It was a low and magnetic male voice, faintly irritated, and everyone present was all attracted to the past.

Qi Anran and the others noticed that a few men who looked not much older than them happened to be standing on the school road outside the small forest, looking towards them with serious faces.

The most noteworthy thing is that Yin Moyan was among these men, and still standing in the forefront.

It's just that the person who just made the sound was not Yin Moyan, but another handsome boy who followed him.

Bai Yishu's face changed slightly after seeing Yin Moyan, but his eyes lit up when he saw the boy who just spoke next to Yin Moyan, and recognized that this was also one of the boys who had expressed his affection for her a few days ago.

When Bai Yishu saw him at this meeting, he was just as excited as he saw the savior: "Senior Qiao, senior Qiao, please help me, save me, these people will grab me indiscriminately. I was caught by them. If you hadn't arrived in time, they might have done anything to me? You see, they still haven't let me go, they obviously just don't put you in their eyes. You dare to be so rampant in your face, and I don’t know what to do when you are gone!"

Qiao Hengze couldn't help but wrinkle his brows when he heard Bai Yishu's words. He didn't know the cause and effect when he saw so many big men clutching a woman, and subconsciously felt that these people were too much.

Just about to scold the bodyguards, they saw their student president suddenly lift up to the girls on the other side.

Qiao Hengze choked immediately, and his attention shifted from Bai Yishu to Yin Moyan and the other girls.

Yin Moyan stepped up to Yun Qianli, and said with concern: "Is it all right? Did they hurt you just now?"

Yun Qianli didn't expect that Yin Moyan would ask herself this kind of question in front of so many people. She blushed, raised her eyes and glared at him: "Those people are bodyguards to protect Enron, how could they hurt me? You guys? Don’t just indiscriminately impose charges on people, okay?"

Yin Moyan raised her eyebrows when she heard Yun Qianli's words, and said, "What the **** is going on? How could you..."

When Bai Yishu saw Yin Moyan walking past, he couldn't help but whispered in secret, and his face was even more pale when he witnessed what happened afterwards with his own eyes.

Before Yun Qianli spoke again, he struggled hard and interceded with Qiao Hengze: "Senior Qiao, Senior Qiao, you save me, save me. They just think I'm from the Federation and think I'm not pleasing to the eye, so they make things difficult for them. I want to vent my anger. I dare to do such a thing in school, and I might do something more frenzied when I go outside. Save me, save me!"

If Qiao Hengze heard Bai Yishu's cry from the beginning, maybe he could help her fight the injustice.

But this meeting saw that Yin Moyan was clearly standing on the side of the other people, Qiao Hengze was not sure, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Yin Moyan for help: "President, look at this..."

The president Qiao Hengze stunned all the people present.

Qi Anran and the others later realized that although Yin Moyan didn't haunt the school very much, he still had the name of the president of the student union!

Yin Moyan turned his head and glanced at Qiao Hengze, then chuckled lightly, and his eyes fell on Yun Qianli again: "You said, what's the matter?"

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