Qi Anran looked at the emoji at the end of the message, filling in the way that someone was expressing a love package to himself on the other side of the phone, and laughed out loud.

Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao took a look at her, and then they looked at each other tacitly, and then laughed.

Qi Anran quickly stopped the laughter, and took his mobile phone back to Huo Yizhen in a short message: "Well, there is no way. Excellent people are more pursued, and I am also very distressed."

Huo Yizhen replied almost in seconds: "Qicheng Pufferfish.jpg"

As soon as Qi Anran saw Huo Yizhen's love package, she couldn't help but want to laugh, and even the slight strangeness when he saw the post reply before was completely forgotten by her.

No way, the emoticon pack doesn't match someone's usual image or something!

"Where did you get so many messy emoticons? Tell me frankly, have you been pierced by a human soul?"

"What do you think? These are all sent to me by Shengnan."

"Sheng Nan? He has this kind of expression pack? Are you fooling me?" Qi Anran raised his eyebrows, skeptical of Huo Yizhen's words.

Is Ji Shengnan the kind of person who secretly collects these emoticons? She would rather believe that this emoji was sent to him by Su Haochen.

Huo Yizhen saw this reply from his wife's wife, and silently complained in his heart: What fools are not fools, is it surprising that Sheng Nan has such an expression pack? I think he gave me a bunch of chasing books at the beginning, and I still cherish them under the desk in the office!

Of course, it is impossible for Huo Yizhen to tell Qi Anran this.

"Of course it's true. When did I lie to you, do you need me to send you the screenshot when he sent it to me? [Qigugu.jpg]"

"...Forget it, no need." I really didn't expect Ji Shengnan to be so mature on the surface, and there was a small Gongju in his heart! The emoji pack is so colorful.

Grandmaster Ji, who has collected so many emoticons purely to cater to his girlfriend’s chatting preferences, silently lay down a shot: "..."

"Okay, don't change the subject, you haven't explained the confession to me yet!"

Qi Anran didn't know that Huo Yizhen was actually nearby when the boy confessed, and he had seen everything that happened at that time.

After hesitating for a moment, he still said truthfully: "What's the explanation for this. Don't you believe me? They like me, I can't control it, but I can guarantee that no matter how many times they confess to me, I will refuse, because I already have you."

This is the most crooked sentence Qi Anran has said since the two were together. No matter how other people like me, I won't agree, because I already have the best you.

Huo Yizhen stared at the sentence on the screen of the phone, and only felt his heart pounding and jumping. He wished to appear in front of Qi Anran immediately and rub her into his arms fiercely.

It is really...too foul to say such words at night!

Huo Yizhen suppressed the eagerness in his heart and sent an emoticon again.

"Wronged Baba.jpg"

Qi Anran: "..."

Qi Anran stared at the cute and pitiful picture on the phone screen. He couldn't figure out what the expression on this picture would look like on Huo Yizhen. He couldn't harden his heart anymore, and replied helplessly. : "When you get home, you can do whatever you want, let's do it."

"A word is determined! [Round circle.jpg]"

Qi Anran: "..." What's the matter with the feeling that you both feel hot eyes and feel like you have been pitted?

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