China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 484 You were once a teenager

"If your English foundation is so poor, I'm afraid you will have to study for a few more years if you want to write songs fluently."

"...Is there any quick fix for this? One that has no side effects?"

"Unfortunately, no."


Jay Chou, who had developed a mask of pain while studying English, could only sigh deeply. After class, he resignedly put a book on his forehead, blocking his sight.

After many years, he finally regained the feeling of being fucked by his English teacher in school - this time the company paid a lot of money to hire a professional reputation teacher to fuck him.

Now he kind of hates why he doesn't have a talent for classical music. In that case, he wouldn't have to torture himself like this.

"Jie Lun, have you finished studying? Let's go play ball after studying."

Basketball partner Liu Genhong got stuck and made a call at the right time. Jay Chou, who had refused at all, moved his head and his whole body was a little depressed: "You guys go ahead, I have to go home and record a VCR to send to the mainland. The program group of "Artistic Life".

""Art of Life"? Isn't the recording finished?" Liu Genhong on the other end of the phone was a little surprised.

As one of the witnesses of the fatal friendship incident in the past, Liu Genhong also received contact from the program team from Mainland China CCTV in order to find out some of Zhou Yi's past brief experiences in Taiwan.

"Ah, I haven't recorded my last blessing yet, so you guys should type it first."

Jay Chou rubbed his brows and smacked his lips a few times: "I'll come as soon as I finish compiling the last verse of the new song."

After finishing his English course, Jay Chou looked at the music score on the workbench. Two Chinese characters were clearly written on his head -


The trinity of lyrics, music and arrangement: Jay Chou.

For this year's new album, Jay Chou tried to imitate Zhou Yi for the first time and wanted to write all the lyrics, music and arrangements for all the songs in the album. However, in the end, due to factors such as limited strength and lack of energy, he settled for the second best and only wrote three songs. Lyrics and music arrangement——

"Coward", "Terraces", "Sunny".

"Sunny Day" is the last song that he was responsible for arranging.

"How did A Yi do it? An album is all about himself..."

Jay Chou, who has become more and more confident in himself since his debut, looked at the Zhouyi album hanging on the wall of his office with envy in his eyes.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Only people like them, who are called geniuses, can understand how valuable it is that Zhou Yi composed all the lyrics and music for all the albums by himself.

In this year's "Ye Huimei" album, he was exhausted just from being responsible for the composition, lyrics and arrangement of three songs, and his brain couldn't function properly. In Zhou Yi's words, the CPU almost burned out.

"Come on! Work hard! Defeat Zhou Yi! Make him cry!"

After patting his face to wake himself up, Jay Chou's brain was extremely active. The constant inspiration prompted him to put down his beloved basketball and sit in the office to write new songs.

A document was accidentally bumped by his elbow and flew to the ground. As he turned the page, another new song title appeared——

"Tears of Departure".

Lyrics were written by Fang Wenshan, music was composed by Jay Chou, and arranged by Michael Lin.

After listening to Zhouyi's "East Wind Breaks", I felt itchy and wanted to write a song that felt more like an old song from the past, so I focused on Yuan dramas, and "Tears of Departure" was born.

This is a brand-new Chinese-style song based on "The Romance of the West Chamber: Farewell at the Changting Pavilion". The title of the song comes from the "Blue sky, yellow flowers, and strong west wind. Wild geese flying from the north to the south. Who is dyed at dawn" in this Yuan drama? "Drunk in the frost forest? I always cry when I'm away".

He has now discovered that Fang Wenshan likes to write this kind of Chinese-style lyrics.


"Indeed, I won't lie to you, Brother Jun, I really like it."

A few days later, the CCTV and "Art of Life" program crew recorded the scene.

Zhou Yi, who came to the rehearsal, faced the host Zhu Jun, smiled and shook hands with him and said: "I really liked watching your show before, but I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to be on "Artistic Life" at my age."

Thinking back to his previous life when he watched "Art Life", all the people in the entertainment industry who appeared on the stage in the early years of the millennium were old people, such as Chenglong and Wang Jie.

As a young man in his twenties, he came up to review his artistic life, which was somewhat humorous.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Your achievements are so dazzling that no one can ignore them."

Zhu Jun happily counted Zhou Yi's achievements in detail, and at the end he did not forget to joke: "I am afraid that the tear-jerking sign of our program will be smashed this time."

Since the program was broadcast, "Artistic Life" has become world-famous for its strong humanistic appeal. Under the auspices of Zhu Jun, it has directly become the only character interview program in China, both in terms of ratings and influence. A crushing position on this track.

The so-called "tear-jerking" means to make the guests burst into tears or choke with emotion naturally. This is one of the most famous labels of the show.

Zhou Yi is still so young, his parents are still alive, his career is successful, and his love affairs are endless - even if he searches hard, he can't find anything that makes him lament the passage of time.

Zhou Yi also discovered this during the rehearsal. This issue of "Artistic Life" can almost be said to be his "first half of life" commendation conference.

Of course, this does not rule out that the program team also left some materials to surprise him during the official recording, so as to reveal his true reaction at the time.

Before the official start of recording, the live tickets for "Art Life" that were announced early in the morning had already been given away for free.

Qian Yijun still spent a high price of 300 yuan to buy this ticket from a scalper - just to enter the show recording site and meet her idol up close.

As one of the founders of a Zhouyi fan club website in the imperial capital, the 25-year-old has experienced what her mother used to feel like chasing the four stars. Once an idol comes to participate in an event near her home, it would be really frustrating if she doesn't come. Heart.

What's even more interesting is that as a male singer, Zhou Yi, who is extremely rare in the entertainment industry, actually has more male fans than female fans at today's "Art of Life" scene.

Basically it can be said to be a ratio of 6:4, 6 males and 4 females.

A group of young people held up lantern signs and shouted "Book of Changes Zhouyi" with such enthusiasm that even Qian Yijun, a woman, was surprised.

It wasn't until the lights at the scene gradually dimmed and CCTV's unique narration came from the speakers that the group became quiet——

""Art of Life" was created with great effort in 2003: Zhouyi, the dazzling morning star.

"For career, for family, for love, for family, for money, for friendship - twenty-two-year-old Zhou Yi realizes the stages of climbing the Mount Everest of life..."

As the melodious piano music of "Jiangnan" played, the host Zhu Jun immediately walked to the center of the stage, smiling and making a downward gesture to the audience who were applauding at a close distance: "Okay, dear audience. Hello friends.

"Welcome to the studio of "Artistic Life".

"The piano melody of "Jiangnan" is ringing in your ears now. I think everyone should be very familiar with it. It represents a miracle and a legend. It comes from the guest who came to the studio today. Hands, and when he wrote this song, he was only 20 years old..."

When talking about his age, Zhu Jun was filled with emotion and raised three fingers of his right hand in front of the audience: "He debuted in 2000, and it has only been three years so far.

"From the age of 19 to 22, in three years, he released three Chinese albums, two English albums, a Chinese EP, and songs he wrote for other people. There are more than 80 songs in total, which can be called a performance. Model workers in the circle.

"In terms of awards, domestic global Chinese music charts, MTV Asia Awards, World Record Awards, Music Chart Awards, Hong Kong's Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards, Jinge Golden Melody Awards, Taiwan Golden Melody Awards and so on, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, He has won Grammy Awards in Vietnam, Europe and even the United States.

"His singing has spread across five continents, and he has conquered fans all over the world with his own strength. According to rough statistics, the number of his die-hard fans around the world is as high as 130 million."

Zhu Jun, who was pacing back and forth on the stage, talking and pointing out numbers like the uncle next door, gradually became more and more passionate: "If you ask me to say it, this may not be enough. After all, this is just a rough statistic."

When he said this, the applause from the audience could no longer hold back, and some even anxiously gathered their hands around their mouths to make a trumpet shape, shouting Zhou Yi's name.

The recording of "Art Life" in this era did not divide the live stage into two areas with steps. The audience was so close to the stage where the host and guests were, it could be said that there was only two or three steps away.

"Who is this? I think it goes without saying that everyone knows."

With an increasingly amiable smile on his face, Zhu Jun turned sideways and made a "please look" gesture towards the exit of the guests: "Let us welcome Zhou Yi with a round of applause."

“We who don’t understand the torment of love, hate, and hatred all think that love is like the fickle changes of the wind and clouds~

"Believe that one day of love is worth eternity

"Time is frozen at this moment~"

The sound of "Jiangnan", one of Zhou Yi's masterpieces, suddenly rang out from the speakers at the scene. Zhou Yi pushed out the door from the passage and walked down the spiral staircase specially built for him. He was wearing a simple white printed T-shirt with jeans and Anta shoes. When he raised his hand to greet all the fans, his smile was so bright that it caused waves of screams!

"Book of Changes! Book of Changes! Book of Changes!"

"Zhou Yi, we love you!"

"Music is pure, love is absolute!"


The auditorium of about 120 people looked quite crowded, and everyone was screaming and waving their hands to greet Zhou Yi. It was the first time for Zhou Yi to face hundreds of fans in the small studio of "Art Life" and he could even feel his eardrums vibrating——

Been noisy.

"Hello everyone. Hello everyone."

After greeting the fans over and over again with a smile, Zhou Yi, who had appeased them, was then invited back to the stage to sit down by Zhu Jun: "Please sit down, please sit down, Zhou Yi."

"Thank you very much, Brother Jun."

Zhou Yi, who pulled up his chair and sat down, once again made a gesture of thanks and pressure to his fans in the audience.

Zhu Jun, whose eyes were filled with relief, smiled and started with a joke: "Zhou Yi, did you hear the long list of numbers I just said at the beginning?"

"It's hard to say, but the sound insulation effect of the backstage of "Art Life" is very good."

Zhou Yi looked at him with a smile: "I only heard you say, Brother Jun, you said I was a model worker, thank you for the compliment."

Fans off the stage who understood the joke immediately burst into laughter.

As we all know, there are two Schrödinger’s lazy dogs within Warner Music Greater China——

One is Sun Yanzi in Zhou Yi's mouth, and the other is Zhou Yi in Sun Yanzi's mouth.

"So I am clearing your name?"

Zhu Jun smiled and turned to look at the laughing fans, and then said seriously: "To be honest Zhou Yi, as a host, I really think your set of data is too legendary. You must know that you are only 22 Years old, according to our traditional calculation of virtual age, he is only 23 years old.

"What was I doing when I was 23 years old? I had just left the army and was an actor in the GS Provincial Folk Art Troupe."

Zhu Jun, who lamented the emergence of a hero in his youth, sincerely praised: "And you? You are already a big figure in music and are continuing to forge ahead. Now the outside world says that you are the founder of Chinese style music and you are making history internationally. exist.

"Asia's number one singer, this is the title given to you by the media and musicians in many countries."

"Logically speaking, I should be more modest, but if I am modest now, will it look like I'm being too pretentious?"

Zhou Yi, who rested his elbows on the armrests of the chair, took off the tall hat in a teasing manner.

Faced with CCTV rushing to give him a stamp, he would not be stupid enough to be ungrateful. Although he once pretended to say that Chinese style should be blown to the outside world, not inside.

But after all, as long as China does not stand on top of the world and have the right to speak, the Chinese style will not spread.

"Maybe a little, but not a lot."

Zhu Jun, who smiled kindly, continued to control the rhythm of hosting, and revealed all of Zhou Yi's past twenty years of experience in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and showed it to the fans at the scene——

From when I had no money, I had to go to Xinhua Bookstore, to when I became the top student in high school and became the first Peking University student from all over the country;

From working hard to save money in the bar street, to rejecting the olive branch from the wheat field, and finally being begged by Warner Zhou Jianhui to sign into the company.

Zhou Yi himself would call him an expert after hearing the twists and turns he experienced.

Especially in the section of Xinhua Bookstore, Zhu Jun's touching description, combined with the interview VCR of the old store manager and clerk, directly portrayed Zhou Yi, who was not yet a high school student at the time, as a positive and motivated good boy who fulfilled the ambition of a poor man. Not a short sublimation.

Many emotional girls in the audience burst into tears - they felt that Zhou Yi's past was too painful and it was not easy to get out of it.

There's nothing I can do about it, Zhu Jun's voice is so contagious.

The issue of rescuing Jay Chou, Liu Genhong, and Wen Lan due to gas problems in Taiwan was also mentioned by Zhu Jun.

"In a sense, we should be considered lifelong friends."

Zhou Yi shrugged and grinned unconsciously: "It's just Wen Lan's life, because she was the only one who was unlucky enough to have her stomach lavaged, and she almost lost half of her life."

The shining tooth-baring posture is similar to that of Sun Yanzi.

"Last question Zhou Yi, we all know that it has been two years since you graduated. After you became a superstar, do you still have contact with your old classmates and old friends?"

Near the end of the program recording, Zhu Jun smiled and asked a question that had not been rehearsed: "Do you miss the life at that time?"

"I will definitely miss it. I felt free at that time."

Zhou Yi nodded with a smile: "As for old classmates and old friends, we must be in touch, but not as frequently as before. After graduation, everyone has their own careers to be busy with. People from all over the world can get together to eat together. It’s not easy to have a meal.”

"We all know that Zhou Yi, you met with some of your college classmates not long ago, right? It was on the news. Sun Yanzi seemed to be there at the time, and it was still raining heavily outside."

Along with Zhu Jun's smiling expression, a burst of monkey calls suddenly erupted from the audience——

"Oh oh oh~~~"

"Yes." Zhou Yi tilted his head and glanced at the excited fans with a smile: "Then she caught a cold the next day and was scolded by her teacher in the company."

"Then do you want to know what those old classmates and old friends who didn't have time to have dinner with you want to say to you?"

Following Zhu Jun's gesture, a VCR video suddenly played on the big screen——

"My name is Zhao Li, from Hubei, Zhou Yi's roommate, now in Shenzhen..."

"Sun Qian, from Guizhou, captain of Zhou Yi's school team, is now in Shanghai..."

When those old classmates from Peking University who came from all over the world, but finally met Zhou Yi because of a college entrance examination train, appeared one after another, and appeared on the screen happily talking about Zhou Yi's past and sending blessings, even if they had already been mentally prepared Zhou Yi, who was preparing, was also fascinated by it unconsciously.

That was the youth that he cherished especially after he was reborn.

"Zhou Yi, at the end of the show, are you interested in telling me the progress of the new album?"

"Of course, Brother Jun."

Zhou Yi turned around with a bit of emotion in his tone - "The new album is called "Gui Zang", and most of the songs have been completed."

""Return to Tibet"? Can you tell us what the theme of the album is?"

"you guess?"

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