Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 553: Lieutenant General Huo

Although Ji Shengnan and Su Haochen are nominally Huo Yizhen’s adjutants, in fact, each of them has a military position, and they are all at the rank of captain and above.

Although Ji Shengnan's physical fitness is good, most of the time he engages in mental activities, and his position is naturally more clerical.

As the leader of Huo Yizhen's think tank, he really deserves the title of Chief of Staff.

"Yes, if you don’t believe me, I can show you the relevant documents. But given that my identity is quite special in the military, some documents really need to be shown to you. Not only do I need to bear this person, you Also, if you don’t mind, I can send it to you now."

Although Ji Shengnan said this lightly, it seemed that as long as Dad Ran let go, everything would be easy to say, but there was a faint sense of intimidation.

Ran's father hadn't seen a small citizen in the world, how could he be scared?

Especially Ji Shengnan’s words were like a basin of cold water, which made him later realize that his daughter’s friend was General Huo’s fiancee. It seemed that it was not impossible for his daughter to find an officer under General Huo. .

Thinking about this, Ran's father became more and more guilty. Thinking of the crime Ji Shengnan just said, his words were a bit unfavorable.

"Don't don't don't,, I believe it."

Hearing the other party's nervousness and fear through the phone, Ji Shengnan's eyes flashed with disgust and disdain: "Now, do you still think I am not worthy of Nini?"

"No... of course not."

"Then the matter between me and Nini..."

"This...this matter, my mother and I have to take it easy, think about it."

Although he didn't admit them right away, he no longer wanted to separate them as hard as before.

Ji Shengnan didn't care: "Those two think about it, don't worry, I will take Nini to dinner first, goodbye."

After speaking, no matter how the other party reacted, he just hung up the phone, turned to look at Ran Jiani who still couldn't respond, and smiled slightly: "It's solved, don't be afraid, everything is up to me."

Ran Jiani's eyes turned redder when she heard his words, she threw herself into Ji Shengnan's arms, tears falling down.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is this person by his side.

Ran Jiani knew that she had no place in the family, her father didn't hurt, and her mother didn't love, just like a superfluous transparent person.

For that matter, she still feels that her parents still love her, at least they haven't made her live as miserable as Qi Anran in the past ten years.

But until today did she understand that to them, she may be like a dog or a cat, which can be used at any time, and can also be thrown away at any time.

A date that was so good at first became extremely depressing because of the series of accidents.

During the meal, Ran Jiani had no energy. After finally watching her finish the meal, Ji Shengnan personally sent her back to the school, and immediately called Qi Anran.

When Qi Anran received the call, Huo Yizhen was pressing all kinds of tofu under him. He was about to cross first base, second base, and third base and directly send home base. The phone rang.

Qi Anran twisted his eyebrows, and pushed the person who was pressing on him: "Go on, my phone rang."

"Don't worry, what can you do at night?"

Qi Anran's eyes shrank slightly, and his anger began to rise: "You can't afford it?"

"Do not……"

Before the words fell, only a bang was heard, someone paid the price for his stalker again!

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