China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 587: Torturing each other until old age

damn it!

You little brat definitely did it on purpose!

Seeing that this article was invalidated, Jiang Wen couldn't hold back anymore: "Zhou, what are you laughing at?!"

"No, how do I know that?"

Zhou Yi, who held his head high and his chest high, fully explained what it means to be unreasonable and strong: "I was trying to control my expression before, really. Maybe I saw you being knocked away by me, and I was so happy that I couldn't hold it back for a while? "

God was so fucking happy that I couldn’t hold it back!

"Besides, this is instinct. It's hard to control instinct, okay? If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for your evil deeds. It's really a satisfying thing to knock you away, so I raised the corner of my mouth from the bottom of my heart."

Jiang Wen: "..."

I'll fuck your uncle's instincts!

You weren't the one who got hit, right?

When you were in school, the teacher didn't teach you what it means to liberate your nature - oh, damn, you really didn't learn that.

Raising his hand to touch the high-quality wig on his head, Jiang Wen felt something stuck in his throat - it didn't matter if he scolded him, or if he didn't scold him.

He admitted that he was indeed a little harsh on Zhou Yi on the set of "In the Name of the Father", but he can swear to God that compared to the intensity of actual filming, he was already very kind to Zhou Yi.

"Then, do it again?" Looking at Jiang Wen's sighing look, Chenglong asked tentatively.

Zhou Yi, who had just half-crouched in front of the camera and thought about it, suddenly lit up: "Okay, I have no problem, then let's do it again."

"You have to control your facial muscles this time and don't laugh."

Resigned to his fate, Jiang Wen pointed his right index finger at him, and the Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Finger warned: "Didn't I teach you how to control it before? Don't mess around with me."

"Okay, okay, promise not to mess around."

Zhou Yi couldn't wait to trot into the car, nodding wildly without looking back.

The actors sitting around all had strange expressions, whether they were smiling or not. After director Chen Musheng glanced over, everyone sat upright, for fear of being called out.


With an order, the truck scene that took the lead in scheduling filming was repeated again.

Jiang Wen once again played the role of a bread gangster with firm eyes and surging emotions. He rushed out of the convenience store waving bread with both hands. The moment he crossed the obstacle and ran to the road, the word "run" had just been spoken, and Zhou Yi had already opened the car. The light truck is coming——

Jiang Wen turned his head and looked at the front of the car with despair in his eyes.

Because... it's soon.

Zhouyi opened quickly.


The members of the props team who also noticed this quickly pulled up the wire. Jiang Wen, who flew out of the screen again, fell on the air mattress and rolled three times. He stood up with a grimace of pain and did not even call for anyone to unload the wire.

Because 100% I have to do it again.

This is the biggest gap between amateur guest actors and professional actors. The control of camera time is really poor.

If you really want to act, you have to spend a long time on the set.

The only good thing is that Zhou Yi at least has some self-awareness and knows that he can't act, so he won't touch movies and TV dramas at all. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a large number of viewers who hate him for acting without relying on acting skills and popularity.


Chenglong, who subconsciously yelled "click", obviously also discovered the problem and came up to ask: "Can you do it again? Ayi, please pay attention to the signal I gave you and follow my instructions."

"We're here now, so what else can we do? Just shoot it."

Jiang Wen clapped his hands and looked away. Wasn't he just hit? As a professional actor, he had never suffered anything.

He remembered this grudge.

When Zhou Yi comes to write the soundtrack for the new movie that he has started to prepare for the adaptation, it will be the beginning of his "torture" of Zhou Yi. If he can't write the feeling he wants, he will never let Zhou Yi go. I'm sorry if he doesn't ask too much. How many times has he been hit!

Heaven is so good at reincarnation, who will be spared by Heaven!

Bitter first and then sweet!


After patting the dust on his coat and returning to the starting point of the plot, Jiang Wen raised his hand and made an OK gesture.

The third time, shooting begins!


This time, Jiang Wen was thrown out of the frame by Zhou Yi with the most perfect parabola, but when he landed, he heard director Chen Musheng's slightly regretful voice: "Zhou Yi, no, your expression is wrong.

"What you should be showing now is panic, extreme panic, do you understand what I mean? Think about the thing you are most afraid of?

"We want to take a close-up of you. You can't fail to give the audience a big reaction at this time, because you hit someone, you were drunk, and you were driving drunk..."

Zhou Yi rubbed his chin and nodded repeatedly.

After all, he was paid and had to show his face. Otherwise, the audience who walked into the theater because of his cameo would be scolded and asked for their money back.

A fraud like Shen Teng's "The Hotel the Sun Never Sets", where the film crew promoted special appearances, but in the end only poster shots appeared from beginning to end is purely to ruin the reputation.

For the first time in his life, Jiang Wen, who was slumped on the air mattress, felt the urge to kill someone on the set.

I'm about to get hit again...


"Come again."

Faced with Chenglong's inquiry, Jiang Wen gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and stood up again in the golden spirit of "I'm here now."

For Cheng Long, who has a background in martial arts, it is commonplace to repeat dangerous actions more than a dozen times. No one in the action team of "New Police Story" thought it was inappropriate, but Jiang Wen is not a martial artist.

Therefore, he could still choose to continue, which somewhat made Chenglong look sideways.

Although the risk is not very great.

The fourth time——


Jiang Wen was knocked out of the frame again by Zhou Yi's kick of the accelerator, and became a trapeze artist for the fourth time!

"It still doesn't work. Ayi, come on, learn from me. Your fear is too exaggerated. It's about exaggerating your emotions, not exaggerating your emotions. We are not making a nonsensical comedy. That's what happened in Shanghai's "Kung Fu" "The set."

Chenglong, who was teaching Zhou Yi, did not forget to make a joke at the end. He was more afraid that Zhou Yi might have psychological pressure after being NGed many times. After all, he was a newbie in the film industry.

Zhou Yi nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and Jiang Wen, whose heart was bleeding, silently walked to the beginning of the plot, with his hands on his hips, waiting for the verdict of fate.

The fifth time——


"Okay! The expression is OK, the camera is OK, the level of change in expression is OK - huh? Jiang Wen, why did your wig fly off?"

Chenglong, who was delighted with Zhou Yi's progress, turned his head and saw Jiang Wen rolling on the air mattress and the wig slowly falling to the ground...

The loose.

Perhaps because the momentum of flying to the ground in the previous few times was relatively strong, Jiang Wen, who rolled three times on the mat every time, obviously did not notice that his high-quality flowing wig was already crumbling.

This time I was hit, and my hair accidentally caught the small bump on the front of the car, and the wig was directly pulled off...

"Holy shit!"

Jiang Wen, who never expected that something would happen to him, cursed.

"Uncle, come on, I'm ready."

The child brother Tong Yan Wuji, who plays the son, waved to Jiang Wen excitedly. He looked like he was eager to watch Jiang Wen play the trapeze again.

Chenglong: "..."

Chen Musheng: "..."

Xie Tingfeng: "..."

Cai Zhuoyan: "..."

Wu Yan Group: "..."

Just, how should I put it...

Xie Tingfeng, who felt like he could hardly hold back his laughter, was thinking hard about the saddest things in his life, such as breaking up with Wang Fei, Wang Fei's new relationship, Wang Fei's suspected getting married, and other news...

The more I thought about it, the sadder I became, and I finally suppressed the corners of my mouth that wanted to raise several times.

"Damn it, Zhou, if the score for my new movie is not higher than Mozart, don't hand it over!" Seeing Zhou Yi's uncontrollable laughter and gloating, Jiang Wen became anxious.

Damn it, come on, hurt each other!

Torturing each other!

Who is afraid of whom!

This time, it was finally not his fault. Zhou Yi blew his nails, pretended not to hear, and pouted at the starting point of the plot: "Stand still."

Jiang Wen: "..."

So angry!

Ahhhhh! ! !

Full of resentment, Jiang Wen became a convenience store bread robber for the sixth time, encountered a full-risk semi-trailer for the sixth time, and was made a trapeze artist for the sixth time...

Six times, six times!

Director Jiang has always been the only one who seizes power and parasitizes other people's crews. Director Jiang, who has never suffered this kind of injustice in other people's crews, feels that in his dreams tonight, Zhou Yi drives a truck to make a living for himself.

Logically speaking, as an old actor, he wouldn't be so angry. After all, it was work.

But I couldn't stand Zhou Yi's laughter, it was too devilish and mocking.

When he closed his eyes, he felt the devilish sound in his ears - the kind that lingered for three days.

The key is, that truck was modified by him!

It's him!

Zhou Yi, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, felt very comfortable, and the filming of the remaining 8 minutes of scenes went extremely smoothly.

What it means to feel refreshed during happy events is vividly reflected in Zhou Yi at this time.

"Old Jiang, thank you."

Finally, Zhou Yi, who had finished filming the special scene, did not forget the well digger and gave Jiang Wen a thumbs up seriously: "The truck you hired someone to modify is awesome, the quality is really good."

"Wait for me, you bastard!"

Jiang Wen, who went up to him with an elbow and then clamped Zhou Yi's head in his arms, said with a ferocious smile: "I've already finished the initial concept of my new movie. You'd better pray that your soundtrack can be played over and over again, otherwise I won't be able to torture you to death."

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