Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 858: Your last name is Qi?

Huo Yizhen didn't know the whole story. Hearing Gu Molan's words, he glanced at An Yao subconsciously inquiring.

An Yao suppressed the irritability in his heart and coughed lightly: "I didn't mean to hide it, but I didn't really see who was sitting in the car at the time. If General Gu really wanted to use this to say something ugly, I There is nothing to say."

Gu Molan frowned slightly, Huo Yizhen also heard some doorways from it, and became a peacemaker at the right time: "Listening to her, it seems that there is some misunderstanding with Major General Gu. Since it is a misunderstanding, just solve it. Major General Gu is broad-minded, shouldn't he be brooding about this little thing, right?"

Huo Yizhen directly put a high hat on Gu Molan, but it made him want to continue to hold on to this matter.

Gu Molan also knew that this was not in the Federation after all, and he was really going to have a conflict with them. I was afraid that there would be no escape, so he followed the steps that Huo Yizhen handed over.

"What General Huo said is, just solve the misunderstanding."

Hearing Gu Molan's words, several people also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that this person would be entangled and cause other troubles.

Huo Yizhen was also very satisfied with Gu Molan’s knowledge, and took the initiative to change the subject: “General Gu is a rare visit to our military headquarters. Why don’t you walk around with me now? Or is it that General Gu wants An Yao more than me? Accompanying?"

Gu Molan looked at Qi Anran subconsciously when he heard the words. He obviously wanted to contact Qi Anran more, but knew that this idea was not realistic. Miss Ann will just take me around."

Huo Yizhen was just polite. Originally, he didn't really want to take him around. Hearing Gu Molan's initiative to decline, he didn't force him: "Then let An Yao take General Gu to walk around."

In fact, An Yao didn't really want to be alone with Gu Molan at this meeting, so he blamed him, so he reluctantly stepped forward and said, "General Gu, please."

Gu Molan nodded, turned around to leave, but suddenly turned around to look at Qi Anran before leaving, and asked in a low voice, "Your last name is Qi?"

Qi Anran was taken aback, nodded and said: "Yes."

"Which one?"


Gu Molan silently repeated Qi Anran's last name several times, as if he wanted to remember Qi Anran's last name well.

Watching this scene, Huo Yizhen unconsciously thought of the necklace Qi Anran's mother left her, and a cold light flashed across his eyes without a trace.

After asking about Qi Anran's surname, Gu Molan didn't entangle any more, and simply followed An Yao away.

As soon as the two of them left forefoot, Huo Yizhen on the back foot immediately relaxed, walked to Qi Anran's side, and anxiously asked: "What's the matter? You and General Gu and him..."

"I don't know what's going on. It seems that when you attended the reception banquet, I didn't drop by to pick you up and I happened to be seen by him. He asked An Yao about my identity. Did not tell him that I was your wife, and I happened to run into it again today..."

Huo Yizhen looked a little ugly after hearing Qi Anran's explanation: "Why would he suddenly ask about your identity?"

"Maybe I saw me pick you up in person, plus I am a woman, so I suspect that I have a lot to do with you."

Huo Yizhen's complexion was slightly dark, and he cursed **** secretly in his heart. He shouldn't have let Qi Anran pick him up that night.

To be like Qi Anran said, it’s okay to pay attention to her only because of me, I’m afraid I’m afraid...

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