China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 554: Wrong Road, Zhou Lang Looks Back

In 2003, Taiwan's major music scene's authoritative rankings showed that even though a number of top musicians had released new albums and the transition between the old and the new was quietly completed, when it came to real dominance, they were still the ones who had not yet. The man who released the album——

In almost all medium and large radio lists and music charts, the number one song is always "Super Star" written by Zhou Yi. No one can shake the throne.

According to the list data listed by Taipei Voice, Taiwan's most famous music station, the combination of Sun Yanzi, Hsiao Hsiao, Zhang Shaohan + Zhou Yi has directly dominated the entire Taiwanese music scene for more than half a year - even the menacing Jay Chou Unable to challenge successfully, "Sunny Day" had to settle for second place.

After the release of Sun Yanzi's new album, the popularity of "Meet" added to the popularity, and it directly pushed Jay Chou out of the second position, reducing him to third place.

"Super Star"



"Spring Ni"

"Sunny on July 7th"


"The Lonely Season"

"Today you will marry me"

"Li Bai"

"fairy tale"

On the Taipei Voice's authoritative list, the top fifteen songs are by Zhou Yi, and the other five are Jay Chou, Sun Yanzi, Xu Huixin, Yu Chengqing, and Tao Zhe.

It would have been impossible for this situation to arise. After all, no matter how strong Zhou Yi is, he can't sing live, not to mention that these are all songs from last year. But I couldn't stand it. At the end of December last year, Taiwan took the lead in airing a hit drama that could make Zhou Yi famous - "Pink Girl".

The hot ratings of "Pink Girl" in Taiwan have rekindled Zhou Yi's popularity, and "Li Bai", which is obviously not as good as other songs in terms of quality, has made it into the top ten.

In this hot land where the idol drama dynasty was born, "Pink Girl" started to be re-broadcast more frequently this year after its premiere. Warner, who exploits every opportunity, is desperately promoting Zhouyi peripherals, such as photo albums and posters. Selling desperately——

After the historic breakthrough at the Grammys, and the blessing of sweeping the Golden Melody Awards, which was postponed this year, Zhou Yi once again achieved the terrifying legend that he is still dominating the Taiwan music charts this year despite not being in Taiwan.

Sun Derong, who was about to be choked by Su Limei and was internally injured, felt powerless for the first time as he drew his sword and looked around at a loss.

He is not in Taiwan and has not yet released an album, but he has managed to achieve this level of performance. He does not dare to think that after Zhou Yi releases his new album, this list will become a battlefield led by Zhou Yi alone.

"Times have changed. I advise you to change your mind. Don't go against Zhou Yi. At least don't go against the current Zhou Yi."

Su Limei, who also saw the latest ranking data released by Taipei Voice, was not surprised at all: "Since Zhou Yi is willing to protect her, then I will definitely choose her as the heroine of the new drama."

She also hopes that her idol drama will be introduced to the mainland.

If Sun Derong still insists on going her own way, don't blame her for turning against others.

"Damn it, are we going to let him continue to be so lawless? No one can cure him?"

"The last singer in Taiwan who dared to write Zhou Yi into a song was nicknamed a pet dog or a dog. In a song called "Korean Wave is Coming", he not only satirized Zhou Yi, but also scolded Utada Hikaru and Li Wen. Once Offend three families.

"The consequence was that the fans of Hikaru Utada and Li Wen failed to defend him, and the fans of Zhou Yi made him depressed. He went to see a doctor as soon as he entered the discharge process. There were even offline groups of Zhou Yi fans to put a sack on him. A severe beating will ruin your promising future, and you will not be able to make a new debut for the time being.”

Su Limei sneered and said disdainfully: "If you also want to be beaten with a sack, you can try it yourself."



"Just try it!"

In the imperial capital, Wang Baoqiang, whose voice was trembling, forced himself to calm down and said loudly.

"Okay, then get ready. I'll come over later and take you to meet people and have an audition."

As the phone was hung up, Wang Baoqiang, who could no longer hold back his excitement, jumped up from the bed and punched a few times in the air.

Although "The Blind Shaft" didn't make him a lot of money, it did broaden his network. It also helped him win the Golden Horse Award for Best Newcomer, and entered the field of vision of many big directors in the industry.

No, the opportunity has come.

After being recommended by insiders and with his outstanding performance in "The Blind Shaft", he came into Feng Xiaogang's field of vision and said that he had a book that he could collaborate with. As a result, he couldn't control his mood when he went to meet with the person. , when toasting, I drank red wine as if it were boiled water.

Wang Baoqiang, who knew that he messed up the first meeting, originally thought that there was no chance for him, but today he received a notice asking him to audition for the film crew.

Although there is competition, at least there is a chance.

"Come on, you can do it."

After carefully preparing himself, Wang Baoqiang immediately joined the preparatory crew of "A World Without Thieves" under the leadership of the assistant director.

And it was also here that for the first time, he saw those big names who could only be seen in dreams before - Feng Xiaogang, Liu Dehua, Fan Bingbin, Li Bingbin, Zhou Yi...


Wait a moment--

Zhouyi? ? ?

Wang Baoqiang, who recalled the days when he heard "Floating to the North", was stunned.

"So, why did you call me here? Aren't you just going through the motions? Are you kidding yourself a bit by auditioning?"

In a separate dressing room, Zhou Yi, who had obviously not slept enough, yawned lazily. He squinted at Fan Xiaopang, who was looking at his ordinary makeup in the mirror. He couldn't complain: "I'm very busy, okay?" ?”

"Are you busy buying a wedding dress with that Taiwanese female star?" Fan Xiaopang rolled his eyes: "If I didn't bring you over, I'm afraid they wouldn't think that I'd fallen out of favor with you."

After Chen Qiaoen's news was widely reported by the media, she immediately sensed a sense of crisis - stronger than the sense of crisis that Li Bingbin brought to her at the premiere of "Go Left, Go Right".

It was almost the same thread, which made her wake up instantly after being immersed in Zhou Yi's gentle countryside for a long time.

She has a very clear understanding of herself, and she also has a very clear understanding of Zhou Yi.

Since you can't stop it, try your best to improve your reputation, power and influence in the circle within the limited time. This way, if Zhou Yi gets tired of playing in the future, she won't be left with nothing instantly.

"Let me tell you, she is not as good-looking as you." Zhou Yi, who was lying on the rocking chair with his hands crossed behind his head, couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this: "You have to have confidence in yourself."

"Looking good has a shelf life. I want to be a woman with substance."

Fan Xiaopang, who was absolutely confident in his appearance in private, vowed: "You are such a playboy, I can't trust you. I might be abandoned by you one day. I still have to borrow your tiger skin as soon as possible to set up a few companies to support myself as a genius." OK……"

Only when facing Zhou Yi, Fan Xiaopang would unabashedly reveal his already formed ambitions.

Looking at the few scandal targets around Zhou Yi who can stay for a long time, everyone has their own career.

It is impossible to compete with Zhou Yi, but there is still hope to compete with other women around Zhou Yi——

As long as she defeats everyone else, she will be the final winner!

Fan Xiaopang feels good and thinks the future is bright.

"Okay, okay, then I'll call you Mr. Fan in advance."

Zhou Yi turned over lazily: "Mr. Fan, don't forget to support your younger brother when he gets rich."

While the two were bickering, there was a knock on the dressing room door——

The appearance of Liu Dehua made Fan Xiaopang, who had just been smiling playfully and looking forward to the future with Zhou Yi, immediately stand up and said hello to him politely: "Brother Hua."

"Long time no see, Bingbin."

Liu Dehua smiled kindly, and then turned his attention to Zhou Yi, who also stood up from the rocking chair and greeted him: "I heard from the crew that you are here, Ayi, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Hey, she didn't drag her here because she said she was too nervous for the audition, so I came over to help her gain courage."

After shaking hands, Zhou Yi, who had regained his composure, tilted his head in the direction of the well-behaved Fan Xiaopang, and joked: "I was still filming the MV, and she caught me."

Liu Dehua, who has already been trained as a man, was completely unmatched by his predecessors when faced with Zhou Yi. The two were chatting and laughing, holding hands and walking to the audition room. Fan Xiaopang followed Zhou Yi step by step, listening to the two people's discussions on human relations and sophistication. comminicate.

Feng Xiaogang, who was chatting with his wife, saw someone coming. He immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile on his face: "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Welcome, welcome, Zhou Yi."

Knowing that Zhou Yi was coming today, he warmly welcomed him——

Because he wanted to invite singing.

Regardless of whether it was a theme song, an episode, or a promotional song, in short, he was unwilling to let go of this opportunity to finally connect with Zhou Yi.

Zhang Yimou's original promotional song for "Hero" made him hungry.

However, knowing that it was difficult to invite Zhou Yi Song, he naturally had to establish a good relationship with him first before talking about these things.

"I heard that you will go to Shanghai to guest star in "Kung Fu" in the future?"

"It's all fake news about me making a guest appearance. I'm going to shoot the MV. My schedule is too full and I can't get away."


With Feng Xiaogang's deliberate flattery, the chat atmosphere among the group seemed extremely harmonious. The former even invited Zhou Yi to stay and watch the audition together, and then have a casual meal together after the audition, allowing him to fulfill his role as a landlord.

It was under this circumstance that Wang Baoqiang walked into the audition room and performed the audition.

Suddenly seeing Zhou Yi, the future only holder of a pure gold body in the domestic entertainment industry, he looked slightly surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Fan Xiaopang, who noticed the change in Zhou Yiwei's expression, felt a little strange. Curious, he leaned into his ear and whispered, "Do you know this person?"

We know each other, that’s so familiar.

He is the only man in the domestic entertainment industry whose manager and wife can't find any bad points together. He is a top star whose image is so positive that it makes people think it is incredible. He is the king of character in an absolute sense, and he even asked his friends to borrow money to litigate. Never forget to pay tax first as a model tax payer.

This resume is too tough.

Especially when there are many ghosts and monsters in the entertainment industry as background, it is even more valuable.

"No, I just think his acting is a bit awesome."

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly and responded casually.

This is not unconscionable.

In terms of acting talent, Wang Baoqiang obviously belongs to the kind of person who can act both good and evil.

Feng Xiaogang, who obviously heard Zhou Yi's words, was about to comment on Wang Baoqiang, who was waiting for evaluation after the performance. When he heard these words, he laughed out loud: "Okay, Baoqiang, you are still the first one to let Zhou Yi know today." I couldn’t help but admire it.”

"M-thank you!"

Although he didn't know why Zhou Yi appeared here, this did not prevent Wang Baoqiang from being excited when he heard this.

"Let me introduce, this is Wang Baoqiang, who just won the Golden Horse Best Newcomer. Baoqiang, this is Zhou Yi, I think you should know him."

"We know each other, so we must know each other. I have also learned Mr. Zhou's songs before. The song "Floating to the North" is really awesome. It can be said that almost everyone in our original group of performers can sing it. Howling this song every day.”

As soon as Zhou Yi opened his mouth, Wang Baoqiang, who felt that Feng Xiaogang's attitude towards him had become more friendly, nodded sharply.

Although the tape he was listening to at that time was given to him after someone on the set had discarded it. Because it was damaged, two songs could not be listened to. However, he still listened to the two songs "Jiangnan" and "Floating to the North" on the tape. Learned.

"Since even Zhou Yi has been impressed by you, I won't hold back and go back to prepare."

Feng Xiaogang, who had originally been partial to Wang Baoqiang to play the role of "Shagen", simply betrayed Zhou Yi in front of everyone, causing some people at the scene to feel shocked——

Damn it!

In one sentence from the Book of Changes, the rustic Wang Baoqiang "changed his life"?

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