China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 522: The spiritual guide of the future king of Japanese entertainment

There may be different opinions on the time when a man's sexual charm is at its peak - but there is no doubt that Zhou Yi at this moment is the one that countless female fans want to hold in their arms and ravage.

The wet hair is still dripping water, and the pure white T-shirt is vaguely visible under the action of water droplets, and the thick chest and abdominal muscles are looming, which makes people scream even more.

"I don't speak Japanese, so I will try my best to speak English as slowly as possible so that everyone can hear me clearly."

"It's okay, we won't dislike your speed!"

The Japanese female fans who liberated their natures in the warm atmosphere expressed their love one after another. The few Chinese female fans who had grabbed the tickets reacted and shouted that they could not lose——

You know, when Chinese singers hold fan meetings like this in Japan, such as Li Ming, Aaron Kwok, and Andy Lau, most of the attendees are Chinese. It's just that Zhou Yi is different. A large number of Japanese fans rushed for tickets, which directly caused Zhou Yi's fan club to become the most authentic Japanese fan club——

Japanese account for at least 90%.

In order to find a place, the hot Taiwanese girl went to Oita, waved her short sleeves and pointed at her abundant capital and shouted loudly: "Zhou Yi! How about we do it again! I won't mind!"

In these years, most of the Chinese living or studying in Japan are from Taiwan.

When Zhou Yi first debuted, he was still promoted in Taiwan, which left behind a famous scene that has been out of print. It is still talked about by many fans. This clip even went abroad with Zhou Yi's global popularity——

The BBC also mentioned it emphatically when reporting on the Zhou Yi phenomenon, but it was just to highlight the "ugly" face of Zhou Yi at the time.

"Of course, but I feel that I may not be able to satisfy so many people here. I still understand the principle of not worrying about the shortage but the inequality."

Zhou Yi pointed at her with a smile and responded. After responding in Chinese, he switched to English and briefly explained to the Japanese fans what happened and what he meant. Not to be outdone, the Japanese female fans recommended those with bigger breasts to come first——

There are even muscular fans who have been exercising for many years and showed off their well-developed chest muscles to cause trouble.

The theater was filled with a happy atmosphere for a while.

"Okay, then next, it's the lucky person's turn."

There is no host, and Zhou Yi, who controls the rhythm of the scene all by himself, can easily grasp the emotions of the fans in the palm of his hand: "I will randomly select five fans at the scene and come on stage one by one to sing with me.

"Of course, you can also take this opportunity to introduce yourselves..."

When Zhou Yi talked about this, the eyes of many fans in the audience who were also part-time models, underground singers, etc. suddenly lit up.

Japan's entertainment industry is a very complicated place, and this is clearly reflected in the modeling industry. The huge reserves almost reduce the appearance fees to a bargain price, and you can start making money by appearing in newspapers at the age of a junior high school student.

In this case, whoever has a unique memory point can make more money.

Under the stage, Aragaki Yui, who shyly put her clothes back on after the emotions above her dissipated, couldn't help but light up when she heard the words. The senior next to her screamed and kept shouting in English——

"Choose me, choose me!"

Unfortunately, in the first round of random lighting selection, there were no two of them - three women and two men. They came on stage one after another to introduce themselves and then sing a duet with Zhou Yi.

They even received blessing messages written by Zhou Yi himself on their clothes or notebooks.

"Uh, hello Zhou Yijun, my name is Saito Tomohiro. I am 19 years old. I am currently studying in the Environmental Information Department of Keio University in Japan. I also like football very much. I am currently working as a model part-time under the introduction of my senior."

When the last selected boy came on stage, he restrained his excitement and introduced himself to Zhou Yi: "It was your songs that helped me get through the low period of my leg injury. If it weren't for the encouragement you gave me, I'm afraid I've already lost my will..."

Zhou Yi thought this person looked familiar at first, but when he introduced himself like this, his image immediately merged with his memory of the biggest "force king" in Japan's entertainment industry after the millennium.

Tomohiro Saito, whose stage name is Mizushima Hiro, is one of the most talented actors in the Japanese entertainment industry after entering the new century.

As a football student, Mizushima Hiroshi's talent in football can at least be said to be among the top batch in Japanese campus football until high school.

In junior high school, he led the team all the way through as the main force, and finally won the runner-up in the Japanese national competition;

In high school, he played as the main midfielder in the 81st National High School Football Competition. Although he lost to Nagasaki Prefecture National High School in the semi-finals and ended up in the semi-finals, his aura of talent and outstanding results allowed him to win. Favored by Keio University, Japan's top university.

It's a pity that he was abandoned when he first entered college - I still don't know whether it was intentional or intentional malicious confrontation that brought his football career to an end.

The serious injury to his leg directly ruined his future.

Later, because his looks really fit the mold of a pretty boy, he became a part-time model under the recommendation of his seniors, and from then on he entered the Japanese entertainment industry with half a foot.

He officially debuted as an actor in 2005. In 2006, he became popular in Japan with the tokusatsu drama "Kamen Rider Kabuto". In the next three years, he became the hottest actor in the entire Japanese entertainment industry with a number of hit Japanese dramas and movies. Rising Star——

At his peak, even Takeru Sato, who was also a supernova, had to support him.

It's a pity that all the good things came to an abrupt end in 2009.

This year, Hiroshi Mizushima, who was working at Kenyin Office, ignored the pressure from the company, capital and even the circle, and directly announced the news of his marriage to the top female singer of the same company and the cash cow of Warner Japan, Aka, who was also trained by Kei Yoshida. —

This was done first and then announced. No one at Warner Japan or Yanyin Office knew about it in advance.

The reason was "simply" because Xianxiang fell ill due to long-term fatigue. He felt that as a husband, he should shoulder this responsibility. He let his wife rest and recuperate by publicizing the news of the marriage, and at the same time forced the company to marry him, openly and secretly criticizing the other party for arranging the arrangement for his wife. Too much work contributed to his illness.

This is undoubtedly challenging the survival rules of the entire Japanese entertainment industry on his own.

The last male idol who dared to disclose his marriage news was named Kimura Takuya, but he at least informed the people around the company and did not criticize anyone. But Mizushima Hiroshi didn't. He directly overturned the unspoken rules and was not afraid of being blocked at all.

At this point, the couple's dazzling stardom came to an abrupt end.

But just when the Kenyin Office thought it had achieved a great victory and taught the disobedient number one a lesson, Mizushima Hiroshi, who had been banned, found another way to write novels instead of acting, and in one fell swoop he won the Japanese POPLAR publishing house that had been vacant for three years. The first prize of the Novel Grand Prize was 20 million yen, which shocked the whole of Japan.

As a result, Mizushima Hiroshi returned to the entertainment industry in a way that Kenyin Office had never expected, and directly transformed himself into an extremely rare "boy king" in the Japanese entertainment industry, and the young couple lived a happy life. .

“I love the song ‘Something Just Like This’, can I sing it with you?”

Born in 1984, Tomohiro Saito, who is only 19 years old this year, is not the real man Hiroshi Mizushima who was so high-spirited that he dared to use his talent to challenge one of the largest firms in Japan. Currently, he is still a college student who has just come out of the trough of injury. Look, Xiang Zhouyi's eyes were full of admiration and hope——

"I really like your attitude of not being afraid of difficulties and authority. You have given me so much encouragement..."

The more Tomohiro Saito said, the more excited he became, and his contagious speech even made many people in the audience who were also inspired by Zhou Yi's songs empathize with him, such as Yui Aragaki.

"No problem at all."

Zhou Yi, who had a smile on his face, was muttering in his heart——

In the future, when Mizushima Hiroshi joins the Kenyin Office, he won’t say that he was inspired by me, right?

Not to mention Yanyin Office, the CEO of Warner Japan, Kei Yoshida, was very angry——

Oh, it seems that Kei Yoshida hanged himself at home due to depression in 2010...

Um? Wait a moment……

Is it possible that Kei Yoshida’s depression will also be caused by your kid’s future? Kidnapping the queen Ayaka, whom he had finally cultivated, to rest, Warner Japan lost its magic needle, causing Kei Yoshida to finally be crushed by performance pressure?

Zhou Yi felt a little weird when he thought of this.

After finishing the chorus of the song, Zhou Yi signed the blessing "May Saito-kun be a bright future" with a stroke of his pen in a fun mood, and Saito Tomohiro left the stage happily.

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