China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 162 160 Who is the best match for Director Lu?

China Film Group acted as the peacemaker, and the matter ended there for the time being.

Starting from the next day, all major entertainment media tacitly stopped reporting on the incident.

The back-and-forth scolding that the melon-eaters were looking forward to did not happen.

Although everyone will indeed have some regrets, the aftermath of the incident is enough to satisfy everyone.

The big media will not continue to pay attention to the protagonist of the incident, but the small media and the current Internet experts will.

Everyone started discussing the two protagonists, and the styles of the discussion were also one in the south and one in the north, with huge differences.

As a director, Lu Ping'an's films are of excellent quality, his reputation is solid, and he doesn't leave any dark history in his past.

The most talked about topics around him are whether this movie will be successful, what exactly "9527" is, and various interpretations of Lu Ping'an's past movies.

In addition, there are some side chats. For example, everyone is curious about Lu Ping'an, who is almost 22 years old. Does he have a girlfriend and who is his girlfriend?

Some enthusiastic netizens started ranking.

"Who is the best match for Director Lu?"

Ranked first is Xiao Yanzi, because the age, popularity, fame, appearance and other data are balanced and the best match.

Ranked second is Gao Yuanyuan, because Gao Yuanyuan once said that the two of them came out of the same junior high school, and they are childhood sweethearts!

Ranked third is Fan Xiaopang, because he is good-looking and similar in age, only one year older than Lu Ping'an.

Those who objected said that Fan Xiaopang was not worthy and was too coquettish.

After that came Xu Cainü, Zhou Gongzi and others.

Yan Danchen is also on the list, ranked seventh, because the two have collaborated many times.

Those who objected said that the age difference between the two was several years, so a lot of points were deducted.

This kind of ranking is just like Tu Yile, but it can also be regarded as a popularity ranking for current female stars to a certain extent.

Although it is not accurate, being on the list is an interesting exposure for the actresses on the list.

As the conversation continued, everyone's focus shifted to Lu Ping'an's appearance.

Tianya Forum started a small-scale evaluation of the appearance of male celebrities, and then the male celebrities were ranked again.

Lu Ping was placed fifth, and the first to fourth were Takeshi Kaneshiro, Chao Wei, Guan Xi, and Xie Tingfeng respectively.

Seeing A Feng in front of him, Lu Ping'an recognized it on the spot.

Netizens this time don’t understand anything~

Now in early 2004, the Internet is gradually developing, and there are gradually more discussions about this kind of thing.

This has added a lot of fans to Lu Ping An to a certain extent.

On the other hand, Zhang Weiping talked more about all kinds of dirty stuff.

Some people say that Zhang Weiping's appearance caused Lao Mouzi and Gong Huang to break up.

Some people say that before his death, Lao Mouzi's father asked Lao Mouzi to be careful about Zhang Weiping. This person is not credible.

It is also said that Zhang Weiping holds the handle on Lao Mouzi, so that Lao Mouzi can only be controlled by him to make money and so on.

In short, it is all kinds of digging.

Compared with the joyful atmosphere of netizens on Lu Ping An's side, it's like heaven and earth.

I don’t know if Zhang Weiping saw it here, and I don’t know if he would think it was Lu Ping’an who did it after seeing it.

Lu Ping'an didn't care. Anyway, the two were only at peace on the surface, and the next competition was inevitable, so no matter what he thought.

Of course, this also reminded him.

The public opinion position still needs to continue to be strengthened and consolidated.

In addition, you still need to pay more attention to your words and deeds, at least not in the country.

After the incident passed, Lu Ping An's prestige in the industry rose again.

In addition to the bonus of being a Hollywood director, Zhang Weiping was given a bad taste and allowed him to bear the label of "traitor", which also made people in the industry more aware that Lu Ping'an was not just a single person.

Of course, this kind of thing is not a secret, but it will be more prominent now than before.

So various friends contacted each other again for various reasons.

Talk about cooperation, reminiscing about old times, etc.

Including the less familiar actresses who are on the small ranking list.

It's just that Lu Ping'an doesn't have time to care about these now, and he just has reason to reject them all.

He is going to the United States for a trip and is busy.

Batman director officially announced that the road is safe.

There is a lot of excitement in the country, but not many people are bearish.

Because being a Hollywood director means more than the movie itself.

But it's different in the United States.

Batman has good national character in the United States.

Do you want a Chinese to be the director?

How did the Hulk die and forget about it?

Even Li An, who has won awards and received mainstream recognition before, can't do it. As for Lu Ping'an, he only succeeded in a few horror films. How dare he?

For a time, a considerable number of old American movie fans and fans expressed opposition and protest.

This situation is what Warner hopes to see most.

Although such protests cannot affect the commercial contract, everyone is not optimistic about the film's prospects. Isn't this exactly what they want.

So Warner remained silent and waited for things to develop.

The pressure is on the top.

Some investors feel that Peak is a little dizzy, and they have plans to divest from the negotiated investments.

Some have even withdrawn funding because Summit has replied that the director will not be changed.

As a result, out of a total investment of 100 million yuan, about 35 million yuan was originally distributed, but now only about 10 million yuan may be left.

But it doesn’t matter, this is all planned by Lu Ping An.

For others, divestment is a big deal, but for him, as long as the cooperation with several theater chains in terms of distribution is ensured, the rest is not a big problem.

So three days after returning to the United States, Batman's final investment share was decided.

Lu Ping An invested 60 million US dollars himself, and the peak amount increased from 15 million to 26 million, with the remaining 14 million coming from two other companies.

Batman is a big IP after all. Even though he is dead now, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

This kind of IP, which already has a fan base, will have a certain base at the box office.

If you want to make a profit on this basis, you have to take a gamble.

In this regard, the two companies that invested US$14 million, including Wattsberg himself, were betting.

The investment was confirmed, and next came advertising. The advertising aspect also suffered a withdrawal of funding, leaving US$24 million in the end, which will be used as overspend and publicity budget.

The internal matters are settled, and then comes the interview.

At the press conference, faced with various doubts, Lu Ping An issued a domineering declaration:

"It's useless to say anything else. You will know after the trilogy is released. Today you should thank me instead of questioning me."

There is no nonsense on Lu Ping An’s part. It’s useless to talk too much.

Just wait until the movie comes out and let the quality speak for itself.

After the press conference, Lu Pingan returned to the top to look at the progress of James Wan's "Dead Silence" project.

After about a week, "Dead Silence" is about to be completed.

Lu Ping'an encouraged Wen Ziren for a few words and then turned to the shareholders' meeting.

Shareholders are still a little worried. Summit invested 26 million in "Batman", which is their largest single investment in so many years. The payback cycle is not fast, and the payback expectations are not particularly high.

So everyone wanted to discuss the next company's investment.

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