China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 545 I will never be able to write a love poem in my life

"I hold you tightly in my arms

"Hold you in my hand

"The one I really love is you~"

Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking at night in brocade clothes——

Although the venue could not be more primitive, and although the equipment was limited to usable, the feeling was unique.

Especially when the head teacher and teachers who were familiar with him in the past looked at the rostrum with extremely pleased eyes, Zhou Yi, who thought he would not be moved by it for a long time, still had some different feelings in his heart.

From "Stubborn" to "Jiangnan", from "Happy Worship" to "Fairy Tale"...

Every time a song is sung, the whole playground sings in chorus, which shows Zhou Yi's dominance among the younger generation.

Qin Lan didn't know about the others, but at least to her, Zhou Yi's appearance at this moment was the template for becoming famous in her dreams. If it were not for flowers and applause, money and fame, how could she transform from an accountant to an actress.

You must know that before entering the entertainment industry, she had never received any acting training, and the reason why she entered the industry was purely accidental - she accompanied a student to participate in the modeling competition, but her classmates were eliminated. Instead, she relied on her face and figure Got a prize.

She thought that God's favor would bless her with smooth sailing after entering the industry, but not everyone is like Zhou Yi...

"Zhouyi! Can you sing a few more songs!"

"Yeah, can you sing a few more songs?"

"Book of Changes..."

After six songs in a row, Zhou Yi, who was jumping up and down, began to pant on the stage, sweat sliding down his temples, turning the huge campus into a music festival scene——

For music festivals where big names are the finale or serve as the main axis, as long as the organizer gives more, they usually only appear for about forty minutes. Putting aside the time for chatting and interacting, there are only about seven or eight songs for pure singing.

Although the school and Warner had already made preparations, the hot atmosphere on the playground was still so hot that it was difficult to control themselves. The high-power industrial fan blowing directly did not work, but only intensified the cheers and screams of the students. ——

Most of them don't have much money at home, so watching a Zhouyi concert is undoubtedly a "luxury" that they can only dream of.

But now, this dream has come true.

The most important thing is that this free event not only includes no tickets, Zhouyi even covers all drinks, fruits and other expenses.

"Thank you for coming back to school to cheer me on the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

As soon as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, Zhou Yi smiled and bent down, bowing slightly to everyone in the audience to express his gratitude.

There was no mention of a concert or any credit for preparing everything for free. He simply stood at the front of the podium, his tone full of sincerity——

"Our crew may have disturbed everyone during the filming of the MV during this period. On behalf of all the crew, I would like to apologize to you..."

Zhou Yi, who returned to his hometown, focused on promoting positive value, and his heartfelt sincerity made many people so excited that they screamed.

The "Shangrao Daily" reporter who had set up the camera early was even more excited to go out on the field and was ready to go out. At one angle, he took dozens of photos for Zhou Yi and went back to slowly select them - after all, this is a rare opportunity for his newspaper to show its face in the province. opportunity.

In the summer school, there are no camphor trees, but there are gardenias that are both in full bloom and withered.

Because of the shooting angle, in the background of many photos, you can always see the blooming gardenias behind and to the left and right of Zhou Yi on the stage——

"A humble gentleman is as gentle as jade."

The next day, the front page headline of "Shangrao Daily" stated that the purpose of "Chema" is to clear the name of Zhou Yi, who has been criticized recently. Even the photo used was of him smiling among "flowers".

Do you understand the value of a humble gentleman?


Are you saying that not only is he not good, but he is also vulgar?

Then you have to reflect on whether there is something wrong with you.

Anyway, Zhou Yi is pure and pure. Even if he curses people, it is for a reason and excusable. He is definitely not a heinous person.

The degree of bragging was probably at a level where Zhou Yi himself would blush and be ashamed to see it - it was so round.

It can only be said that this reporter is indeed a journalist.

The newspapers at the municipal level were like this, and the ones in Shangrao County were not worth mentioning. Even the Zhoujia Village Committee followed suit and posted an announcement letter on the village board, in response to Zhou Yi's criticized experience. indignant.

After all, even in 2024, the village clan atmosphere in the towns in Shangrao is quite strong, and there are a lot of tedious ancestor worship activities every year, not to mention the current year of 2003.

"Jiangxi Daily" also chose to support Zhouyi. Although it is not the front page headline, you can get a glimpse of it by looking at the short four-character title - "A Gentleman is Like a Jade".

"Polite, filial, smart, talented, and loving, who did Zhou Yi offend? Who did he hinder?..."

"Stop, stop, stop, I said stop."

In the crew of "Write Poems for You", after finishing the reshoot of "Qili Xiang", Zhou Yi, who immediately switched to the crew of "Write Poems for You", raised his hand to interrupt the happy reading on Qin Lan's face, and wiped it Goosebumps on my elbows.

Who are you, reading this aloud in front of your face?

How about being your own reader?

"You'd better hurry up and finish shooting the last few shots. After the filming, the crew will return to the Imperial Capital to shoot the second half."

Zhou Yi, who was just short of paying tribute to Flying Elbow, curled his lips. Qin Lan, who had become more or less unfamiliar with Zhou Yi these days, didn't take it seriously -

"This MV is so simple, I can act with my eyes closed."

Although I am not an actor with a professional background, it is still very easy to cope with this kind of work that does not require difficult special effects, stunts, etc.

She seriously suspected that Zhou Yi had some personal information when he wrote this song.

"Seriously, who is the woman who can make you write love poems? Your first love?"

"How is it possible to write, I don't even need that stupid thing." Zhou Yi, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, looked at the newspaper in hand again without raising his head.

Qin Lan rolled his eyes: "I have done too many stupid things for you. The first thing is to write poems for you. Isn't this the lyrics you wrote?"

The music video "Write a Poem for You" begins with the piano piece "Little Star", and then Zhou Yi and Qin Lan from their high school days appear -

As a high school student, Qin Lan was a little envious of the boy who could practice piano freely in the piano store, but he was seen by Zhou Yi who was returning from playing football at the football field. Over time, the three of them fell into a stable and continuous love relationship...

At the same time, this also made Zhou Yi swear that he must learn the piano or... learn an instrument, an art that can be played in front of girls, etc.

In a sense, it can be said that it is almost exactly the same as Qin Lan's knowledge of Zhou Yi's past - he once claimed that he knew how to play music in high school, and he did not shy away from learning music just to chase girls;

Secondly, she just found out how many times Zhou Yi had fought in her hometown before. He was a "bad" boy who liked to fight everywhere.

Coincidentally, the first sentence of the male protagonist's confession in the MV is "Fighting is my innate ability", followed immediately by the scene of a fight...

If you say this is not based on yourself, Qin Lan will not believe it at all.

"I'm never one to do anything stupid, especially in love. So, it's just lyrics."

Zhou Yi's head shook like a rattle, and he answered confidently: "It's impossible to write love poems, even in this life. Even if I don't have money, I can't even starve to death or jump from Sanqing Mountain!"

"I believe it, you can go dance. Now the outside media are saying that you wrote a farewell love poem to Elva Hsiao."

After hearing this, Zhou Yi slowly typed a question mark: "?"

What the hell?

"'Compromise' and 'Rewind'."

Qin Lan playfully picked up a few newspapers from his lap and spread them out, pointing to the bold headline——

"Elva's mood changes during the week!" I shed tears while recording the song! 》

"Leave the sad place!" It is revealed that Elva will move to the United States at the end of the year! 》

"The Book of Changes hurts people's hearts, writing a song to break up!" 》

"Breakup lyrics are like poetry, Zhou Yi went home to paint..."

There were even two lyrics leaked by an insider. They were revealed by local paparazzi in Taiwan and were directly used as headlines by two newspapers——

"Love to the point of compromise, there is still no solution in the end"

"Finally let go of the fact that love cannot come back, there are too many obstacles in front of us"

And judging from the blurry photo in the newspaper, it was obvious that this was taken secretly in a recording studio...

On the Taiwanese Internet, a few sound sources that were stolen from pirates were also circulated——

"Love to the point of compromise, but in the end there is still no solution

"Tie you up and prevent you from flying

"History keeps repeating itself, I'm so tired..."

Elva Hsiao's unique singing is full of sad emotions, which is extremely ear-catching...

"Fuck! Are pirates so fast?!"

What surprised Qin Lan was that Zhou Yi's attention was not on these news, but on the actions of pirates.

Zhou Yi cursed.

This operation was familiar to him.

Big names such as Madonna and Eminem in Europe and the United States have all encountered pirates taking the lead in releasing songs from their albums. However, in the Chinese music scene before, there was a time limit for piracy.

Now, the good days are over——

When pirates in Taiwan take the lead in breaking the rules and stealing album songs like Europe and the United States, the pirates in the mainland will definitely not be able to sustain it for long.

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