Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 561: Professional first

Qi Anran's words scared not only the clamoring girls, but also the onlookers who were still worried that she would suffer.

"How is it possible? How could you be number one! You are a lie, you must be a lie!"

"Here again." Qi Anran sneered and looked at the two pale-faced girls, "There is no evidence. Just based on your guesses, you think I must humiliate myself according to your ideas? Who told you Girls must be worse than boys? Who told you that they are all learning the same thing, but girls are not as good as boys?"

Qi Anran didn't know that the speaker of this passage of her was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. The girls on the side were stunned, and the eyes of the girls looked a little bit more displeased for an instant.

They are all girls, but they look down on themselves from the bottom of their hearts, look down on them, girls, and only dare to attack and bully them who are also girls.

When I find that others are better than myself, I don't think about how to make myself better. Instead, I use my own good to attract others. Instead, I blame others' good and jealous of people who are better than myself.

Such a person is truly sad but also hateful.

The girl was so speechless by Qi Anran, she reacted for a long time, gritted her teeth and said: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, you must be lying to us, you must be!"

As soon as the girl said this, someone at the side couldn't understand it, and jumped out first to retort: ​​"Oh, since you don't believe what she said, then you can ask someone who can be trusted to ask if you can."

Others suddenly realized that when they heard the words, yes, it is not reliable to listen to someone's side at this time. Naturally, it is safe to find someone who can restore the truth to testify.

Generally speaking, except for their own student ID, few people will deliberately understand the number of other people's student ID, whether the number suffixed at the end is higher or lower.

Therefore, student information, including student ID, in most cases is only available for class leaders and counselors who are responsible for naming themselves or their majors.

They are all just military training at this meeting, and they have not formally attended classes, so naturally the so-called class leaders have not yet been selected.

Most of them were people who played better with counselors at the beginning of school, and temporarily took over as squad leaders, and called them every morning during their military training.

Therefore, this meeting should only be the deputy squad leader who has their list and student ID in his hands. As long as he is found, the truth will be revealed.

The acting squad leader of the mechanical major was a boy who looked a little stupid, and looked a little tenderer than his peers. After hearing about Qi Anran's side, he immediately ran over with a list of their professions.

"What's the matter? How can you make a noise when you are so good?" The acting squad leader pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his serious face matched with his white and tender young face, it looked so strange. A little bit...cute.

"That's it." Some freshmen who had been watching for a long time explained the whole story to the small squad leader as quickly as possible.

After listening to the incident, the young monitor's expression sank, and he looked like a short-term caregiver whose family had been bullied, and said angrily: "Student Qi is right, she is the top student in our professional ranking. There is no such thing as a crane tail. Some people should use their brains before they speak."

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