China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 569: Xiaodao pulls his butt and opens his eyes

Chapter 569: Pulling the ass with a knife—Opening eyes

"Hey! Hit! I hit!"

November 20, 2003, Monday, is a day that neither a corporate office worker nor a school goer wants to think about.

I don’t know how many times I scolded the school’s damn curriculum, and decided to skip class before the third period. Li Jiafeng, a freshman at Sun Yat-sen University, was as excited as Fan Jin who had won the exam. He shouted: He kept shouting.

Fu Yuqin, who was obviously feeling a little uncomfortable, tugged at the corner of her boyfriend's clothes. Her ears turned red under the surprised gazes of many people, and she whispered in a low voice: "Bibi, there are so many people watching, so don't scream."

"Look, I really hit it!"

Li Jiafeng, who was in an emotional state, showed the theater ticket sticker on the album box. The words "Pirates of the Caribbean" were particularly prominent. Fu Yuqin's eyes suddenly lit up: "You really won?!"

Winning a lottery is actually real? Will it really happen to them?

Although it was just a movie ticket, the joy of getting something for nothing and the thought of taking advantage rushed into the girl's brain immediately, constantly stimulating her excited nerves.

In order to cooperate with the launch of Zhou Yi's new album "Gui Zang", Disney announced a surprising news before the release -

For the first batch of Zhouyi albums, they prepared 88,888 special movie tickets for "Pirates of the Caribbean" as random bonuses, and each ticket has a unique number and Zhouyi avatar, which can be regarded as Looking for good luck——

Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau each have 10,000 + scattered tickets. There are many people in the mainland, so there are 50,000 + scattered tickets. The winning consumers can watch the movie for free as long as they go to Warner's theaters with the tickets.

If there is no Warner Cinema in your city or the theater is far away from you and you don’t want to go, then just enter the "Zhou Yi Invites You to Watch a Movie" event page on Warner's official website, enter the number for authentication, and after passing the authentication, Warner staff will contact you , change the movie ticket verification location to your nearest theater.

In 2003, movie tickets were still high-priced in major mainland cities.

A movie ticket can easily start at 25 yuan, and the ticket price of better new theaters can go straight to more than 40 yuan. Some experts even predict that by around 2005, the ticket price of new theaters is likely to exceed the 50 yuan mark.

When Zhou Yi took out these 88,888 free tickets, it was somewhat shocking.

At least for Li Jiafeng, a college student who has just entered college, even if he has the money from working a summer job during the summer, buying two movie tickets at once is still a bit painful.

But now Zhou Yi paid him a ticket directly.

Although it wasn't much, it was enough to add another layer of worship to his idol in his heart.

Not to mention anything else, just for this round of ticket giveaways, Zhouyi, or Warner and Disney, will have to spend at least three to four million yuan out of their own pockets.

Looking at the Chinese music scene, who else can do it? !

Who else? !

Such a conscientious idol sings beautifully, so it’s definitely not a bad idea to buy the album!

Blow it up!

With his face glowing red, Li Jiafeng walked out of the busy video store with his girlfriend in his arms, looking very proud.

"Boss, please give me ten cassettes of the tapes of "Return to Tibet"."

"It's gone, it's gone. The tape of "Return to the Hidden Place" is sold out, but there are some CDs left. Do you want it?"


"He doesn't want me to ask for anything but CDs. Give me two boxes of CDs."

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Don't jump in line. I didn't say I didn't want it. Give me two boxes of the "Return to the Hidden" CD! Give it to me first!"

"Who the hell stepped on my foot!"


Those who argue, those who step on others, and those who desperately want to jump in line are all mixed together.

As the owner of the largest video store in the nearby streets, Li Zhongguo, who had not seen this scene for a long time, felt that his fifty-four-year-old body seemed to be eighteen years old again, with endless energy. At work——

With quick eyes and quick hands, the calculator clicked loudly, and the sounds of "reset to zero" and "reset to zero" kept coming and going on the counter.

"Damn it! It has to be Zhou Yi's album, everyone is clamoring for it."

Li Zhongguo, who finally got through the small peak of the first launch time and ordered his employees to rush to the warehouse to collect goods to replenish the goods, finally breathed a sigh of relief and saw that there were only a few or two left on the shelves in the most conspicuous position. In the scene where others were recording albums, their fat faces were smiling like chrysanthemums.

The sales volume in the past hour alone was enough for him to start thinking about how to order more goods from upstream distributors. He didn't care even if he bundled more albums that others could not sell. Zhou Yi could give him a slightly higher price. Sell ​​it.

He has a large quantity and has the right to a premium!

"What do you think he thinks? Selling an album is like a lottery, and he also spends millions of his own money to subsidize fans to watch movies. This is so heartbreaking." The boss lady dressed as a landlord was also tired and held her waist. I took a breath after sitting on the chair, holding a toothpick in my mouth and feeling extremely distressed——

It's as if she paid for all those millions.

"You know what the heck, I don't think he paid a penny out of these millions. It's just a cooperation between Disney and Warner to promote the new movie. It's all business."

Li Zhongguo, who had gained some wealth through his ups and downs in the business world, laughed and scolded his wife, patted his chest and said, "Do you really think Zhou Yi is as honest as he said? If he was so simple, he would have stopped showing such arrogance long ago. I know how many times I have been tricked by others.”

Warner's new cinema needs to be promoted after it is completed, Disney's new movie also needs to be promoted, and Zhou Yi's new album also needs to be promoted. This is a win-win business. Spending a few million to link the three together is just a small amount of money to do a big thing.

If you really want to do a serious channel promotion, how can you not start with tens of millions?

"Really? He earns fame without spending a penny? Are those big companies so good that they spend money on him for charity?"

"You don't understand even if I tell you. This is a business, but it can be seen that Zhou Yi is really confident in his album. This is completely using his reputation as a guarantor."

Old Li, who drank a sip of chrysanthemum tea to moisten his throat, was full of emotion.

In fact, just as he expected, after Zhou Yi's "Return to the Void" went on sale, the theory that he spent millions of dollars to treat fans to the movie quickly rushed into the online community discussions in various regions-

Or it was soon rumored to be tens of millions.

Netizens who had never seen such a hand were shocked.

Sohu, Sina, Tencent, and NetEase, the four major portals, reported the incident immediately. Because of the exclusive agreement, Sohu even revealed some inside information - for example, this was actually a benefit that Zhou Yi took the initiative to fight for his fans.

"It is said that Disney and Warner disagreed at first, but Zhou Yi slammed the table and told them that if they disagreed, they would not cooperate anymore. The two companies finally gave in and begged Zhou Yi to sit down and have a good chat.

"They originally wanted to give away only 10,000 copies, but Zhou Yi bargained down the price to 50,000 copies. Later, Zhou Yi, in order to seek benefits for fans, directly cut the number 88888, saying that 888 means wealth, for good luck.

"I am touched. This is the first star who really treats fans as brothers and sisters, not just saying it..."

In this barbaric, pure, and easy-to-deceive Internet age, Zhou Yi's welfare card was so loud that a group of record companies led by Sony and Universal were dumbfounded...

Not a buddy?

Are you selling albums?

You're selling albums, right?

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