Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 975: Rumors in the school

Huo Yizhen opened his mouth and felt that he could still struggle to death: "Even if...even if it is true, there is no need to let me go to the guest room, right? I can stay in the room without saying a word and promise not to disturb you."

"That won't work."


"Don't you understand? Your sense of existence is too strong. As long as you stay in the house, I can't take my attention away from you. I can't take my attention away from you. What can I do? Review your homework? How do you prepare for tomorrow's exam?"

Huo Yizhen was stunned, and immediately blushed, and said in his heart that he couldn't take his attention away from him. Is the daughter-in-law confessing to him in a disguised form?

In the end, Huo Yizhen could not hold back his little daughter-in-law, and was rushed to sleep in the guest room, sleepless all night, and went to the military headquarters with two dark circles the next day.

Qi Anran had a good night's sleep and went to school refreshed.

When Qi Anran arrived at the school, about half an hour before the exam, Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao were both waiting for her at the school road to the classroom.

Seeing Qi Anran coming over, both of them were a little happy and a little worried: "An Ran, the exam is starting today. You haven't had much class in this semester. Doesn't it matter?"

How could Qi Anran fail to see that the two care about him, the corners of his lips twitched, and he nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, I will get a good result in the exam."

Although the two of them were worried, they were also confident of Qi Anran. Qi Anran's words had no basis, but they still gave them a lot of peace of mind.

"An Ran, this is the first final exam of our university. You have to take the exam well and try to blind those who look down on others."

"Dogs look at people low?" Qi Anran raised his eyebrows if he noticed, "Did you listen to what people said, why did you say that suddenly?"

"Uh..." Yun Qianli paused suddenly with an annoyed look, and turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao in a panic, as if calling for help with her.

Xiao Xiao was a little helpless, but still truthfully said: "In fact, it's nothing. Didn't you have the final exam recently? You haven't been back to school this semester. After class, some people spread slander and said..."

"Say that I will definitely fail the final exam this time, so I will make a fool of myself?"


Yun Qianli was still a little angry when she heard this: "The group of people just like to chew on other people's tongues when they are idle. Whether you do well in the exams is a matter of their ass. You spend all day there. You might as well have this time. Read a few pages to make the final exam better."

"Puff......" Qi Anran couldn't help laughing when he heard Yun Qianli's words. "If you really think so, you won't be so angry. What's the point of calling such a person? Just like you said. If you have that time, you might as well read a few more pages by yourself and make your final exam better."

Yun Qianli snorted, still looking upset: "I just see that regardless of their arrogant appearance, they haven't been tested yet, so I will ridicule every day, and step on you to proclaim how powerful you are, and you are not afraid of it. When the grades came out, my tongue flashed! To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than jealous that you look good and grades are so good, so you don’t have to stay in school like us. So, An Ran, you must work hard and beat this group of people hard. s face."

Qi Anran smiled and was about to speak, but suddenly a few yin and yang voices came from not far away: "Oh, isn't this our high-achieving mechanical major? Why are you free to come back for the exam? I thought you You don’t have to come back for the exam at the end of the term!"

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