China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 161: Come out to hang out and talk about it

"Have you heard that Batman is directed by Ping An Lu!"

"real or fake."

"Of course it's true. We've already held a press conference."

"I'll go, cow!"

"Isn't it? It's a big production worth 1 billion!"

"This is higher than the total domestic box office last year."

"The key is Hollywood. If the movie is successful, Lu Ping An will be in great danger."

As soon as the news that Lu Pingan became the director of Batman came out, it instantly occupied the headlines of entertainment news.

People from all walks of life in the industry are talking about it.

The first is shock.

There was previous news about Batman being co-produced by China and the United States, and Zhang Weiping had a wave of news that "Lao Mouzi may participate in the production."

Both caused huge shocks.

Now the news has escalated again.

Mainland directors have really participated in Hollywood A-level productions!

Not a guess, but a stone hammer.

The intensity of this vibration is far greater than before.

Not only entertainment pages, but social pages also began to discuss it extensively.

All of a sudden, all kinds of words of praise came out, such as winning glory for the country and breaking out of the country.

Of course, there are also many conservative and negative ones.

Like what to do if you fail.

This is also the most widespread concern among the public and the industry.

After all, Li An's previous filming of "The Hulk" failed.

Who is Li An? The director who won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Compared with him, Lu Ping'an's paper strength in feature film awards is really hard to compare with.

Of course, Lu Ping'an also has great advantages. For example, his record of winning high box office with two low-budget movies in Hollywood was once again pulled out.

But this can only make the optimistic ones more optimistic, and the unoptimistic ones even less optimistic.

Zhang Weiping was right when he said it before. How can horror movies be compared with real blockbusters?

Various voices and attitudes came together instantly, and the discussion was extremely intense.

But one thing is certain, that is, Lu Pingan can now become the director of such a top Hollywood production. His directorship is completely different from before.

As a result, people from all walks of life in the industry stepped up their efforts to get in touch with Lu Ping An.

Building relationships, talking about cooperation, stuffing actors, etc.

In short, Lu Pingan successfully reached a new pinnacle of life on the shoulders of the "foreign monk".

This is still thanks to Zhang Weiping.

Before, Zhang Weiping kept his mouth shut and was safe.

Well now, A-level big-production director, is he still in the mainstream?

Many people are very curious. Now that Lu Pingan has become the director of Batman, they wonder how Zhang Weiping feels and what he will do next.

Such curiosity is also being discussed enthusiastically on the Internet.

"Zhang Weiping's face was swollen from the beating!"

"Isn't the director named Lan? Why has he changed again?"

"Nolan is only the assistant director, and Lu Ping'an is the chief director. He can control the project. Haha, let me tell you, this is very interesting. When Nolan came to China, Zhang Weiping immediately applied for it and invited him three times. , he even belittled Lu Ping An in person after meeting him, but this fool didn’t know that Lu Ping An was the chief director.”

"I also heard that Lu Ping'an called him a traitor in public. This kind of person really deserves to be scolded."

"Who is Zhang Weiping?"

"He's Lao Mouzi's partner, Ju will be hyping that one up."

"It's him. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance. He was the one who threatened the cinema to raise ticket prices during "Hero"!"

"Yeah, that's damn good."

"What is the grudge between the two of them?"

"What kind of grudge can there be? Lu Ping An was teased by him when "Source Code" was released. Later, when Lu Ping An became successful in Hollywood, Zhang Weiping directly said that he was not in the mainstream. I think he just doesn't like him."

"Hey, this thing feels a bit strange. It feels like Zhang Weiping has been tricked."

"Well done. Lu Ping'an ignored him several times before. He keeps doing it again and again. People with such bad character must be taught a lesson."

"Lao Mouzi is really blind to partner with him."

"I don't think Lu Ping'an has anything to show off when he makes a Hollywood movie. It's just to help promote the beauty."

"The people upstairs and China Film Group have already said that the main purpose of this time is to learn from experience. We are a long way from Hollywood. How can we do it if we don't learn from it?"

"That's right, if you say that, it would be better for the country to go back to the Qing Dynasty and close itself off."

"How will Zhang Weiping fight back next?"

"It must be a scolding battle between you and me."



After reading the news and discussing with netizens, Zhang Weiping angrily cleared everything on his desk.

"The villain succeeds, the villain succeeds!"

Zhang Weiping cursed loudly.

How could he not know that he had been tricked now?

First, let a fake person come up with a story. Not only does it cover the story, it also uses the plot of "House of Flying Daggers".

Then the news was announced and slapped directly in the face.

In this way, not only will my face be severely trampled under my feet, but I will also become a traitor!

How can I bear this?

He will hold a press conference as soon as possible.

This time, he's going to go all out!

Just when I had the idea, I got a call from China Film.

"...Okay, I'm fine."

After a while, Zhang Weiping gritted his teeth and put down the phone, feeling sick in his heart.

. . . . . . .

"When you come out to mess around, you have to talk about your power and background! Zhang Weiping is very capable of fighting. If you tear off the tiger skin on his body, he will be a little loser! Don't worry, everything is under control."

On the way to Yanjing Hotel, Lu Pingan said the same thing to Yan Danchen and Zeng Li on the phone.

The two women were very concerned about Lu Pingan's situation and felt that he would suffer a loss. After all, Zhang Weiping didn't look like a good person, and he had Lao Mouzi in his hands. If he scolded him like this, he would definitely fight back in the future. There would be no end to the situation. It's not expected to get better in the short term.

A safe journey brings comfort.

The two women are not at the right level yet, so they don't understand and are worried, which is normal.

People like Yu Feihong were not worried at all. When she called to chat, she said: Zhang's surname is a bit overestimating herself.

Yu Feihong could see the situation clearly.

Zhang Weiping made the conflict public, and Lu Ping'an fought back forcefully. As long as Zhang Weiping was not confused, he would push the matter aside.

Even if he wants to continue to fight back, reality will teach him how to do it.

What is the reality? The reality is that Zhang Weiping and Lu Pingan are not on the same level.

One is a businessman, and the other is a director in the same echelon as Lao Mouzi, and is currently a director holding a major Hollywood production.

When you come out to hang out, it’s not about how old you are or how much money you have, but how big the interests you affect are!

Zhang Weiping is nothing without Lao Mouzi.

Lu Ping'an didn't point the finger at Lao Mouzi. There was a pattern, and it was reasonable to counterattack.

Although there is some suspicion of fishing in the middle, if the timeline is extended, it is Zhang Weiping's fault in the first place.

As for Lu Pingan, he is a director himself, and he is one of the top directors in China in terms of production value.

Not only a domestic director, but now also a Hollywood director.

Just talking about Batman and China Film Co., Ltd. cooperating, China Film Group Co., Ltd. can suppress Zhang Weiping.

Of course, Lao Mouzi in Zhang Weiping's hands cannot be completely separated.

Therefore, a continuous war of words is naturally impossible.

No, after Lu Pingan scolded him severely and labeled him a "traitor", the finishing move came directly.

The top leader of China Film Group came forward as a peacemaker to organize the dinner, which meant that the matter was over.

Of course Lu Pingan agreed. This was what Han Sanpin had predicted early on. Now it seems that Han Sanpin was right and Zhang Weiping was not confused.

So soon, the two sat down at the dinner table.

Mr. Yang, the top leader of China Film Group Corporation, started to have sex with him.

It's wrong to say that Zhang Weiping is wrong. Normal competition is encouraged, but you can't be so bad-mouthed. If you don't have any hatred or resentment, why should you always belittle others?

He also said that the road was safe and it was okay to scold him, but calling him a "traitor" was a bit too much.

Then everyone had a drink, and the matter was over. It ended here, and no one was allowed to mention it in the future.

Lu Ping'an agreed directly.

There is no need to escalate the situation.

It would be better if the matter stays at "traitor".

Zhang Weiping could only swallow his breath temporarily.

The boss’s face must be given.

Of course, things won't end there.

There will always be times when you stumble on your safe journey.

Just wait and see.

Zhang Weiping drank a glass of wine and gritted his teeth.

After the show, Hu Qingquan also mentioned this matter.

"I don't think Zhang Weiping will give up easily, Ping An, you have to be more cautious in the future."

Lu Ping'an nodded: "I know Lao Hu, the advantage is mine now. When I fall down, the advantage lies with the other party. But don't worry, my ambition is not just to defeat a little Zhang Weiping. About In the future, I will prepare more than you imagine. Being invincible may be a bit too much, but it is definitely not something Zhang Weiping can achieve."

"Then I'll keep my eyes open and watch."

"Just take a look!"

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