China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 555: Don’t forget peace of mind

"Some people say he owes a lot of money in his hometown and needs to stay out of the spotlight

"Some people say he has mastered martial arts but has no chance to show them off

"Some people have lost themselves and are wandering around at a loss

"Some people live for their dreams, for three meals a day, and for their families!"

The passionate and sincere emotions are full of rapid-fire rap. Wang Baoqiang, who has never systematically learned music for even a day, can basically be described in one word at this moment in the KTV box -

No skills, all emotions.

This man, who is one year younger than Zhou Yi, is only 22 years old according to the Chinese people's usual calculation of age, and even younger, 21 years old. But from the looks of it, his "old" appearance is probably believed to be five or six years older than Zhou Yi.

Although Liu Dehua, who "became a doctor after a long illness", is still a half-baked musician, judging from the lyrics He still has the ability. While subconsciously beating the beat with his right hand, he also did not forget to praise Zhou Yi's ability to write lyrics;

Feng Xiaogang, who can't listen to hip-hop music at all, sat on the sofa like a brother who knows it, holding a glass of wine in his hand and shaking his head to the rhythm, and occasionally making admiring sounds.

Zhou Yi, who was eating grapes, kept nodding and gave a sincere applause to this young man from Hebei.

Without any music training, he sang the song "Floating to the North" by himself and was able to keep up with the beat. It must be said that he is worthy of being a martial artist, and his lung capacity is really strong.

"Thank you, thank you. Hehe, thank you. ”

At the end of the song, after singing this song that exhausted all his strength and screamed in front of Zhou Yi, Wang Baoqiang, who was panting, immediately showed a relieved smile on his face.

After the casting and audition were all over, Feng Xiaogang, who brought the crew of "A World Without Thieves" to KTV for team building, seemed to think that Zhou Yi was indeed optimistic about his acting skills, and even asked him to perform a Zhou Yi song that he sang best -

Feng Xiaogang still understood the principle that the sedan chair is carried by everyone, and he also gave Zhou Yi a brief introduction to Wang Baoqiang's poor family background, and even revealed that he learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple, and he just wanted Wang Baoqiang to perform a section of Shaolin Kung Fu on the spot.

If he fails to sing this, he will be shooting himself in the foot.

"Nothing to say, I, who have never heard of hip-hop songs before, know that this song is very popular. For example, almost everyone in the extras at the gate of Beijing Film Studio can sing a few lines. ”

Feng Xiaogang, who was trying to be close, expressed his feelings after listening to the song: "I can relate to the song myself, and it reminded me of the days when I was struggling alone. This song is good because it touches my heart."

"Director Feng, why don't you change your way of praising me? I'm tired of hearing this song, too many times."

Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and bit the grapes that Fan Xiaopang took the initiative to hand over, chewing them, Zhou Yi teased, and did not forget to drag Andy Lau, who was watching the show, into the water: "If you don't believe me, ask Brother Hua, has he become immune to this kind of praise after so many years of being a superstar?"

"Hey, I dare not be a superstar in front of you."

Andy Lau's face was normal, and he maintained his humble personality as always: "You are now a real superstar, so powerful at the Grammy Awards, do you know how many of us wanted to go up and win the award, you set a precedent. ”

A good team building for the crew of "A World Without Thieves" turned into a Zhou Yi praise meeting under the leadership of Feng Xiaogang and Liu Dehua, and even Fan Xiaopang, the Zhou Yi pendant, received a lot of praise - such as good acting skills, promising to be the best actress, and more cooperation in the future.

It has to be said that Feng Xiaogang is really good at boasting, no wonder he was able to make Zhou Xingchi, the tyrant on the set, laugh out loud when he guest-starred in "Kung Fu".

However, after showing his goodwill, Feng Xiaogang naturally began to "show his true colors" and inquired about Zhou Yi's schedule, asking if he had time to make a movie theme song.

As for inviting him to guest star, the previous attempts have already shown that it is impossible, so the only thing left is the theme song.

"To be honest, I am so worried. I can't find a suitable song no matter how hard I look. Audio-visual art is incomplete without listening, right? ”

After putting Zhou Yi on a high position of "can't do without you", Feng Xiaogang pretended to lament: "You also know that I have been preparing for this movie for a long time, and I must have thought of perfection in the theme song."

"It's hard to say, Director Feng. The main reason is that I am indeed a little busy next year. You also know that the Olympic Games next year cannot be sloppy. If you mess up, you will be despised by everyone."

Zhou Yi smiled slightly without saying anything fatal, and even brought up the Olympic Games to highlight his difficulty.

"Yes, yes, that's for sure, I'm just asking."

Feng Xiaogang was a little disappointed. He nodded repeatedly and was about to withdraw his temptation, but he didn't expect Zhou Yi to make a 180-degree turn again-

"But, since Director Feng said so, you can send someone to try to communicate with my agent about time and see if you can spare some time."

Spitting out the grape seeds, Zhou Yi tilted his head and said: "After all, we can't waste your sincerity, Director Feng. "

Seeing all this, Fatty Fan couldn't help but subconsciously grasp the corner of the man's clothes, wanting to remind him not to make an impulsive promise, but she never thought that the latter didn't care at all, and instead gave her a reassuring look.

When the team building was over, Zhou Yi, who didn't drink, personally drove Fatty Fan home——

"Are you crazy? Next year is your Olympic year. You have to sing a song solo for eight minutes in the Olympics. Your energy should be focused on that, not one of their movies."

Fan Xiaopang, who wanted to persuade Zhou Yi not to be stupid as soon as he got in the car, was anxious.

Are you kidding me? There will be a new album and a concert in the second half of the year. After all, there will be the Spring Festival Gala and the Olympics. Isn’t this putting pressure on myself?

"He was just jealous of Zhang Yimou's "Hero" bonus when he invited me to sing. He felt that he gave me a heroine and wanted to take advantage of this friendship to invite you to sing. It's not worth it for me at all - "

"So what, I am willing."

Zhou Yi, who was driving the car, raised the corners of his mouth, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he controlled the woman for three seconds.


Fan Xiaopang opened his mouth and ran his tongue across his lips. He hesitated for a long time before he finally leaned on the back of the seat and put his right hand on his forehead. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'd love your head."

Finally, Fan Xiaopang, who had suppressed the surge of emotions in his heart, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He turned his head to look at the man who was driving and cursed——

The flashing lights on both sides of the road whizzed on Zhou Yi's body, and his cheeks flickered;

A silent smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, he turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator.

"What good will this do to you?"

After being sent to the downstairs of Fan Xiaopang's community, Zhou Yi, who was watching her get off the car, heard this question. After thinking about it, he said honestly: "Does it count to touch you?"

"You're a turtle bastard."

Fan Xiaopang, whose mood swings had obviously increased a lot, didn't know whether it was because of the alcohol or the topic, so he cursed again——

After getting out of the car, he put his arms around the man's neck and bit him viciously but gently: "I think you are just touching yourself to deceive yourself into having peace of mind."

"...What a coincidence, how did you know that the title of the theme song I thought of is called "Don't Forget Peace of Mind"."

Zhou Yi, who felt a kitten scratching his neck, chuckled, as if he thought of something, lowered his head and raised his eyebrows.

"I think you should play the role of Andy Lau, the king of thieves. You are better at stealing than him."

Fan Xiaopang loosened his arms and pressed the man against the car window. He raised his knees and pushed him a few times, then rubbed them a few times: "I'll choke you to death."

Zhou Yi smiled nonchalantly, tilted his head and said, "Good night."

"Goodnight, bitch."

After watching Xiaopang Fan disappear at the entrance of the community lobby, Zhou Yi returned to the car with a smile and drove back to the hotel.

To be honest, the concert string version of "Don't Forget Peace of Mind" re-arranged by Zhang Jie in the future does somewhat fit the tone and temperament of the entire movie "A World Without Thieves". From this point of view, he really didn't say anything nonsense to Fan Xiaopang.

After returning to the hotel, he was about to go back to the room to take a shower and sleep, but when he pushed the door open and walked in, he saw... Chen Qiaoen sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV?


Did I go to the wrong room?

Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "How did you get in?"

"I told your agent that I have something to ask you about, something very important." Chen Qiaoen turned his head when he heard the commotion, and his tone was obviously more lively and playful than before.

"It seems to be a good thing." Zhou Yi threw the room card on the shoe cabinet noncommittally.

"Someone from Sanli TV called me and invited me to play the heroine in a new drama. The company's boss Sun Derong also relented and said he could support me in continuing to be an actor and would not interfere too much with my choices.

"If I want to terminate the contract, I can just leave according to the liquidated damages clause. He won't ask for any more points."

"It's a good thing. It should be a double blessing for you. Congratulations." Zhou Yi, who was not surprised, took a sip of water.

With his current influence, it is difficult to deal with public intellectuals outside the circle, but it is easy to deal with the stakeholders within the circle.

"I have a question to ask you, Zhou Yi."

Chen Qiaoen stood up and walked to the bar. He held his chin with one hand and asked the man for a cup and a few ice cubes: "Have you always been like this? Are you not afraid of pretending to be stupid after I achieve my goal? Or run away. road?"

Zhou Yi, who was watching her drink ice water, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "How should I put it, in the words of someone tonight, I am deceiving myself."

"I just want peace of mind, right?"

Chen Qiaoen smiled and took the initiative to come forward: "It just so happens that I also feel that I need to make myself feel at ease."

Chen Qiaoen, who was wearing a bathrobe, had obviously come prepared. Not only did he demonstrate the virtue of tolerance, but he also showed off another beautiful quality of his own -

Fragrant spring news.

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