Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 494: This is my husband

Unfortunately, Qi Anran's itinerary has always been well protected, and there are only a few places to enter and exit, and they are all places that Qi Yongjia cannot easily enter and exit.

If you try hard, the goal is too big, and it is easy to get into trouble for yourself and even Qi Anran.

He could see that Qi Anran didn't have a good impression of her. If he caused her trouble, the impression would be worse.

In desperation, Qi Yongjia had to remain silent for a while, and besides, he tried to get close to Qi Anran.

Like Bai Ruqing, Qi Yongjia originally wanted to wait for a while, and Qi Anran was free to find another chance to meet Qi Anran and let his father meet Qi Anran.

But he didn't want to wait, so he waited Huo Yizhen back.

Hearing Qi Yongjia's question, Qi Anran's eyes flickered, and he took the initiative to take Huo Yizhen's hand and introduce: "This is my husband, Lieutenant General Huo Yizhen Huo."

When Qi Yongjia heard Qi Anran say that Huo Yizhen was her husband without any cover, his expression changed for a moment, but he was quickly suppressed by him.

"It turned out to be Lieutenant General Huo. Hello, I am Qi Yongjia." Qi Yongjia smiled and proactively reached out to Huo Yizhen.

Qi Yongjia? Huo Yizhen chewed on the name, and some information quickly flashed through his mind.

Although he had gone to the border before, there were a few people left behind to protect Qi Anran in the imperial capital.

After he came back, these people reported to him many things that had happened to Qi Anran during his absence, including people she had contacted.

That's how Huo Yizhen knew about the previous Colonel Ding. Huo Yizhen felt familiar when he first heard the name Qi Yongjia.

After thinking about it carefully, is it the man who reportedly harassed his wife in the laboratory?

Huo Yizhen's eyes were sharp, and I thought that I hadn't bothered you yet, but you bumped over, should you say that even God helped him?

Huo Yizhen's heart turned a thousand times, but his face was calm and composed, reaching out and holding Qi Yongjia's hand hard...

In the end, Qi Yongjia is just a weak young man, who is the opponent of a rough man like Huo Yizhen, he almost didn't scream when he gripped it like this.

But considering that Qi Anran is still on the sidelines, isn't his name just showing weakness?

Qi Yongjia could only hit the swollen face to fill the fat man, and clenched his teeth to persevere.

The two shook hands for nearly half a minute, and Qi Anran was watching from the side, naturally aware that something was wrong.

He glanced at Huo Yizhen, who was calm and composed, and then at Qi Yongjia, whose face had no smile at all.

When Huo Yizhen showed compassion and let go of Qi Yongjia's hand, it was already a minute later, Qi Yongjia only felt that his right hand was completely unconscious, and it was a little difficult to even retract it, and it was also difficult to squeeze a smile on his face.

Huo Yizhen was very satisfied with such a demonstration, and was in a good mood to take the initiative and said: "Mr. Qi's surname is Qi? Is it a member of the Qi family in the capital?"

Qi Yongjia felt that half of his body was numb, and even his brain was a little numb, but fortunately his consciousness was still there.

Hearing this question from Huo Yizhen, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Yes, Qi Dinghang is my dad."

Huo Yizhen heard a quick glint in Qi Dinghang's eyes, and said with a smile: "Oh, it turned out to be the young master of General Manager Qi's house."

Qi Yongjia greeted Huo Yizhen's gaze, and somehow suddenly had the illusion that everything about him was seen through by the person in front of him, and he felt cold all over!

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