Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 857: Dedicated driver

As soon as Qi Anran heard Su Haochen's voice, he had a premonition that he would suffer.

Sure enough, after hearing the second half of the sentence, the two of them could not wait to rush up to block his mouth, kick him by the way, and kick people directly out of the military headquarters.

Gu Molan was also stunned when he heard Su Haochen's words, and took a meaningful look at Qi Anran and An Yao: "Sister-in-law?"

An Yao's face turned pale, Qi Anran wished to dig a hole on the spot and bury himself in it. Is there anyone in this world faster than this self-slapped face?

As soon as Su Haochen approached, he realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. He hurried to Qi Anran's side and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? All the faces are so ugly? Did I just say something wrong?"

What did you say wrong? Fortunately, you still have the face to ask me! Qi Anran rolled his eyes at him immediately, and didn't want to talk to him.

Su Haochen received her roll of eyes and became more aggrieved. He...what did he do wrong?

Gu Molan saw Su Haochen's small movements in his eyes, her eyes flickered, and deliberately tentatively said: "Did you just call her sister-in-law?"

Su Haochen instinctively felt that there were some traps in the words of the person in front of him, but the water splashed out by the words would make people feel that he was a guilty conscience if he said nothing.

I had to bite the bullet and said: "Yes, this is my elder brother's wife, what's wrong with me calling her sister-in-law?"

"Then who dare to ask your elder brother..."

"How about you checking your household registration? My elder brother is my elder brother. Even if you are a major general of the Federation, you can't interfere with other people's household affairs, right?"

Hearing Su Haochen's words, the two of them unanimously breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that this **** was a little unreliable, but fortunately he was not too stupid to be hopeless.

At this meeting, Gu Molan also discovered the careful thinking of these people who insisted not to let themselves know Qi Anran's true identity. He narrowed his eyes, and when he was about to speak, a voice with a little anger came from not far away.

"What are a bunch of people doing here?"

As soon as this anger came out, everyone present was happy and sad. The happy thing was that someone came to save the scene, but the sad thing was the current situation, how embarrassing it is to look at it!

Huo Yizhen saw a group of people surrounding his daughter-in-law from a distance, and among them was a major general from the Federation, his face sank suddenly, and he walked towards Qi Anran and the others.

When An Yao saw Huo Yizhen approaching with a dark face, he naturally knew what his gloomy look was because of his sombre appearance. He turned his eyes slightly and quickly seized the opportunity and said: "General, you came just right. This Major General Gu doesn't believe Qi. The lady is your exclusive driver. As a party, what you say is much more trustworthy than those of us."

Huo Yizhen couldn't help but pause when he heard An Yao's words, but quickly returned to the original state, and chuckled: "Yes, she is indeed my exclusive driver. Major General Gu is interested in my driver?"

Gu Molan glanced at Huo Yizhen and Qi Anran without a trace, shook his head and said, "I'm just curious, but I'm just a driver. Why did Miss An cover up and didn't want to let me know."

An Yao almost didn't directly scold him when he heard this. I didn't want to let you know what it meant before.

Obviously, you had tried to commit a crime against our general's wife before, but she was only cautious to help cover it up.

Now he was beaten up by this guy! I really didn't expect this person to look upright, with a righteous expression. It turns out that his nature is like this...shameless!

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