Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 877: Who moved the hand first?

Yin Moyan's actions were tantamount to telling everyone that he only believed what Yun Qianli said, and he didn't believe what other people said.

Bai Yishu's face was pale, but Yun Qianli's confidence was all of a sudden, and he coldly snorted: "You should have heard it in the cafeteria that day. This woman deliberately smeared An Ran in front of me. I'll take this when I go back. It was told to An Ran. Today, An Ran came here for nothing else, just wanting to confront her. In the end, she did well, so she said a few words. Seeing that she couldn’t tell us, she wanted to do something to An Ran. Fortunately, bring An Ran with her. With these bodyguards, I rushed to stop her before she went mad, otherwise, what happened?"

Yin Moyan's eyes drenched slightly: "Did she move your hand first?"

"That's not it? We are all civilized people, who is like her, who can only do things if you can't say others, really makes everyone blind."

Hearing what Yun Qianli and Yin Moyan said, Bai Yishu was trembling with anger, and suddenly shouted, "You are all in one group, all in one group! Students from your country are openly bullying the Federation on campus. The exchange students who came here, not only did not help, but even sheltered these nasty perpetrators and condoned them to harm us physically and mentally. I will truthfully tell the president of your country and let him give me a satisfactory answer. This matter, I won't just leave it alone!"

The onlookers beside Bai Yishu's hysterical screams only felt bored, while those boys who had been so diligent with Bai Yishu in the past few days had their eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

It can be seen that Bai Yishu's screaming shrew is very different from her usual image in front of them.

Qi Anran saw the panic of these people in his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a chuckle: "We are indeed in the same group, but some of them are not always? These boys are students of your finance department, how many If the seniors don’t believe them, you can investigate. When this Miss Bai came out with us, they called them specifically so that they could help her when she was afraid of being isolated and helpless in the conflict. Now that the seniors are all around, trust them. I shouldn't have the courage to lie and fool a few seniors. Dare to ask a few, who did it first?"

The few people didn't expect that the fire would burn on their bodies when it burned, and their faces were as earth-colored, and they didn't dare to say anything.

Yin Moyan saw that Qi Anran's tone was so determined, and expected that this matter should be exactly what they said, it was the woman's first hand.

Immediately he pointed the finger at the boys, and said in a deep voice: "Honestly, what did you see just now? Who did the first move?"

Several boys looked at Bai Yishu and Qi Anran, with hesitation on their faces.

Among the few boys who came with Yin Moyan, one of them was more anxious, and pointed to a few people and shouted: "Ask you! If you have it, if you don't have it, don't have it. Be refreshed. If you dare to lie to us, we usually Although I don’t stay in school much, I can still clean up a few students."

These people estimated that they had also heard of the greatness of the Student Union before this. They turned pale and tried to push the people around, only to find that no one was willing to come forward.

In the end, there was really no way, so I had to break the jar, and shouted together: " was the hand that classmate Bai did first, yes, it was the hand that she did first."

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