China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 436 Ayi, you are promising (4k)

"Speak! Heizi, speak!

"Where's the stammer? Where's the horse face? Where are those ancient blowers?

"And those who say that Teresa Teng is the number one in Asia, come, come here, let's talk about the fact that your idols don't even dare to come to the mainland to hold concerts. Zhou Yi dared to go to Taiwan, how come Teresa Teng could only perform on the stage back then? Say something nice on the Internet?

"Don't talk to me about schedule conflicts. She has time to travel around the world with her little boyfriend, but she doesn't have time to arrange the free concert in mainland China that she boasted about until she died, right? She also wants to perform at the Main Gate Square, why not go to heaven? Woolen cloth?

"Since 1982, we have always said that we have contacted and negotiated, and there have been celebration banquets and separate dinners. As a result, when it was time to sign the contract, various so-called unexpected situations occurred and the trip to the mainland could not be successful.

"Not to mention concerts, even invitations to activities related to both sides of the Taiwan Strait and invitations to the Spring Festival Gala are all rejected without exception.

"I thought it was a coincidence once or twice, and you still told me it was an accident four times, five times, seven or eight times?

"She didn't even dare to come over to see her own aunt. She only dared to express how much she missed her relatives through so-called TV interviews..."

Guangzhou, Xintang Town, near Xintang Cowboy City.

A factory supervisor with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a refreshing three-quarter bangs style, had dinner after get off work, and sat in his rental house typing on the keyboard——

The TV in the living room was still playing a well-written advertisement, and the swirling smoke gradually blurred his eyes that were already red from being killed on the Internet. After finishing the scandal about the four kings, he picked up a few unnamed people. A convinced fan of Teresa Teng: "It's a big honor that the mainland has not banned her and her songs. Don't you have any idea whether she dares to come here?"

If in the past when facing Teresa Deng's fans, Wu Jian still lacked the confidence to fight, but now, Zhou Yi's results have completely given him the means to fight back——

"I won't talk about any nonsense about espionage, lest you accuse me of spreading rumors, I'll just talk about two people:

"In 1993, Andy Lau finished his sword show in Taiwan and publicly said wrong things when he participated in the global live broadcast of the disaster relief performance in the city hall. We here can still graciously let go of the past;

"Zhou Xingchi wanted to immigrate to Canada in 1993, but was rejected by the Canadian Immigration Bureau. He was rejected twice in a row. In the end, the mainland side still pretended that nothing happened.

"Friendly reminder, because the reason for his immigration failure was announced, Zhou Xingchi was so angry that he directly took the Canadian Immigration Bureau to court. The lawsuit lasted until the end of 2000 before he lost the case. In this way, the mainland still maintained an attitude of letting things go by the way. , as long as he is honest and doesn't cause trouble, he can even go to Peking University to do publicity.

“Where is your Deng Lijun?

"Did you know that when Andy Lau, Zhou Xingchi and the others were doing this, your Deng Lijun was still jumping up and down on the stage? Why didn't she dare to come?

"By the way, when your idol went to Japan, she was caught by Japanese officials and thrown into a detention center because she used an irregular but authentic Indonesian passport to enter Japan. If someone hadn't bailed her out, tsk tsk.

"But your idol is really tough, just like she has never come to the mainland. Even until she dies, she will keep silent about where this irregular but authentic Indonesian official passport comes from..."

Wu Jian, who is 28 years old this year, talked about the various newspaper reports he had seen back then, and even posted those materials very thoughtfully, directly suppressing those champion fans who liked to follow the trend and praise Teresa Deng——

He doesn't know if it's true or not. Anyway, that's what it is. If you want to refute it, you can't argue with me unless you can explain all the puzzles.

As the oldest group of Zhouyi fans, Wu Jian, who has always been following trends, can be said to be well-informed.

Because he is the supervisor of a denim factory and often does business with foreigners to negotiate orders, his appreciation of Zhouyi is actually more inclined to English songs——

He had poor academic performance since he was a child, so he learned English for a better life. It was precisely because of this language skills package that he was able to stand out from the crowd of migrant workers south of the country. He was valued by the factory boss. After a few years of training, he became a Ascended to the position of supervisor.

As his contact with foreigners became longer and longer, he gradually made some foreign friends and came into contact with foreign music through them.

It is precisely because of this that he understands better than many Zhouyi fans in China how awesome Zhouyi's achievements are - to put it more grandly, it is a historic breakthrough for the yellow race, indeed from 0 to 1 .

Don't tell me that there are Asians in the band Linkin Park. Whether you recognize it or not is a question. They didn't grow up in the same cultural circle. Don't force yourself to do it, it won't end well.

To this end, listening to the latest English single "Shots" from Zhou Yi that he bought, Wu Jian skillfully opened Maopu and wrote a long article with inspiration——

"Were you number one in Asia during the Zhouyi period?" Just today! 》

“I have not met 22-year-old Michael Jackson, 22-year-old Elvis Presley, and I have never met 22-year-old Beatles, but I have met 22-year-old Zhou Yi.

"I'll leave it at that. As long as Zhou Yi's next English second album doesn't stretch his legs, he can live up to the world's music world's expectations of him. Even if the fourth Chinese album he will release in China in the second half of the year turns into a piece of shit, he can still win I won the award softly and swept across Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan..."

The second major in English determines whether Zhou Yi can maintain this B-level in the field of public opinion.

At the 2003 awards ceremony, more than 95% of the audience watched albums released by singers in 2002.

Based on the quality of last year's Zhouyi "Lianshan" album, let me ask you, in this kind of public opinion environment, which award ceremony jury can withstand the pressure and strike a balance and not award the Zhouyi Award?

Wu Jian felt that there was none.

With this in mind, after appreciating a piece of his own work, Wu Jian clicked to publish, then reduced the page size, started to log in to play Legend, and along with it, made a call to the brother he met in the game——

"Hello? Boss, please remember to leave me a copy of Zhou Yi's English album when the time comes."

Thanks to Zhou Yi's current popularity, Wu Jian, who has to go to work, doesn't think he will be able to grab Zhou Yi's genuine album as soon as possible. Because Xintang jeans industry is booming across the country and even internationally, a large number of young people come to work here——

Many of them have made a fortune by being young and willing to learn, and many of these people are fans of Zhouyi.

Buying a genuine album can be said to be a waste for them. Therefore, based on the last experience, several large record stores in Xintang will definitely be sold out immediately.

He couldn't wait for restocking.

"No problem, I'm just kidding, come on, get on board..."

The eldest brother, who had connections through Warner's agency channels, agreed wholeheartedly. Wu Jian, who was about to take his eldest brother to have a good time, heard a familiar name from the speaker on the TV in the living room the next second -

"Good evening, dear audience friends."

"Good evening."

"Today is Tuesday, February 25th. Welcome to the "Xinwen Lianbo" program."

"The main content of this program is: my country's young singer Zhou Yi has been reporting frequently in recent days, and has made a historic breakthrough in Chinese pop music and even Asian pop music in New York, USA..."



The cigarette Wu Jian had been holding in his mouth fell to the ground, but he didn't react at all——

His eyes were still wide open in disbelief as he looked at the two hosts in suits and ties on the TV screen reciting key news in extremely standard broadcasting accents.

Three seconds later, he came back to his senses——


What the hell? !

Is Zhouyi on "Xinwen Lianbo"? !

Same time, different place.

All local officials who were watching the program immediately read the signal represented by this news content - as a news program with extremely tight schedule and content arrangement, Zhou Yi actually monopolized it for a full 33 seconds. !

It starts at 19:21:03 and ends at 19:21:36.

The last Mainland cultural and sports figure who received the treatment of a single reporter and had a continuous single report for more than 30 seconds was in 1985 when he single-handedly defeated three Japanese generals in the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament. Chess master Nie Weiping, who overtook the total score from 5:7 to 8:7——

From 1985 to 2003, a full eighteen years!

At this moment, the entertainment industry is even more shocked - the news that Zhou Yi appeared on "News Network" swept through the entire industry like a tornado almost immediately.

"Ayi! You're on your way!"

The United States, New York, in a luxury billiards hall.

With his right hand around the waist of the man who claimed to be a quasi-Victoria's Secret supermodel, Zhou Yi held a billiard cue in one hand. After feeling the vibration of his phone, he took it out, took a look at it, and pressed the answer button.

Even though the dance floor below was noisy, Zhou Yi still heard clearly - the excited Qian Jiang's voice was so loud that he didn't have to worry about hearing clearly.

"Hey honey, it's your turn."

The blond model in cool clothes moved her fingers on the man's chin, raised her head slightly, and looked up at him.

"Sorry sweetheart, although I also want to continue playing with you, I have to go back and deal with work matters first."

Zhou Yi, who lowered his head slightly and placed a kiss on the woman's red lips, was instantly touched. He smiled and waved to the bodyguard standing aside, who immediately threw a sequined suit jacket over.

The next second, Zhou Yi, who put his suit on his shoulders, turned around and chose to leave without any hesitation.

"Spike? Hey Spike, does our agreement last night still count?"


Zhou Yi, who kept walking without looking back, turned his back to the woman and the golfers and raised his hands and waved: "I never lie to anyone, especially women."


Forty minutes later, Qian Jiang, who was in the Warner Building and Zhouyi Lounge, looked at the man who had changed into another set of clothes with a strange face. After a long silence, he said, "So, you didn't go back to the hotel last night?"

"I'm back, I'm definitely going back."

Zhou Yi, who was adjusting the buttons of his shirt, couldn't help but turn around when he heard the words, and echoed the manager's words with a smile: "If you don't believe me, you can ask my bodyguard or driver."

"You guys in the modeling industry should stop playing around. I checked and this woman is indeed planning to get into Victoria's Secret. But there are so many women who want to get into Victoria's Secret. I don't think she can get into it. Typhoon can't compete with her." Her best friend Alessandra Ambrosio is already a supermodel.

"She's just taking advantage of your fame."

Qian Jiang had a headache when he talked about this.

Who would have thought that Zhou Yi, a dogecoin, would actually use his blog to make appointments with people offline, which is so outrageous.

"I know, what does this mean?"

Zhou Yi smiled indifferently: "But don't mention it yet, her so-called good sister named Alessandra Ambrosio is indeed pretty good."

Alessandra Ambrosio is a new star in the supermodel world who has been rising to the sky since 2001. One of the future Victoria's Secret top supermodels, domestic fans affectionately call her AA.

Qian Jiang: "...???"

Is this my point? ? ?

Um? Wait a moment--


Why are you kid still thinking about other people's good sisters?

"Forget it, I asked you to come back not only for a brief interview with CCTV reporters, but also because the person in charge of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" project at Disney has completed the rough editing, and they invited you to watch the movie so that you can write the theme. song."

Qian Jiang, who accepted his fate to wipe Zhou Yi's butt, introduced the work seriously: "In addition, people from Victoria's Secret have contacted me. They want to invite you to watch the Victoria's Secret show in November this year."

"People from Victoria's Secret? Do I have any interaction with them?" Zhou Yi was surprised.

He doesn't know any Victoria's Secret supermodels, and the one next to him is only a quasi-Victoria's Secret supermodel, and her Victoria's Secret best friends have only seen photos.

"You don't have it, but the [look at the legs] you posted on your blog before does."

Qian Jiang spread his hands innocently: "Although I am also surprised, according to the investigation, the operating company of the Victoria's Secret show obviously knows the way of popularity. As a Chinese, you were invited to watch the show by Victoria's Secret. What do you think of them? It is not only a gimmick, but also a good opportunity to expand the market base and popularity.

“Of course, the most important thing is because you are famous.

"So, after you publicly replied to the message from the would-be Victoria's Secret supermodel, people from Victoria's Secret noticed you. Now that you are so popular, they will naturally want to give it a try."

There were so many models trying to attract Zhou Yi's attention before, so how did the only one who received a public reply stand out?

After some investigation, the answer was self-evident - she said she was pursuing Victoria's Secret.

These days, European and American public opinion circles have figured out a pattern——

If you scold him under Zhou Yi's blog, he will definitely not reply to you.

But if you bring a photo to surf and say you want to get to know him, then you might have a chance to make progress together.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhou Yi's blog is now filled with all kinds of models chasing their dreams - or actresses and singers who really want to improve, saying that they are preparing to win the Oscar and Grammy.

The photos privately sent to Zhou Yi are as cool as the others.

Don't ask, it's just that it's a bit hot in New York in February.

After coming to the United States for nearly half a month, Zhou Yi has become the object of public fantasies of many European and American women together with Disney's fugitive prince Justin Timberlake by virtue of his unique sexy skills and personality——

Being a scumbag is not a problem, as long as I sleep with you, I can blow my pussy for the rest of my life.

Bad boy, genius libertine, women with these labels will have a great sense of psychological achievement and satisfaction when they rise to the top.

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing."

Seeing that Zhou Yi was about to change his clothes for a brief interview with a CCTV reporter, Qian Jiang slapped his forehead and said: "The first batch of shipments for your new album has been completed and will be released on time on March 1st. After that, you will not only need to In addition to programs and radio stations, you also need to go to offline music festivals and music venues. I have already contacted you."

In the United States, if a new album wants to sell well, it is essential to go to various offline venues.

Different from things like book signings in Hong Kong and handshake events in Taiwan, music festivals and small music platters are the mainstream offline in the United States——

Especially Zhou Yi's new album is still in the rock genre.

This is simply for killing offline.

"Okay, I know-"


Before Zhou Yi finished speaking, someone knocked on the door of the room——

The next second, the expression of a gentleman in a suit suddenly changed when he saw Zhou Yi as if he had seen the savior: "Spike, I beg you, Spike, can you not be so willful next time you release an album? Why are you so many good songs?" Would love to put it on an album.”

Little Edgar's face was almost twisted into a bitter melon.

Little Edgar, who is extremely talented in art, is also a songwriter himself. Not only is he talented, but he has also become the best-selling song and topped the charts in the two major markets of the United States and Japan.

When Zhou Yi's new album had been recorded, he was still leading the public relations team with Zhou Jianhui and had no time to listen to it. After listening to it at leisure, he almost wanted to fire all the idiots on Warner's board of directors - but considering that Warner is not his own now, he had no choice but to give up.

God Jesus Mary, Satan Lucifer Beelzebub, who the hell is in charge of censoring this album at Warner Headquarters? !

Can you get through this? !

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