Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 974: Rush to the guest room

Huo Yizhen didn't pay attention to Qi Anran's disgust that was revealed at the moment, and was about to make persistent efforts to take the person down, when Qi Anran's cell phone rang.

When Qi Anran heard the sound, he pushed a certain big bad wolf closer and closer, and took a look at the phone.

Huo Yizhen was a little bit curious: "Whose text message?"

"Xiao Li and Xiao Xiao's."

"What are they doing texting you so late?"

"Remind me to start the final exam tomorrow."

Although Qi Anran applied for the exemption from school, he had to take the final exam.

This is the bottom line of the school, otherwise I am afraid that I will not get the school's graduation certificate in the future.

"You will start the final exam tomorrow? How long will the exam take?"

"At least it will take a week."

"so long?"

"Yes, every day a subject or even some subjects will be taken one or two days later, and the time will naturally be lengthened."

"Oh." Huo Yizhen nodded and said nothing.

Qi Anran's eyes turned, and he smiled and said, "I'm going to start the exam tomorrow, and I haven't been to school before."

"Huh?" Huo Yizhen looked blank, not quite clear why Qi Anran said this.

"So these days, I have to hold onto the Buddha's feet and study my homework a lot."

Huo Yizhen: "..." You? Review subjects? You can do projects on your own, and you still need to review the most basic homework in your school?

Huo Yizhen couldn't help but feel a little sense of crisis in her heart. As expected, Qi Anran confidently said in the next second: "In order for me to have a good grade at the end of the term, I must work hard and put study first."


"So..." Qi Anran stepped forward and pushed Huo Yizhen out of the room, "From tonight, you can go to the guest room to sleep by yourself."

"Wait!" Huo Yizhen was pushed forward by Qi Anran a few steps, and finally reacted, grabbing Qi Anran's hand that pushed him out, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Don't you need to be so exaggerated? You are experimenting every day. I accompanied Lao Sang and the others in the room to do various experiments. Those test papers in the school are hard for you?"

"That's not necessarily!" Qi Anran straightened his body, trying to make what he said more authentic, "There is a saying how to say, review the old and learn the new, don't underestimate the basics taught in the school. A lot of things are derived from the basics. Because of this, people who have learned to our level have already certified many things. Instead, they will not continue to study these basics, but directly apply what has been obtained. the result of."

"This has also led to many powerful people asking them to solve these basic things, or the solutionist has forgotten the basics, or the solution is too esoteric, even the scoring teacher can't understand it."

Huo Yizhen was so confused by Qi Anran's words that he couldn't hear the reason for a long time, so naturally he didn't know how to refute it.

Qi Anran seemed to have noticed this too, a smile flashed across his eyes, but a serious expression on his face: "In short, I have to study hard for the past few days. Don't disturb me. Otherwise, I will tell Grandpa that you affect me. It's embarrassing him that I can't get good grades in the final exam, and see if he doesn't cut you off!"

Huo Yizhen: "..." He couldn't refute, so he was going to sleep in the guest room tonight? No, to be precise, he will be driven to sleep in the guest room in the next week? ! ! !

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