Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 556: I like it as long as you give birth

Hearing Huo Yizhen's unintentional questioning, Qi Anran smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "Because Nini is a girl, and their precious son is a boy."

"Aren't boys and children all their own children?"

Qi Anran raised his head and glanced at Huo Yizhen, imagining to slap him as usual, but suddenly felt a little tired, so tired that she could barely curl her lips, and continued to smile: "Respected Lieutenant General Huo, you are afraid I know that there is still a word in this world called patriarchal. In the eyes of these people, no matter how good a daughter is, it is from someone else's family. The water thrown out by the married daughter, only the son is their future support. Wait for them. In the future, they will be able to support them when they are old. Therefore, in their view, sons are precious, and daughters are superfluous."

"Nini’s father is a person with this kind of thinking. In his opinion, it is worth what he pays to his son because he can get rewards from his son in the future. As for Nini, he can give her a bite of food. It’s a kindness to her, and he won’t give her more of the others. Even when necessary, he can use it as a **** sacrifice. After all, he gave her a life and raised her so much, didn’t he? ?"

Qi Anran said that he couldn't help but sighed: "In fact, I often think about this question. The same is their children. How can you say that some people's hearts can be so biased?"

However, there is not so much fairness in this world. In their eyes, things that are unreasonable, in the eyes of the parties, they also think that they can't be more reasonable, and they don't feel that they have done anything wrong.

He seemed to have heard the helplessness and sorrow in Qi Anran's words, Huo Yizhen frowned, took a step forward, took Qi Anran into his arms, and solemnly said: "I don't have such a concept, as long as it is you and me. I like children, boys and girls."

Qi Anran was a bit depressed at first, and suddenly lost his temper when he heard Huo Yizhen's words.

"You can't think of anything else in your mind, why can you think of everything over there?"

Huo Yizhen pretended to be stupid: "Which way? Didn't you mention it first? I just followed your words."

Qi Anran... Qi Anran didn't want to talk to him, and rolled his eyes at him.

Seeing her emotional recovery, Huo Yizhen didn't give up any more, but instead turned her attention back to the computer screen.

"However, if you think about it carefully, if Ran Jiani's parents really wanted to match Ran Jiani with the man, it would be reasonable. But what about that man? He knew that Ran Jiani didn't like her, but he kept pestering others, even possibly. I also know that Ran Jiani’s parents have a purpose to match them, but they still haunt them. Is it true love?"

"True love!" Qi Anran said coldly, "He can be true love to anyone, but for Nini, it is absolutely impossible to be true love!"

"So sure?" Huo Yizhen was a little surprised.

Qi Anran’s eyes flashed with stagnation, and then it seemed as if he had thought of something, and said confidently: “That’s so sure. Nini told me before that she didn’t think that man really likes her at all. Just looking at her eyes Not quite right, like approaching her purposefully."

Huo Yizhen took a deep look at Qi Anran: "I approached her purposefully? But she is an ordinary girl, powerless and powerless, and she doesn't look particularly amazing. What does that man try to approach her like this? "

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