Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 495: Mother's suitor

Qi Yongjia tried his best to resist the urge to flee, tugging at the corner of his mouth: "General Huo knows my dad?"

"I can’t talk about acquaintance, I just heard it. I’m the commander of the Ninth Army. I still know the name of the principal."

"That's the case." Qi Yongjia intuitively felt that Huo Yizhen didn't know this only, but since Huo Yizhen didn't point out, he couldn't ask clearly.

Qi Yongjia, who originally planned to take advantage of this opportunity to get close to Qi Anran, was so tossed by Huo Yizhen that he didn't dare to stay longer.

After chatting for a few words, he took the initiative to leave and ran faster than anyone else.

Qi Anran looked at his hurriedly leaving back, almost couldn't help but laughed, turning his head and jokingly said: "Look at you, you scare people, and when you see you, you will run away, it's like seeing a ghost in broad daylight."

Huo Yizhen snorted coldly, "If he doesn't have any ghosts in his heart, he can scare me away?"

Qi Anran gave him a blank look like resentment, and said: Just the posture that you just wanted to crush your hands, even if you don't have a ghost in your heart, you have to be scared out of a ghost.

Huo Yizhen received Qi Anran's eyes and was a little aggrieved: "Didn't I give him a warning so that he will not provoke you less in the future? Is it possible that you still want him to continue to harass you in the future?"

"Of course not."

"That's it?" After Huo Yizhen finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and tentatively asked Qi Anran: "Of course, you should have listened to him just now. His father is Qi Dinghang."

"Huh?" Qi Anran frowned, a little confused, "What's wrong with his father being Qi Dinghang?"

"Qi Dinghang is the general manager of the Qi family, and his brother is Qi Dingbang, the current owner of the Qi family."

Qi Anran's eyes flickered, and she thought that the Patriarch of the Qi family was familiar with her. She had digged her many times in the previous life and failed to dig the corner, but the brother of the Patriarch had no impression at all.

Huo Yizhen now emphasizes what is going on with him? Could it be that there is anything particularly important in this that she doesn't know?

Seeing Qi Anran's doubts, Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows, and explained in a deep voice: "His father pursued the second Miss Qi from S city when he was young."

The Second Miss Qi Family in S City? Could it be...

"You mean his dad pursued my mother when he was young?" Qi Anran's expression suddenly became a little subtle, "Are you trying to tell me that the young master of the Qi family's father might be mine... "

Huo Yizhen saw Qi Anran's reaction in his eyes, instead of answering Qi Anran's question directly, he asked, "If so, would you recognize him?"

Huo Yizhen's words can stop Qi Anran from asking, do you recognize him? Why do you recognize him?

Whether it was a previous life or this life, for more than 20 years, she hadn't seen him, never felt a little bit of paternal love from him, why should she recognize him?

Not to mention, that person already has other children, and he must have another family, she has to figure out what's going on?

Thinking about this, Qi Anran shook his head: "I don't want to recognize him."

Huo Yizhen took a deep look at Qi Anran, confirming that she was not lying, and then sighed in a low voice, "Although he is a little confused, I think he should not be your biological parents, but just a previous pursuit of your mother. That's it."

Qi Anran was stunned, but she was a little more curious about Huo Yizhen's former suitor of her mother: "Why do you say that?"

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