The woman saw that Qi Anran had been muffled until then, and thought she was a soft persimmon, but Qi Anran suddenly jumped out like this.

I froze for a moment, and immediately said, "It's worth seeing. You deliberately didn't stand well last night and caused General Huo to go off the court to help you correct your posture. The whole school has spread. Now everyone knows that you are starting school. On the first day, you shamelessly seduce the instructor, and even seduce the married man, General Huo. You lost all the faces of our freshmen."

Qi Anran's eyes were stunned, looking at the girl's stubborn accusation, and sneered: "In other words, you don't even know how things happened, what was the situation at the time, and what scenes. It's all up to other people. One side of the word, I decided that I was a lowly woman who seduce a married man, and made it known to everyone."

The girl feels that Qi Anran's words are dangerous, but for a while, she will not know where the danger is. She just bit her scalp and asks: "Did you guys say it wrong?"

"Of course it's wrong." Qi Anran glanced at the girl coldly, "Intentionally? Do you have any evidence that I did a bad job deliberately to attract the instructor's attention. Is there evidence? If not, this is a rumor. I know. What is rumors? Open slander and slander others in public, causing the other's reputation loss, I can sue you, and everyone present can testify to me, my chances of winning are still pretty good."

"Yes, yes, yes, we can all testify, we have all heard what this woman said just now." Yun Qianli's eyes lit up when she heard Qi Anran's words, and her eyes were full of gloat when she looked at the woman.

How did the girl understand this? When Qi Anran said that she wanted to sue herself, she panicked for fear that what Qi Anran said was true.

When she thought that she might be back to the lawsuit, she couldn't help but change her face, her eyes widened, pretending to be calm and said: "I...I didn't spread rumors, you did it on purpose!"

"You said it was intentional or deliberate? Then I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it? Unprovoked accusations without evidence, and thus damage my reputation, are slander and rumors." Qi Anran was not without mockery. Looking at the girl’s white face, "Little girl, be realistic. Do you really think this world can be whatever you want? You really think that you can just say something sour in your mouth that you don’t like. People make you stink? If you have this free time, read more books and don't chew on the roots of people's tongue all the time, or someone will cut your tongue sooner or later."

The girl was so scared by Qi Anran's **** words that she almost didn't feel weak on the spot.

Another girl next to her hurriedly helped her, and then said: "Even if we are talking nonsense about General Huo, what about other things? Do you dare to say that your entry into the mechanical major has nothing to do with Senior Yin? Do you dare Say you weren't the major who was hoisted from the tail of a crane? You are a beautiful student with good grades, ha ha!"

At this point, Yun Qianli really didn't dare to jump to a conclusion, so she secretly pulled Qi Anran and asked curiously: "An Ran, where do you rank in your major?"

Even the middle one, as long as it is not really the tail of the crane!

Qi Anran frowned and recalled: "Me? It seems to be... number one? Number one?"

Yun Qianli and a few people close by heard Qi Anran's words, their expressions changed, and they said in disbelief, "Number One?!"

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