China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 133 131st birthday, first echelon, epic movie by a great poet!

When he arrived at the set, Lu Ping'an parked his car in the underground parking lot of the Trade City.

The two of them walked together and were about to reach a crowded place. Zeng Li stopped and gave way to Ping An.

This is a small tacit understanding, but Lu Ping'an did not forget to face the city wall and continued to stick to the wall: "Don't be distracted when filming starts. It will be bad if people see you always glancing at me."

Zeng Li burst into laughter.

When he got to the set, he always looked like a child, and Lu Pingping, who looked informal and talkative on the surface, had completely changed.

Nowadays, many actors have started to put on makeup. Lu Ping'an walked past one by one, his eyes were firm and focused, and he gave guidance from time to time.

Zeng Li had seen such a safe road yesterday.

Seeing it now, to be honest, it is indeed very charming.

It’s hard to imagine that Lu Ping’an is only 21 years old.

21 years old, 6 years younger than me. . . Zeng Li was slightly dazed.

"Good morning, Teacher Zengli, have you eaten?"

At this time, her exclusive makeup artist came up to say hello, which also interrupted Zeng Li's thoughts.

"Teacher Qianqian, it's good morning, I haven't eaten yet."

"Just in time, I brought it to you."

Makeup artist Qianqian pulled her into the dressing room.

Then came the makeup which lasted for an hour or two.

There are other actresses in the dressing room, none of them have important roles, but the makeup is not compromised.

A group of women gathered together, and soon it became lively and chatting. Most of the people around them were Zeng Li, after all, she was the only one who had been in the industry for many years.

Zeng Li also taught his experience to these Nortel students, and time passed quickly.

By 7 o'clock, all the characters' makeup was completed.

Among them, the most laborious ones were a few ape-men and the bronze statue of Zheng He.

Especially Zheng He, bronze dye will cause some damage to the skin over time.

They were all guest stars from Nortel students, and Lu Ping An took good care of their remuneration.

After the makeup was done, the filming continued.

After some positioning adjustments, the entire museum came to life.

Various characters from tens of thousands of years ago to hundreds of years ago mingle together in the museum hall.

At this moment, everyone in the crew truly realized that their film was really weird.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, the crew stopped work, and filming will still start in the early morning tomorrow.

Lu Pingping picked up Zeng Li again the next day.

Zeng Li brought hot coffee to Lu Pingan this time.

"Drink coffee in the morning to wake you up."


The two looked at each other and smiled, chatting all the way to the parking lot, and then walked away in agreement, and a new day began.

On the 12th, the filming of the plot outside the museum started.

Because two guest stars, Mr. Zhou and Chen Kun, were arriving that day, their scenes were filmed early so as not to delay their own work.

At his "stepfather's" house, Chen Kun wore glasses, combed his hair into a four- to six-part style, and had four or five mobile phones on his waist. He looked like a mix of nouveau riche and elite.

As soon as it appeared, everyone laughed, and with the addition of Shancheng dialect, everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Kun didn't feel embarrassed at all.

He loves this kind of interesting cameo.

A cameo is just to add surprise to the film. It's not a big problem to act ugly.

Chen Kun only has two scenes, one is when he appears at home, and the other is when he meets the protagonist outside the museum who has given up for the first time.

The meeting scene has been filmed, and now it’s time to make the debut. Once the filming is done, the mission is completed.

Soon, the scene ended.

Chen Kun removes makeup amidst applause.

Mr. Zhou also called it a day. She was a bit too young to play the mother, but for a comedy, it didn't matter.

That night, Lu Pingan had dinner with the two of them.

"Here, it's for you."

During the dinner, both of them gave gifts to Lu Pingan.

Lu Pingan was confused when Mr. Zhou smiled and said, "It's your birthday tomorrow. We don't have time to come, so we sent it in advance."

"I'll go, do you guys remember?" Lu Ping'an was a little surprised and touched.

"Of course, the whole country knew about your birthday last year, and it's hard for us to forget it."

Chen Kun joked with a smile.

Last year's birthday happened to be when the box office of "The Source" exceeded 100 million. When we celebrated at that time, the publicity effect was very good.

Lu Ping'an smiled and accepted the gift without opening it. Instead, he drank three glasses of wine.

"I will definitely applaud others even if they drink three glasses of wine, but for you, my eyelids won't even twitch after you drink three bowls of it."

Mr. Zhou also started joking.

Lu Ping'an spread his hands and said, "I really envy you guys who are not good drinkers."

"Hey, what you said, waiter, Shanghai Bowl, I will fight with him today!"

Chen Kun shouted, and the next scene was very lively.

After seeing the two off after the show, Lu Ping'an felt that in a year or two, "Painted Skin" would be ready for production.

If he hadn't cast this film, the starring role would still be Xiao Yanzi.

So, it makes sense!

After returning home, Yan Danchen pounced on him.

"Xiao Ping An, did you miss me?"


Lu Pingan picked her up and walked to the bathroom.

Just after 0:00 in the morning, my phone buzzed with various birthday wishes text messages.

Lu Ping'an had no time to pay attention and was completely immersed in Yan Danchen's gentle countryside.

Today, he is the biggest and she is also the biggest.

He didn't reply to the text messages until the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, including one from Li Zi. He first replied: "Thank you, but only text messages to express blessings?"

After sending it, she ignored it. Li Zi was probably already asleep and she would get up to start work in more than two hours.

Then came the rest of the text messages, and Lu Pingping responded one by one.

These are all blessings. He rarely received such blessings in his previous life. He was an orphan and was alone. It was not even certain whether his birthday was on that day, so he could remember a blessing for a long time.

This habit was also brought here, so I didn't sleep all night.

At 3 o'clock the next day, Lu Ping'an kissed Yan Danchen, who was still sleeping, goodbye and set out to pick up Li Zi.

Lizi got into the car and gave him a small box with a smile: "It's for you."

"What's this."

"Go to the set and open it again."


Lu Pingan accepted it with a smile. His sensitive sense of smell could already smell what it was.

But he didn't reveal the answer.

The two of them went to the set with great expectations.

A new day has begun.

At noon, Lu Pingan opened the surprise. Sure enough, it was a small cake.

He sent a text message to Lizi: "Thank you, did you do it for a long time?"

Lizi replied: "I bought it."

Lu Ping'an: "I'm so happy."

Lizi: "It's the first time I'm making it, and I don't have enough time. I'll make a bigger one for you next year."

Lu Ping'an: "It's too long, let's do it tomorrow."

Lizi stopped replying, and Lu Pingan looked up at Lizi in the distance on the set.

Lizi also looked over, and after seeing him looking at her, she raised her fist and naughtily hit the wax figure of Genghis Khan next to her, and then looked at him again, showing a threatening look.

Lu Pingan shook his head and laughed, and replied: "Is it enough to be beaten? Okay!"

Lizi stopped replying again because Yan Danchen came to visit the class.

Yan Danchen came to visit the class, ostensibly as a friend of Lu Ping'an, so he remained calm throughout the whole process, and interacted with Lizi normally.

But Lu Ping'an was a little frightened.

It feels like walking a tightrope.

Fortunately, he can ignore anything strange when working.

So this afternoon’s shooting was particularly strict.

In the evening, Lu Pingan returned home, and Yan Danchen cooked him a table of delicious food.

The two of them spent a perfect day together on their birthday. Yan Danchen was going back to the set the next day, and Lu Ping'an still went to pick up Li Zi early in the morning.

This time the pears were still served with a cup of hot coffee, and Lu Pingan asked: "You still owe me a big cake."

Lizi smiled and rolled her eyes, then pretended to be calm and said: "Let's finish it, the cake will be troublesome."

"Okay, I have an empty stomach for the wedding banquet! I'm just waiting for your cake!"

Seeing Lu Pingan's happy look, Zeng Li couldn't help but smile again.

The filming was done step by step.

A lot of things have happened since the outside world entered October.

In the film industry, "Heroes of Heaven and Earth", known as the third blockbuster after "Source Code" and "Heroes", was released at the end of September.

The film cost 80 million yuan and has a very luxurious cast, including Jiang Wen, Wang Xueqi, Xiao Yanzi, Nakai Kiichi, etc.

Before the release, there was a lot of publicity.

But unfortunately, within three days of its release, its reputation collapsed.

By mid-October, the national box office had not exceeded 30 million.

Let alone 100 million in the future, it will be difficult even to exceed 40 million.

In fact, the film did end up with just over 40 million.

But even this result is the box office record for domestic movies this year.

"Mobile" at the end of December had more than 50 million, but that is included in next year's statistics, so it cannot be counted.

With more than 40 million yuan, it became the number one domestic movie at the box office. At the same time, the box office performance of other Hollywood movies was also poor. The first one was "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" in January this year with 52 million yuan.

The overall box office performance is very different from last year.

So the era of box office frenzy started by the two blockbusters seemed to be suddenly poured cold water on it.

Voices expressing disapproval of the domestic film industry soon emerged.

But more importantly, there are many media’s expectations for several foreseeable domestic movies in the future.

The number one among them is naturally "House of Flying Daggers". "House of Flying Daggers" will be launched in September. Now there is much more official information than Lu Ping'an's "Code Name 9527". Andy Lau, Song Dandan, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and Zhang Ziyi are all It's a big name, so everyone's expectations are higher. Many people think that this is a copy of "Heroes".

Ranked second is Lu Ping'an's "Code Name 9527". At present, except for the main creative team of this film, which includes Fan Wei, Chen Kun, and Zhou Gongzi, the cost is 45 million, and nothing else is known. However, because "The Source" is in front, Everyone's expectations are equally high.

Some media said that when more information about the film is disclosed, the expectations are expected to exceed that of "House of Flying Daggers". After all, Lu Ping'an's achievements in film awards cannot be compared to Lao Mouzi, but his reputation in commercial films is quite strong.

Also with a strong reputation in commercial films is Feng Dapao. His "Mobile Phone", which will be released in December, is ranked third in terms of expectations.

However, the shortcomings of Feng Dapao's movies are now more obvious, that is, they are popular in the north but lack in the south. Therefore, the media are relatively conservative in their box office expectations, and no one thinks it can exceed 100 million.

The above three directors are now also known as the first echelon of mainland commercial directors.

He Ping, the director of "Heroes of Heaven and Earth", was expected to enter the first tier, but "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" didn't work, so there were only three people left in the first tier.

And this also awakened the great poet who had been dormant for a long time.

On October 9th, the nominations for the Golden Rooster Awards were announced. Lu Ping'an's "The Source" received 5 more nominations, but the biggest news in the film industry today was that of Poet Chen.

Poet Chen was interviewed by the media and was asked about his film plans.

The great poet revealed the news confidently and domineeringly: "There are plans, and filming is expected to start next year. The investment? It will be bigger than you can imagine! It will be an epic!"

One sentence made the film world boil again.

The number of directors in the first echelon of commercial films has increased from three to four!

Moreover, the great poet was even directly ranked first by many media!

At the same time, countless movie fans are looking forward to next year’s movie market.

"Cell Phone" early next year, Lao Mouzi's "Ten Faces", Lu Ping'an's "9527" and an unknown film by a great poet may also be released next year!

The media is excited: next year will be a great year for movies that will surpass 2002!

When today's great poets take action, the film world is really like an earthquake.

Although he has not released any amazing works since "Farewell My Concubine".

But the blood is really thick.

This time it’s another domineering official announcement.

The investment has never been greater!

Under the filter, it is indeed reasonable to say earthquakes.

Lu Ping'an also heard the news on the crew, and everyone started discussing, saying that the investment was huge, how big would it be?

The movie must be great!

Farewell My Concubine is so good, how can a commercial blockbuster be so bad?


Lu Ping'an took a deep breath.

There is no intention of gloating, let alone envy or contempt.

He just felt that the three bedrooms and one living room on the sole of the foot might be expanded into four bedrooms and two living rooms.

The great poet is too breathy.

Epic, boy!

Even a time traveler like me doesn’t dare to say that!

Shaking his head and ignoring the great poet, Lu Pingping continued shooting.

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