China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 521: The Son of Rock

There were screams and cheers like a tsunami, and the man shrouded in lights raised his eyebrows and paced forward on the stage, exuding an indescribable expression.

The harmony group sang "Natural" like a hymn behind him. In a trance, in the composition and lighting, Aragaki looked up at the man on the stage, feeling as if he saw the man inspiring the world. of angel——

"Will you hold the line

"When every one of them has given up and given in, tell me..."

Maybe you have experienced a lot of hardships like me, and have been misunderstood and criticized by many people——

Don't give up, don't stop trying, even if your hopes are dampened by setbacks.

Nothing in this world comes easily.

No matter whether the legendary hand of God will intervene or not, my head will always be high, and the kingdom I created will stand forever——

Because I was born this way!

"And you're standing on the edge face up 'cause you're a


This lyric was shouted out in unison by fans whose emotions were instantly heightened to the peak!

The pressure of life, dissatisfaction in career, dissatisfaction in family, dissatisfaction in love——

At this moment, at this moment, Zhou Yi roared together, venting the anger accumulated in the chest, shouting until he was hoarse!

Sanzhi Yuxia, who was playing the keyboard, landed heavily on the instrument with her fingers, as if she was going to pierce through it!

The band members were all acting like crazy, giving the hottest performance since the beginning of their music career!

Electric guitar, bass, drums...

The musical instruments collided passionately at this moment, bursting out with bright fireworks!

The mottled light and shadow fell on the faces of everyone present, as if the mask called disguise was torn off, and the inner anxiety and uneasiness were released to the drumbeats of the music!

The moment when emotions broke out, it was a torrent that even the bursting of Tokyo Bay's banks could not compare to!

"Yeah you're a natural!

“Living your life cutthroat!

“You gotta be so cold!

"Yeah you're a natural!!!"

The high-pitched angry voice mixed with the roar of 1,200 people soared into the sky through the top floor of the building. In this fiery atmosphere, Yui Aragaki couldn't help but stood up from her position, held up the light stick in her hand, and opened her mouth to shout until her throat became hoarse. No matter what!

Sweat broke out from her forehead and slightly wet her collar, but she didn't care.

What's more, they even stepped on the seats and took off their short-sleeved shirts and jackets, folded them into strips, held them in their hands and waved them constantly; the men were naked, while the women were half-covered. ——

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and redness, and their sparkling eyes were all except for the reflection of Zhou Yi on the stage!

When the song ended, the heat of the scene never faded away for a long time...

People cheered enthusiastically and kept reaching out to the stage, just to get the favor of their idol.

The multi-track camera hanging above the small theater faithfully recorded everything. All the staff were stunned by this scene, and a few people even subconsciously took off their hats to salute.

Is this the charm of rock music live?

"It's unbelievable that Zhou Yi is from the pop genre. He is simply the son of rock."

Among the employees of Fuji TV, the chief director of the film crew responsible for recording this scene heard the deputy director's heartfelt murmur. His heart suddenly moved, and he immediately ordered several cameras to take more shots of Zhou Yi from various angles.

"Yes, the infectious power of this scene is simply more exaggerated than that of Linkin Park. At least none of the Linkin Park scenes we have shot before can match this one."

Linkin Park, the most representative figure in the European and American rock circles today.

Regardless of whether they admit that they are rock or not, at least in public perception, this band is currently the number one rock band in the world - sales, trophies, popularity, the triangle cycle is not lacking.

"Fans have different loyalties. Zhou Yi is Asian after all."

"As I said, there are still us Japanese in Lincoln Park."

"It's just nonsense. Ask him if he recognizes his Japanese identity? It's just for Warner's external marketing. Just listen and don't take it seriously. There is a Korean in their band. Do you think a Korean has ever claimed it? "

"Don't worry about the Japanese and Koreans. Anyway, they were all bundled together and killed by Zhou Yi. It's not like they haven't fought before. In a head-on confrontation, Linkin Park is no match. They were beaten on the head and couldn't find where to go. If they hadn't both belonged to Warner Bros. , Zhou Yi will not be merciful at all."

"Both 50 Cent and Eminem have been disgraced to the whole world, and Madonna's new album has also been severely damaged. Its sales have been completely overwhelming for a queen of her level. When she was interviewed in the United States, He also accused Zhou Yi of abusing racial discrimination to make excuses for himself.”

"Madonna should first consider filing a lawsuit with Warner, and also trouble Zhou Yi. She will have a court hearing early next year..."

As the longest-serving pop queen in American history, Madonna’s fan base is still very solid. It's just that her fans are basically traditionalists and have the upper hand in newspapers and public opinion; on the Internet, Zhou Yi relies on the combination of Apple + Warner to defeat all opponents.

There is no way, the results are too hard.

"If I remember correctly, his two English albums have sold more than 30 million songs in the Apple Music Store, right?"

Looking at Zhou Yi who was still interacting with fans, the film crew members were speechless.

From July 23rd to 28th, 2003, more than 15 million Zhouyi songs were sold in the Apple Store in five days. As of today, August 15, the official sales data of the Apple Music Store has exceeded 37 million songs.

This is a very scary situation.

As the Apple Music Store gradually expands in the future and Ipod gradually takes over the world, it is almost certain that Zhouyi's single sales will exceed 100 million songs in the future, and it cannot be more stable.

"I feel that with his quality, it is not impossible to sell two to three hundred million yuan in the future. The quality of the album songs is too high. This kind of payment method of buying one piece is simply a harvesting tool for him."

Other singers only have a few hit songs in an album that are of high quality, but Zhou Yi’s is the first to hit.

"I think it's more than 40 to 500 million. It's possible."

"I'm looking forward to Utada Hikaru's performance."

"It's hard for her to tell. Let's question first and then question..."

"I think it's better to believe it first..."

The film crew members, who had rarely been exposed to this kind of explosive rock scene in Japan, were all talking about it, and various arguments against Zhou Yi emerged one after another. But no matter what, a unified point of view gradually formed——

Book of Changes·Rock and Roll Holy Son.

Even though it sounded very average, everyone was very excited when they talked about this new nickname.

The racial discrimination Buff bonus is too powerful.

In particular, Zhou Yi gave a passionate speech when promoting this album in the United States. It has been studied repeatedly by entertainment practitioners in Asian countries and is almost regarded as a bible. Related practitioners in Europe and the United States even borrow it. The machine waved the flag and shouted together.

Based on this, they feel that there is nothing wrong with calling Zhou Yi the Holy Son of Rock. It can be said that he has truly single-handedly changed the pattern of Asian singers in the world music scene - all the albums were produced by him alone, not a single European or American. participate.

Although he started out singing pop music, it was just a compromise for the market. Zhou Yi has always had the blood of rock and roll flowing in his bones. He no longer pretends to be a second major in English. The entire album is almost the embodiment of the rock and roll spirit.

This is irrefutable proof!

“rock on!

“rock on!!

“rock on!!!”

The live passion ignited by rock music will never fade. Even though Zhou Yi has sang four rock songs in a row, the restless fans are still calling with their hoarse throats to "keep rocking".

Aragaki Yui, who was ignited by the atmosphere of the scene, couldn't bear it anymore after Zhou Yi sang "Viva La Vida". She followed her senior who came with her and took off the white one with the pattern of Digimon Dillmon on it. The short sleeves were twisted into a rope in Yu's hand, replacing the fluorescent stick and waving it non-stop——

He was still shouting "rock on" along with the crowd.

Even though the venue was air-conditioned, whether it was the fans in the audience or Zhou Yi on the stage, the accompanist Sanzhi Yuxia and others, beads of sweat were clearly visible on their faces, but they all had extremely bright smiles on their faces.

"Huh, to be honest, I really feel like Tokyo is a bit hot now."

Zhou Yi grabbed his collar and fanned him a few times, then picked up the mineral water placed in the corner of the stage and threw it at his head and face twice. Zhou Yi quickly cooled down. His wet appearance even caused the audience to scream. !

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