Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 275: I want face at least

The few girls who came to find faults didn't expect Ji Shengnan to come out suddenly. After looking at each other, the headed Miss Duan had a cold face and said displeasedly: "What does Adjutant Ji mean? I want to help this. Women in their early days?"

"So what?" Ji Shengnan looked coldly at these rich official ladies. "Miss Ran is a classmate and friend of our sister-in-law. Today, she was invited to attend the wedding of the general and his sister-in-law. It is our general and his sister-in-law. The guests. The ladies are also guests. As guests, they mock the host and the host’s friends at other people’s banquets. How many tutors are these? If they are, it’s really eye-opening for me."

Standing on the side, Ran Jiani was shocked when she heard Ji Shengnan's words. She raised her head and looked at him in amazement. Is he trying to stand up for herself?

"You!" Miss Duan's face turned dark, and angrily wanted to rush forward to start with Ji Shengnan, but she was held back by several girls behind her.

Miss Duan was a little calmer when she was dragged by them, knowing that she wouldn't get any benefit from making trouble at this banquet, so she could only try her best to say: "It's just an engagement. I mean, maybe after getting engaged, it’s a breakup. How embarrassing you will be your sister-in-law? People who don’t know think you are waiting for someone to take the offer!"

Ran Jiani's eyes shuddered when she heard Miss Duan's words. The first thing that came to her mind was the words Qi Anran said when she was on the phone that day.

It's hard to say that this woman also has an ulterior motive for Major General Huo, that's why...

When Ji Shengnan heard Miss Duan’s words that were almost insulting, his face became a little ugly: "Miss Duan, please be careful, today is the engagement banquet between the general and his sister-in-law. Wouldn’t you be afraid of the Huo family’s people looking for you? Trouble?"

As soon as Ji Shengnan said this, Miss Duan's face changed slightly, she was jealous, but she was still unwilling to admit defeat.

Seeing Miss Duan still wanting to speak, Ran Jiani suddenly took a step forward and said with a serious face: "Yes, I came from a small place. It's soil and ugly, so I can't go to the elegant hall. But I at least want a face, knowing what can be done. Do, what can’t be done. You have said so much, nothing more than jealous of An Ran, jealous that she obviously does not have your family background, but she has a face that is a hundred times stronger than you, and even the person who loves her like this, Major General Huo. But forgive me To be frank, people say that you are born from one's heart, and it is not unreasonable for you to be beautiful without Enron."

Miss Duan's eyes widened: "What do you mean, girl?"

"Don't you know what I mean? It's a lady who is still a big family like you! Break up bit by bit, take the order one by one, and you will know how vicious your heart is. People like you still want to **** Huo from An Ran. General, think so beautifully, you can't even match An Ran's finger!"

"You stinky girl..." Miss Duan, who was humiliated and deliberately punctured, was about to hit Ran Jiani in the face as soon as she raised her hand.

Ran Jiani was startled, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to block her face and retreated, but after all, Miss Duan did not come as quickly.

Just when Ran Jiani thought she was inevitable, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her from the side, catching the hand that Miss Duan waved over.

"Ms. Duan, Miss Ran is also a guest of the Huo family anyway. Talking to the Huo family, you speak in front of so many people, do you look down on our general or the Huo family?"

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