Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 555: Different treatment of children

Qi Anran really found something after spending the whole night.

Ran Jiani's family conditions weren't really good, so she was pretty decent.

Ordinary, hungry to die, dress warmly, no matter how good it is.

Her father is a small company employee, holding a dead salary of no more, no less.

Her mother was originally a small company employee, but in Ran Jiani's third year of high school, her brother quit his job when he was in high school and concentrated on taking care of the siblings at home.

To be precise, it is to take care of her younger brother who has just entered high school, to make up for him every day, and to supervise his homework, so that he can get good grades and have a good future in the college entrance examination in the future.

As for Ran Jiani, it was completely incidental.

Because Ran's mother resigned and became a full-time mother, the family's livelihood naturally fell on Dad Ran's body.

Fortunately, although Dad Ran worked hard, he was happy when he thought that he was trying to find a way out for his son.

However, the change happened on the eve of Ran Jiani's college entrance examination. The company where Ran's father works has been in a sluggish business recently. In order to save money, the boss of the company thought of layoffs.

Although Dad Ran did not make any major mistakes in the company, his performance was not particularly good, and he was on the verge of layoffs.

The livelihood of the family rests on Dad Ran. If he is laid off, the family life will definitely be difficult.

And at this moment, Lin Yuche appeared.

Qi Anran didn't think it was a coincidence. When Ji Shengnan thought of Ran Jiani's father repeatedly emphasizing on the phone that the scumbag was rich and his daughter had a good life with him, she felt that she couldn't help but feel sick.

Although she understands that as the head of the family, she is responsible for the livelihood of the family, and it is indeed hard and stressful to lose a job.

But even so, you can sacrifice your daughter and sell her as a commodity in vain?

Among other things, at least Qi Anran knew that the university that Ran Jiani attended at this meeting was not high in tuition, and basically used the money she saved from working during the summer and previous holidays.

Not to mention the living expenses, since she entered high school, the first two adults in her family hadn't given her much.

If it weren't for her own enthusiasm, half-work and half-study, without their money, let alone university, high school would not have been possible.

Now that something went wrong in the family, I immediately wondered how to sell my daughter for sale, in exchange for a greater benefit to raise another child of theirs.

Thinking of this, the faces of Ran's parents overlapped with the hypocritical fellows of Qi's family in her heart.

Thinking about it again, her previous life Ran Jiani lost her life because of that scumbag.

If her family can give her more attention and warmth, how can she give up her life for a scumbag like that?

Qi Anran became more angry as he thought about it, and almost didn't kick the computer in front of him.

Huo Yizhen heard the movement and rushed to the study for the first time, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just thought of something annoying."

"Something irritating?" Huo Yizhen walked suspiciously to Qi Anran, glanced roughly at the display in front of him, and quickly understood what Qi Anran was angry about.

"Is this your friend's family situation?" Huo Yizhen raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled. "Since the family is in trouble, why don't you want to find the reason from their spending sons, and in turn want to be clever and sensible? Daughter push it out?"

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