Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 552: Say it to scare you to death

Ji Shengnan realized that something was wrong when she saw Ran Jiani's face changed, and moved closer without a trace, trying to eavesdrop on the movement on the other side of the phone.

It just so happened that Ran's father on the other end of the phone didn't suppress his voice after hearing that Ran Jiani was unwilling to break up with Ji Shengnan, and the following yelling words spread smoothly to Ji Shengnan's ears.

I heard a dad curse his daughter for being ignorant and lowly, and even said that she should be choked to death when she was born to avoid the vicious curse of wasting food.

Rao, the adjutant Ji who has always been calm and self-sufficient, couldn't help but sink his face and did something like robbing someone's mobile phone.

"Hello, uncle."

The cursing father Ran on the other side of the phone was shocked when he heard a man's voice popping up from his daughter's phone. After reacting, he became more and more angry.

"Who are you? Jani? Why is Jani's phone in your hand?"

Ran Jiani was already awake from the previous accusations of her father, and her face changed slightly when she saw that Ji Shengnan was talking to her father with her mobile phone.

He hurriedly tried to get the phone back, but was stopped by Ji Shengnan.

After Ji Shengnan made a silent gesture to her, he calmly said to the phone: "Uncle, I am Nini's boyfriend. My name is Ji Shengnan."

"What do you call you? Stay away from my daughter. My daughter is not something people like you can afford!"

"I am this kind of person? What kind of person? There is also Gao Pan?" Ji Shengnan raised an eyebrow, "You think I was with Nini and climbed her high. Then, in your eyes, what kind of talent is not high Pan Nini? Is that the returnee next to your house?"

Father Ran choked, and became annoyed: "You don't need to worry about this. I don't know how you are with Nini, but I will leave it alone today. Nini can never be with you. Yes. Now that you have seen Ache, you should know that Ache fits well with Nini regardless of his appearance or family background. What about you? What do you do? You have Ache's family Do you have money? If you don’t have any, let’s not delay my daughter! She hasn't been involved in the world and doesn’t know what she is doing. When she gets older, she will know how naive she is doing these things. At that time, she will definitely regret meeting you. Such a mess!"

Dad Ran obviously regarded Ji Shengnan as those young people in society who were about the same age as Ran Jiani and had nothing to do all day long, and even the tone of his words was faintly disdainful.

"What do I do?" Ji Shengnan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and sneered. "I am Ji Shengnan, the chief of staff of the Ninth Army Colonel Huo, who is in charge of all affairs in the army. I don't know if I have you in your mouth. The gentleman in is rich, but at least I can be sure that at this stage my salary can still support Nini. In addition, regarding the uncle’s remarks, I think it is necessary for me to remind my uncle to blatantly abuse the active duty. Soldiers even attacked the position of a soldier as the next three abuses, which is not a small crime."

After Ji Shengnan's words, the end of the phone fell into a dead silence.

It took a long time for Dad Ran’s voice to be heard again, but it was no longer as domineering as before. Instead, he trembled with a trace of panic: "The rank of colonel, the chief of staff... You just said that you are under Major General Huo of the Ninth Army. You... Are you an officer?!"

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