I Just...hehehe..."

When Ji Shengnan heard Su Haochen's words, he subconsciously turned his head to look for Ran Jiani's location, but when he saw the scene not far away, his face became dark and he walked over.

"Hey, Shengnan, where are you going? You haven't answered the question just now!" Su Haochen was thinking about how to hook up the sister paper, and when he turned his head, he saw Ji Shengnan walking somewhere and directly dried him. On the side, hurriedly followed.

After Ran Jiani went downstairs, she silently found a corner, admiring the surprise or surprise of the boys and the envy or jealousy of the girls at the banquet.

Looking at Qi Anran from afar while standing beside Huo Yizhen with a faint smile, he couldn't help feeling a little proud and proud in his heart.

The beauty standing next to Major General Huo is her good friend. She will be so beautiful today, and she has her own contribution!

Thinking like this, the corners of Ran Jiani's lips couldn't stop rising.

However, before she finished laughing, a group of girls she didn't even knew had already gathered around, asking her with unkind expressions, "Who are you? Which clan's lady? Why have I never seen you before?"

Ran Jiani was taken aback, hurriedly put down the juice in her hand, and said with a frustrated expression: "I...I am An Ran's classmate, and I was invited to attend her engagement banquet today."

When the headed girl heard Ran Jiani's words, she immediately replied with disdain: "An Ran? Engagement banquet? You mean that hillbilly over there?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Qi Anran in the distance, the jealousy and contempt between his brows did not hide at all.

In fact, the reason why they came to trouble Ran Jiani was precisely because she was seen by many people when she just came downstairs.

At first, some people thought that she was Huo Yizhen's fiancée, but when it was discovered that she was not, many people guessed her identity.

When these women heard that she was a classmate of Huo Yizhen's fiancee, they immediately became interested.

They are jealous of Qi Anran's good fortune, and even more jealous of her beauty.

But these people are not stupid, they dare not trouble Qi Anran, so they can only trouble Qi Anran's friends and let the person in front of them exasperate.

When Ran Jiani heard the woman's words, her face was dark, and she said angrily: "An Ran is not a hillbilly, An Ran is much better than you, and much more beautiful! You are the hillbilly!"

The woman didn't expect that Ran Jiani seemed to be conscientious. When she heard them ridicule Qi Anran, she would react so much. After she was dazed, her ridicule became more severe.

"What about being beautiful? No money, no family, nothing, or someone who came out of that kind of remote place, not a hillbilly? Not only is she a hillbilly, you are also a hillbilly, an earthy and ugly hillbilly who can't make it to the table!"

"You..." Ran Jiani's eyes were red, her mouth was stupid, she turned angry, but she couldn't swear anything.

At this moment, a hand suddenly fell on her shoulder, and then a familiar voice was heard.

"Miss Duan, at other people's engagement banquets, cursing the heroine and the heroine's friends, is this how the elders of the Duan family taught you younger generations?"

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