Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 572: Of course forgive him

It has to be said that cute people are really pleasing to sell cute, but it is terrible for a strong man to sell cute.

Rao was as strong as Qi Anran in his heart, and he couldn't bear the offensive of Huo Yizhen's memes.

After dropping countless goose bumps, he finally surrendered and was forced to sign a series of indemnity treaties to make someone happy, and no longer bombarded the emoji at her.

Qi Anran looked at the phone that had finally stopped, and sighed helplessly, but couldn't help but curled up the corners of his lips slightly, showing indulgent color.

When she finished laughing, she raised her head and met the meaningful gazes of Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao.

Qi Anran: "..."

Yun Qianli looked at Qi Anran with a complicated expression for a long time, and always couldn't help but ask: "An Ran, are you sure that your boyfriend is really your boyfriend, not your...girlfriend? Why do I always think you are here? Are you accustomed to him instead of him? Did you two take the wrong script?"

"...I actually want to ask this question too." The man I'm looking for, crying must be spoiled! Those who make trouble with God's horse unreasonably, of course choose to forgive him.

Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao: "..." I feel inexplicably that I have been forced into a lot of dog food, do you think it is an illusion? !

The confession incident did not have much impact on Qi Anran's life. Early the next morning, she got up early and followed Yun Qianli to eat breakfast and hurried to the playground.

Unexpectedly, just walking out of the cafeteria, he was stopped by a woman who looked slightly older than them.

"Is this classmate Qi Anranqi?"

Qi Anran instantly became alert, and looked at the woman without a trace, before he cautiously said, "I am, may I ask you?"

"Hello, classmate Qi, I'm the executive secretary of the principal's office. The principal wants to invite classmate Qi to the principal's office for something. I don't know if classmate Qi has time now?"

"Principal? What did the principal ask you for?" Yun Qianli took the lead in reacting, with a face full of confusion.

Xiao Xiao pulled Laqi Anran with some anxiety, and whispered: "Could it be because of the bad things about the girls yesterday?"

Yun Qianli twisted her brows slightly: "If it is for those girls, don't be afraid. After all, Major General Huo personally attacked those girls yesterday, and the responsibility is not with us. The blame lies on the victim, Enron, right?"

Xiao Xiaoxin said: That's not necessarily true. Who knows if there will be any tricks behind this.

Qi Anran stared at the woman for a long time before saying: "I don't have any comments, it's just military training for a while..."

"Student Qi can rest assured that the principal will ask someone to tell your professional instructors, and it will not affect his military training results."

Qi Anran's eyes flashed slightly: "Then let's go now, go early and return early. Xiao Li and Xiao Xiao, please go to military training first, and I will come to you later."

Yun Qianli still felt that this woman was not very reliable, and said in an uneasy way: "Then you are careful."


The woman led Qi Anran to the door of the principal's office and left first. Qi Anran stood at the door and hesitated for a moment or raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The people inside seemed to have expected someone to come here, and shouted "Come in" without asking who was outside the door.

"Hello, principal, I am..." Qi Anran opened the door of the principal's office and made an introduction, but after seeing the two people sitting in the principal's room, his face changed slightly, "It's you!"

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