China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 483: The Loyal and Righteous Mr. Zhou

If you want to choose a legendary pop singer in Japan, Miyuki Nakajima will definitely be the first name that comes to mind for many people.

Born in 1952, she has been hailed as a treasure of the entire Japanese pop music industry since her debut. She has been popular since 1975.

She is an evergreen who has spanned the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s.

Just last year, Miyuki Nakajima, who appeared on the 2002 Japanese Red and White Songs Festival, created a terrifying audience rating of 52.8% during her appearance, which shows her deep influence in Japan.

She also has a close relationship with the Chinese music circle.

Like Ren Xianqi, the last Chinese pop king at the end of the last century, some of his hit songs were covered by Miyuki Nakajima, and he also received the affirmation of Miyuki Nakajima himself, who believed that he covered it with a different flavor.

It is also because of this that when many people in the circle heard that Nakajima Miyuki was about to cooperate with Zhou Yi, write lyrics and cover Zhou Yi's Chinese songs, everyone felt a little subtle.

They covered Nakajima Miyuki, Nakajima Miyuki covered Zhou Yi...

It would be fine if they covered English songs, but they covered Zhou Yi's Chinese songs.

This is somewhat inferior in comparison.

"David, I think you'd better go to Warner. They have more experience than Sony now."

Taiwan, Yishidai Entertainment Building, Tao Zhe Lounge.

The agent who also heard the news looked at Tao Zhe who was still thinking, and stated the pros and cons: "On the Sony side, Wang Lihong's failure will inevitably lead to a lot of uncertainty for them about the next Chinese singers going overseas.

"And on the Warner side, if you can win Zhou Yi's support, the exposure rate when you start in the United States will not be the same as when you were with Sony. ”

No matter how many people Zhou Yi has blocked in the circle and how many people's cakes he has eaten, it cannot be denied that Zhou Yi is a legend in the current Chinese singer circle -

a legend that all creators are eager to follow and want to replicate.

This naturally includes Tao Zhe.

This year, he plans to release a collection of his music career in China, with all his focus on English songs.

The English version of "Love is Simple";

The English version of "10:30 at the Airport";

The English version of "Melody".

Three songs, combined into an EP.

As a musician who is not good at writing Chinese lyrics, Tao Zhe made many English versions of his demos first, and then gave them to Wawa or others to write the Chinese lyrics.

The three songs he chose to venture into the American music scene this time are It is a song that was created after perfecting the English demo he created in the past.

He originally planned to try two songs, but in order to be safe, he deliberately added a song "Melody" at the suggestion of the company.

Now that the EP album is ready, the distribution problem is a problem-

Wang Lihong's failure to go overseas has caused Sony, which is in contact with Tao Zhe, to lower the conditions, and the same is true for EMI.

As a singer of a small record company, he has no ability to go overseas and can only seek the agency distribution of these international major records.

At a time when Sony and EMI have successively changed the terms of the contract, Tao Zhe has to turn his attention to Warner, which he has never contacted.

To be fair, he and Zhou Yi are now competitors in a sense.

"Okay, I'll call Zhou Yi and ask."

Tao Zhe finally found Zhou Yi's number in the phone book and pressed the dial button-

"Hello? ”

Imperial capital, Warner building.

Zhou Yi, who was wearing monitoring headphones to torture Sun Yanzi, noticed the vibration of the phone on the table. He took off the headphones and chose to answer the call——

"What? Warner's agent distribution? I don't know about this, but I can introduce you to my agent and let him help you plan it."

To Tao Zhe's surprise, Zhou Yi, without any beating around the bush, introduced Qian Jiang, who already had experience, and gave him some precautions.

Tao Zhe, who had never received such treatment in the negotiations with Sony and EMI, was somewhat touched.

Zhou Yi was not arrogant, but kept a normal mind like when the two met for the first time.

Zhou Yi did not impose any restrictions on publicity——

The words "I wish you success" were enough to explain everything.

"He is not afraid that his unique aura will be diluted."

Taiwan, Tao Zhe, who hung up the phone, slowly exhaled, smiled and gave a reassurance to the worried agent: "On the contrary, he is happy to help me get out. "

When Tao Zhe said this, there were some sparks in his eyes.

He had been a policeman in the United States and had integrated into the culture there, but even so, if he wanted to stay in the United States, he would need to accept a long career behind the scenes.

With the idea that it would be better to return to China than to be discriminated against, Tao Zhe returned to China with his R\u0026B, and since then, the era of the popularity of Chinese R\u0026B has begun.

He has no filter for Europe and the United States. Instead, he often talks about the racial discrimination he encountered when he was studying in the United States and then got angry and fought.

Now going to the United States is more of a "revenge" mentality.

"Do you think Tao Zhe will go to the United States? "

Because of this episode, Sun Yanzi, who had taken a break from recording songs, sat on the table, swung his legs and took a bite of the apple in his hand.

"Not optimistic."

Zhou Yi, who had headphones hanging around his neck, shook his head: "But if we can help each other, we must help each other. We are competitors in the domestic market, but we are all companions in foreign markets."

Just like Chenglong, the competition at home was so fierce at first, but after going abroad, he immediately realized the importance of teamwork.

In any case, his opponent abroad could not be him.

"I don't see that you are quite loyal." Sun Yanzi looked at him up and down with interest as his toes hooked on the sandals and swayed.

"Nonsense, I'm not one of those Gao Hua people who only knows how to fight among themselves." Glancing at the red nail polish, Zhou Yi stretched his waist and was about to scold her. The next second, his cell phone rang again——

This time it’s Elva Hsiao’s.

"I'm going to Japan to hide out and record songs on the way. If Yao Qian calls you or asks someone to ask for help, just say you don't know where I am."

Elva Hsiao's voice was a little tired: "Or I can go to the United States to prepare an English album."

Zhou Yi was puzzled: "Hide?"

"Well, hide from my dad. He and my mom quarreled again, and I don't really want to get involved in the bad things between them." Regarding her scumbag father, Elva Hsiao wished he could simply die of cancer.

But obviously she couldn't.

Although her strong mother had divorced him a long time ago, it was difficult for an upright official to handle household affairs, and she no longer wanted to deal with her father who wanted to point fingers at her.

"Or I can go to the United States to prepare an English album." Elva Hsiao's voice was a little tired.

"You also want to prepare an English album?"

"That said, because of your achievements, who doesn't want to release an English album and make a lot of money now?"

Perhaps because of hearing Zhou Yi's voice, Elva Hsiao's tone gradually became lighter: "There was an English version of a song from my last album, and the response in the United States was pretty good, so the company planned to let me sing the English version again.

"In addition, they plan to change your song "The Sun Never Sets" into an English version, and give me an EP album to try out in the United States."

As the first sister of Virgin Records, Elva Hsiao currently has a very high priority within the company. After reporting the EMI to the head office, the treatment received is naturally very impressive.

"And Sister Li Wen will also help me promote her channels. You may not know that her former manager in the United States is Michael Jackson."

As the queen brought up by Yao Qian in the past, Li Wen naturally would not ignore Yao Qian's personal request. Even though she is now at Sony, she has a high degree of freedom and can still use her connections to help the little girl.

"Okay, come to me if you need anything, I can help."

After Zhou Yi hung up the phone, Sun Yanzi, who felt that all his friends around him were seeking beauty, counted on his fingers——

It seems that the only one missing is Brother Haoledi.

"Is there only one Jie Lun left now?"


"Ah sneeze!"

Taiwan, Holoday Company, music studio.

Jay Chou, who was studying English hard, couldn't help but sneeze——

"Jie Lun, concentrate."

" the north! Why is English so difficult! How did Ayi learn it!"

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