China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 485 He is worth 100 million

"I'm a fucking kid and I'm still guessing!"

"Drag Zhou Yi out and light up the sky lanterns!"

"If nothing else, this mouth is really damaging. Wen Lan is going to call the police!"


Thursday, July 3, 2003.

Many people who watched Zhou Yi's "Morning Star" special episode of "Art of Life" last night accused Zhou Yi of being a treacherous and inappropriate person on the Internet——

The friendship that repays one's life is just Wen Lan's life.

Listen, is this human language?

"Wen Lan: I have no objection."

"It's a life-and-death friendship, but Zhou Yi didn't write a few songs for Wen Lan?"

"Wen Lan has Jay Chou, right? There are several songs, and they are included in every album. It's not good for Zhou Yi to interfere."

"It seems that there were rumors of an affair with Jay Chou. Her fans in Taiwan are calling Cai Yilin a mistress. It seems that Zhou Yi, a pervert, is quite moral."

"Brothers and wives should not be bullied..."

Wen Lan, who was originally only active in various background stories, unexpectedly had a rare discussion on the mainland Internet after the new episode of "Art Life" was broadcast. This made the very few Wen Lan fans dumbfounded——

Good news, their little transparent idol has been discussed in the mainland and is going to become popular!

Bad news, the fire is fun!

"But Zhou Yi is a model worker who is forced to rebuke. Warner is treating him like a donkey. They just released the English album in March and are now preparing for the Chinese album. I'm really afraid that he will suddenly die at the workbench one day. superior."

"This album title always gives me the feeling that he no longer wants to be in the music industry. "Zhouyi", "Lianshan", "Gui Zang", and the names of the "Book of Changes" trilogy have made him run out and he will not be able to publish them. After finishing this album, you’re going to quit playing it, right?”

"No, can Warner let go of this cash cow?"

"Upstairs, if I remember correctly, Zhouyi's contract with Warner expires around April or May of 2004? That's next year."

"Damn it! It's due in the first half of next year?!"

"Total up all the money he has made in the past few years, the cash after tax alone is already nearly 200 million US dollars, right? Not to mention the steady stream of English song copyright fees in the future, I am also lying."

"He seems to be engaged in investment..."

"The main reason is that the album title is a bit confusing..."

Thanks to the reputation of the I Ching trilogy, the news that Zhou Yi's new album is called "Gui Zang" directly gave people the feeling that his music career is about to end.

Of course, this is only the statement of a few sensitive people.

Since the second album "Jiangnan" does not belong to the I Ching sequence, most people still think that the fourth album "Gui Zang" is probably just Zhou Yi's album concept that is close to it.

Some even more imaginative people put forward their own ideas: "Perhaps Zhou Yi wants to use the I Ching trilogy to end his music career at Warner?"

With the remaining contract period between Zhouyi and Warner being less than one year, this conjecture has undoubtedly been recognized by the most people - especially those fans who feel that Warner is squeezing Zhouyi.

The senior executives of Sony, EMI, Universal and other giants are all in high spirits and are gearing up to poach Zhou Yi.

Especially EMI.

Compared with Sony Universal and other companies, they have a trump card, and that is Elva Hsiao, the first sister of EMI's Virgin Records.

Isn't the pillow wind that can blow directly into Zhou Yi's ears better than the one like you who can't even meet Zhou Yi?

EMI executives were full of confidence and immediately contacted Yao Qian, general manager of Virgin Records. Then, they received a piece of news that made them collectively fall into silence——

Because of conflicts in her native family, Elva Hsiao suffered from depression and has now gone abroad for treatment. No one knows exactly where he went. Only the doctor knows the itinerary. This is a personal privacy. Even Yao Qian doesn't know.


"Yes, her divorced father recently made some comments about Elva Hsiao in Taiwan that his daughter should thank him, which directly caused the family to get out of control. Her mother privately found her ex-husband and had a big fight with him.

"Elva Hsiao is exhausted both physically and mentally. The doctor diagnosed her with depression. Because she still has to release an album, she must receive treatment."

Yao Qian looked strangely as he read the note left by Elva Hsiao, whom he adopted as his biological daughter.

The senior executives of EMI Corporation were stunned.

No, what do you mean?

Is this depression?

Check again, good guy——

Xiao Yao has not seen her daughter for nearly 20 years. When Elva Hsiao was young, she abandoned her family and went to the United States to pursue her dreams. After falling ill, she returned to Taiwan and talked about it on the show because of her departure. It has created her daughter’s independence and fame.

Euphemistically speaking, this is for the good of my daughter.

Many programs invited him to appear on the show and paid him back, just to listen to what he said about his daughter Elva Hsiao.

That is indeed depression.

No wonder Elva Hsiao would blatantly say "I have no relationship or contact with him" in front of the Taiwanese media cameras who took the trouble to interview her.

Due to confidentiality reasons, even Yao Qian was not informed of Elva Hsiao's departure time, and only her doctor answered the call.

In short, it’s just one word: don’t disturb.

Unable to take shortcuts, EMI executives could only contact Zhou Yi himself through his brokerage team as much as possible, but with little success.

Since the contract period is less than one year, Zhou Yi, who is theoretically able to have normal contact with his next employer, the most frequently asked question at events during this period is not about the third major, but about the next employer——

"Zhouyi Zhouyi, it is rumored that Sony will cooperate with you for a sky-high signing fee of 80 million yuan. Is this true?"

"Zhou Yi, both EMI Records and Universal Music Group are interested in cooperating with you at a price of 90 million yuan. Do you have any target now?"

"Zhou Yi, it is rumored that Warner Music Group will face the dilemma of being sold by Time Warner. Will you renew your contract with Warner?"

On July 6, after Zhou Yi arrived in Guangzhou, while preparing for the concert, he also participated in a Coca-Cola sponsored event in Tianhe District. It can be said that he spent most of the time being asked about contract renewal or job-hopping.

"I haven't thought too much about it yet. The cooperation between me and Warner is very pleasant, and my agent and Mr. Zhou also take good care of me."

Facing the continuous flashing lights, Zhou Yi rarely showed a polite smile and said politely.

Perhaps because of public opinion, or perhaps for some other reason, Zhou Jianhui, who has been in the spotlight due to the Zhouyi contract issue, rarely gave an interview -

"There is no doubt that Ayi is Warner's treasure. We have cooperated very happily over the past few years. I am of course confident that he will stay at Warner, just like we completed the contract extension with Yanzi before."

"Then do you think the signing fees offered by other record companies to Zhou Yi are unreasonable? Will this have an impact on your contract renewal negotiations?"

"I don't think so."

Zhou Jianhui shook his head: "In fact, in my personal opinion, A Yi alone is worth more than 100 million..."


? ? ? ? ?

No, don’t you think money is money? !

The reporter was a little confused.

You should know that the signing fee is usually a guarantee given by the company to the singer in advance. For example, when Wang Fei signed a contract with EMI Records for HK$60 million at the end of the last century, the signing bonus she received was actually an advance payment.

If she earns a share of HK$100 million for the company in the future, the 60 million previously given to Faye Wong will be deducted first, and the remaining 40 million will go into Wang Fei's pocket.

It is equivalent to saying that the risk of losing money is fully covered by the company, and the singer is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money.

The large signing bonus also becomes the reason why the company pays attention to the singer.

However, in the boast of many Filipino maids, the 60 million Hong Kong dollars became the 60 million that EMI simply gave to Wang Fei after she signed her contract.

But why do you think Zhou Jianhui meant to give 100 million just to keep Zhou Yi?

Get 100 million for signing? !

You, Zhou Jianhui, want to pioneer the Chinese music scene?

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