China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 132 The possibility of transcendence and equality

At noon on the 28th, Nolan came to the capital again.

There were still a few days left before the one-month deadline agreed with Nolan last time, but Nolan completed the task ahead of schedule.

After Lu Pingan read it, he finally made the decision.

The director of "Batman 1" is Nolan.

Nolan was very happy. He had worked hard to do this for nearly a month.

Now that the matter is finalized, everyone feels relieved.

The two had dinner together at noon, and Nolan went back to the United States directly in the afternoon.

The matter of film production was safely handed over to Xiang Guoqiang and Wattsberg.

A large project worth more than 100 million US dollars cannot be taken lightly, so it is most suitable for Xiang Guoqiang to supervise the production.

Wattsberg also claimed his share of $15 million.

Ping An Lu may not have to pay the rest in full in the end.

Because in the next few months, the project will start financing and attracting investment just like domestic projects.

It's just that he doesn't know how much he will have in the end. Lu Ping'an is not worried. Anyway, he has prepared enough money.

On the 29th, all members of the crew gathered on the set and began reading the script.

On the 30th, "Night at the Museum" officially launched.

"Lu Ping'an's new work starts shooting today"

"With a cost of 50 million, Lu Ping'an's second blockbuster can recreate the miracle of "Source Code"?"

"Lu Ping'an's new film focuses on mystery, the creator is unknown, and the title is unknown."

"The only clue to Lu Ping'an's new work: cerebral comedy"


This time, Lu Pingan's promotion of "Night at the Museum" started from the day it was launched.

Only this time, he used a different method.

Just as the media said, the main creator, plot and even the title of the film are completely confidential.

Of course, some things can't be kept secret just because you really want to.

For example, the studio in Chaoyang Trade City is so conspicuous that everyone can see it.

The filming location was revealed.

With this exposure, the relevant creators will naturally be exposed as well.

For example, the main creators, Fan Wei, Li Binbin, and Chen Kun, were photographed by reporters near the set.

So everyone knew that the creators must have them.

But who plays the leading role is still a mystery.

Lu Pingan also released the news, saying that the studio in Chaoyang Trade City is just one of the four studios.

As soon as the smoke bombs went off, security on the museum set increased, and the information about Lu Ping An's new film became even more confusing.

Regarding the script, Lu Pingan did not use the original name, but a code name, code name: 9527.

Even if the code name is leaked, no one will know what the film is about.

So with this combination of punches, the film's launch promotion effect exceeded expectations.

Everyone is very curious about what Lu Ping'an's imaginary comedy will be like.

Of course, the voices of bearishness also followed closely.

The reason is the same old one: Transformation will cause serious damage.

Even if it’s just a change of subject matter.

All kinds of news, good and bad, were flying all over the sky at the end of September and early October.

Lu Pingping ignored it and focused on the studio.

"Wonderful Night" first started shooting the main scenes in the museum.

The guest appearances of the remaining actors will be left behind, and they will be completed in a day or two.

In the studio, filming at night and day, Fan Wei was wearing a security uniform, holding a microphone and starting to work.

Today is his first day at work, and he is the only one left in the entire museum at night. Out of boredom, the protagonist’s chuuni soul begins to burn.

He spoke into the microphone and began to play in the proving ground.

"Hey Hey hey!"

After shouting a few times, the loudspeaker in the venue rang.

Fan Wei was slightly startled, then his eyes suddenly lit up and a smile appeared on his face.

That expression was full of "Interesting!"

Then he looked around to make sure no one would see it, and then he officially started to work.

"Hey, what's that? Whose child is missing?"

After the first attempt, Fan Wei became more courageous, and his volume and tone began to change.

"Be careful, don't touch that kid over there."

"Fan Chenggong (the protagonist's own name), is there anyone named Fan Chenggong? You dropped your wallet. Is the 20,000 yuan in it yours?"

"Fan Chenggong, your ex-wife regretted it and said she wanted to remarry you. Your son said he had to follow you."

It was all improv.

Lu Ping'an's eyes behind the monitor were full of satisfaction.

In the early stages of the protagonist's life, the character's personality and bitter experiences are presented in a comedic way in just a few sentences.

With the different volume, tone, and expression of each sentence, this shot is perfect!

Then Fan Wei continued to let himself go. After being intoxicated by his own language, he began to sing into the microphone.

After a song of unknown origin was sung, there was a Bbox section as described in the scholar's script, and it was very similar. The key was that the expression was very interesting.

After a whole episode, the protagonist was satisfied and waved to the tens of thousands of non-existent stage audiences in front of him.

Then his expression slowly dropped, as if he had had enough fun and felt empty, and then he lay down on the chair and fell asleep.

The sleeping position was also weird. I fell asleep and fell down with a plop, then got up in an instant and hurriedly tidied the front desk.


Lu Ping'an finally shouted Ka.

The whole audience applauded.

Fan Wei responded with an expression, clasped his hands and thanked everyone.

Then he came to Lu Ping'an and asked, "How are you doing, Guide Lu? Are there any problems with this section?"

Lu Pingan smiled and motioned for him to watch the replay.

But he was actually very satisfied in his heart.

【105%! 】

The first shot goes straight beyond.

A good start!

Can Lu Ping An be dissatisfied?

In fact, this section is indeed better than the original.

The original version is just a complete work, and the amount of information is not that big. It just shows that the protagonist is a bit frizzy, weak-handed, and careless.

Fan Wei's version has more depth, still has weak hands, an optimistic personality, and is frizzy, but the inner emotions are fuller than the original version.

The key is that the "inner" part passes by very smoothly.

That’s the part where the language is self-deprecating at the beginning.

To outsiders, it's basically just funny, and you won't think about it until you finish laughing.

This is skill.

So transcendence is well deserved.

"Teacher Fan, what do you think?"

After watching the replay, Lu Pingan asked.

"It's okay. I think I can do it again. I was a little stuck just now."

"I think this one is actually totally fine."

"Director Lu, you're welcome. Just follow your standards. I'll have no problem."

"Okay, then do it again. Teacher Fan will tell me when you are ready."

"Now you can."

"Okay, then get ready."

After 5 minutes, the golden finger score of the first shot was fixed at 106%.

Lu Ping'an felt that this transcendence was probably coming for real!

The subsequent shooting confirmed this idea.

Fan Wei's scene was filmed for more than three hours. During the break, Lu Ping'an arranged for Ning Hao and others to start shooting the rest of the scenes.

That means taking close-ups of each exhibit to use in later editing.

And each of these lenses has a score of no less than 100%!

As for the reason, there is no need to guess, it is all due to the setting of the scene.

Mei Zhi, Mr. Yang, has put a lot of effort into this aspect.

Every detail can not only follow historical facts, but also make the whole look beautiful and full of aesthetic feeling.

Mr. Yang even directly contacted several museums to borrow some genuine goods. This was because he did not have time to make realistic fakes, and at the same time, he had to try his best to restore them without being too fake.

After all, this is a "museum" and the film has the attribute of "cultural communication".

So you have to pay attention to many things.

Some real bottles and cans were shipped before the shooting started.

The filming will be shipped out in the next few days, and if the remaining footage appears, it will be replaced by other fakes.

As a result, the various textures in the footage are much better than the original film.

Lu Ping'an sighed again, that one million flower land was really worth it!

Of course, we also want to thank a total of 57 experts, restorers, and prop masters for their efforts.

Lu Ping'an decided that if he really surpassed this time, he would give everyone a big red envelope.

Shooting continued in the afternoon.

It is still a night scene shot in the day. The protagonist goes through the whole life of just entering the museum and begins to encounter dinosaurs.

The main difficulty in filming this section was the lack of real objects.

Fan Wei needs to express various expressions and body movements in front of the imaginary big dinosaur.

One of the most difficult shots was being thrown away by the dinosaur's tail.

Although 41-year-old Fan Wei is not old yet, he is not young either.

Fortunately, Lu Pingan spent a lot of money on action scenes, so all the equipment was in place.

In the end, Fan Wei successfully nailed this shot.

Unfortunately, this shot is only 99% good.

However, Lu Ping'an doesn't feel regretful. Safety comes first, and there won't be many action scenes like this in the future, so it's not a big problem.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the first day's scenes were all over.

On the first day of startup, the task does not need to be heavy.

But things were different starting the next day.

All the "wax figures" of the participating characters will start putting on makeup in the early hours of tomorrow, and the real drama will begin.

"Go back and have a good rest. Meet at 4 o'clock in the morning."


Everyone immediately stopped, and after leaving a dozen security guards in the museum, everyone retreated.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, Lu Pingping drove to pick up Zeng Li.

In the past few days, he and Zeng Li would text each other, and the topics besides the script were all over the place.

The relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds in their tacit understanding.

Of course, it won't actually be that fast.

After all, how long have we known each other?

Now that we have been chatting for these days, we just have a good impression of each other. They have evolved from strangers to familiarity, and they are still a little bit away from being ambiguous.

Moreover, the age difference between the two is quite big, so it may be quite difficult in the future.

But the road is safe and confident.

Of course, Yan Danchen's status will also be taken care of. For example, Zeng Li's text message priority is lower than Yan Danchen's.

Two messages came at the same time, so Yan Danchen must have been replied to first.

This is called genuine status.

As for whether Zeng Li can be on an equal footing with Yan Danchen in the future, it depends on whether Zeng Linu works hard.

Lu Ping'an felt so shameless.

But facing Zeng Li, Lu Pingan's face stuck to the city wall.

"It's not good for the director to personally pick up the actresses on the set. It's not good for others to see you."

After getting in the car, Zeng Li became worried.

Lu Pingan said he would pick her up, but she refused from the beginning for the reasons mentioned above.

But Lu Ping'an said he was already downstairs, so he had no choice but to let him pick him up.

After hearing this, Lu Ping'an said, "I'm too lazy to pick up others."

After saying that, he helped Zeng Li fasten his seat belt, then stepped on the accelerator and jumped out.

From the corner of his eye, Zeng Li looked at Lu Pingan's focused driving. He wanted to persuade her, but finally swallowed it, leaving only the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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